school wide student learning goal progress report night

School-Wide Student Learning Goal Progress-Report Night Mark - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

School-Wide Student Learning Goal Progress-Report Night Mark Bedrosian, Principal Julia Fiedler-Ross, Dean of Academics and Catholics Schools Foundation Apprentice Principal Meeting Objective: At the end of the meeting, we want the SRS

  1. School-Wide Student Learning Goal Progress-Report Night Mark Bedrosian, Principal Julia Fiedler-Ross, Dean of Academics and Catholics Schools Foundation Apprentice Principal

  2. Meeting Objective: At the end of the meeting, we want the SRS Community to be able to answer these questions: 1. Why do we use MAP as a key variable to monitor student growth? 2. Has my student made progress in meeting their growth goals in math and reading? 3. How are grade level cohorts making progress toward growth goals in math and reading? 4. What are we working on the remainder of the year?

  3. 1. Why do we use MAP as a key variable to measure student growth? ● MAP is aligned with the standards we teach in reading and math ● Helps guide teaching in math and reading ○ Teachers corroborate the reliability and validity of MAP with classroom performance

  4. 2. Has my student made progress in meeting their growth goals in math and reading?

  5. Notable characteristics of the three-line graph on the report: The X axis shows yearly test sessions; Y axis shows RIT Range ● The darkest line shows student RIT performance ● The medium lines is the District (Archdiocese of Boston) mean (average) ● The lightest line is the National mean (average) ●

  6. The Goal Performance area below the graph shows the range of performance in relation to domains Possible percentile ranges are Hi (100-81), Hi Average (80-61), Average ● (60-41), Low Average(40-21), Low (21 and below) These domain areas align with MA Common Core Frameworks ● Reading Lexile is a range we do not use for measurement ●

  7. RIT: actual student performance during test session ● RIT Growth number: actual student growth from previous test ● session Always a fall to spring, school year, comparison of ○ performance Winter MAP Report shows progress mid way through the ○ year Growth Projection number: expected student growth from ● previous test session Growth projection higher than RIT Growth: did not grow ○ as projected Growth projection lower than RIT Growth: grew more ○ than projected Growth projection the same as RIT Growth: grew as ○ projected Percentile Range for content area: The closer you are to 50%, the ● closer you are to average performance, nationally Higher than 50%: student performed at a higher level ○ compared to peers, nationally Lower than 50%: student performed at a slower rate ○ compared to peers, nationally

  8. 3. How are grade level cohorts making progress toward growth goals in math and reading?

  9. We regularly review with our entire school community how ● many students show growth in math and reading, statistically significant or not. In addition, we review which students exhibit decreases in math and reading performance and address the reasons why. We regularly review with our entire school community how ● many students score at or above the National Mean and the National Average, as set by NWEA.

  10. Math MAP and Khan Students in grades 1 through 8 can use their Khan accounts, and Math MAP data, to ● generate personalized math study recommendations! The recommendations are designed to help students in grades 1 through 8 improve in ● areas they need extra math practice. Go to the h ttps:// and use Fall 2017 Math RIT ranges ●

  11. 4. What are we working on the remainder of the year?

  12. Work with Teachers in Math and Reading Meet weekly, alternating math and reading ● Cohort goal areas/domains in math and reading ● Lowest goal performance area/domain ○ Some goal areas/domains remain the same from Fall 17 ○ Ex: 4th grade’s goal area is still Geometry ■ Some goal areas/domains have changed since Fall 17 ○ Ex: 6th grade’s goal area was Literature and is now Informational Text ■ Review MA Common Core Framework and how it’s linked to curriculum ● Classroom visits ● Mr. Bedrosian ○ Ms. Fiedler-Ross ○ Reading Specialists ○

  13. Work with Individuals in Math and Reading Why Intervention? Assists students who exhibit chronic underperformance in a specific goal ● areas/domains in math and reading Effects classroom performance because students lack foundational skills in specific ● goal areas/domains Math Intervention ● Occurs once a week after school with Ms. Grogan and Ms. Fiedler-Ross ○ Work on cohort and individual goal areas/domains ○ Reading Intervention ● Occurs during the school day ○ 3 Reading Specialists, one per floor ○ Work on cohort and individual goal areas/domains ○ Already seen students make great progress! ○

  14. Three Year Review 2015-2016 Began to assess student growth using NWEA-MAP ● School-wide goal: All will exhibit growth in reading and math ● Met with families and areas high schools to identify need/goal areas for our ● work; they asked us, “What are you doing to address need/goal areas?” Began to study math performance; revealed existing curriculum shortfalls ● Purchased new common-core math program ● Identified baseline student performance relative to district and nation - in ● good, not great, shape

  15. Three Year Review 2016-2017 School-wide goal: All will exhibit growth in reading and math ● Taught new math, existing common-core ELA/reading curriculums ● Appointed two additional reading interventionists ● Identified ongoing progress and need/goal areas for grade levels, cohorts, ● and individual students Student performance and growth still very good, not great ● Appointed Ms. Fiedler-Ross as Dean to address these three areas ●

  16. Three Year Review 2017-2018 School-wide goal: All will exhibit growth in reading and math ● Teachers began the year working each addressing goal areas, supported by ● Ms. Fiedler-Ross, Mr. Bedrosian, and reading specialists Implemented data-based intervention model: reading in school; math after ● school Intervention is designed for students who exhibit deficit performance in a ● goal area/domain over at least two year time period Intervention is work addressing foundational learning that has not been ● mastered/learned proficiently

  17. 2018-2019 Planning Same school-wide goal: All will exhibit growth in reading and math ● Appoint Ms. Fiedler-Ross Associate Principal of Curriculum and Instruction ● so she can continue weekly work with teachers Rework middle school schedule to allow for similar work as K-Grade 5 ● teachers Begin year-two in our three year, valid, reliable targeting of specific goal ● areas Expect improvement in student performance, in relation to district, nation, ● and actual standards required for high school readiness, to move beyond good to great

  18. Let’s revisit the questions from the start 1. Why do we use MAP as a key variable to monitor student growth? 2. Has my student made progress in meeting their growth goals in math and reading? 3. How are grade level cohorts making progress toward growth goals in math and reading? 4. What are we working on the remainder of the year?

  19. Questions or comments?

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