school reopening scenario planning

School Reopening Scenario Planning June 26, 2020 CDC - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

School Reopening Scenario Planning June 26, 2020 CDC Considerations for Decisions Ability to protect children and employees with higher risks Ability to screen students and employees upon arrival Capacity to promote healthy hygiene

  1. School Reopening Scenario Planning June 26, 2020

  2. CDC Considerations for Decisions ❏ Ability to protect children and employees with higher risks ❏ Ability to screen students and employees upon arrival ❏ Capacity to promote healthy hygiene practices ❏ Capacity to intensify cleaning, disinfection, and ventilation ❏ Ability to social distance ❏ Ability to train all employees on health and safety protocols

  3. Flexibility ● 100% vs 95% per pupil funding for Online School ● 98% of funding at 100th day SY2020 or current ● 180 days of instruction - no flexibility ● Enrollment Stability Grant Requirements ● Distance or Online counts as attending Executive Order

  4. If school resumes in August... 68% Attend LESD School Parent 20% Distance Learning until Survey more closed 6.15.20 comfortable 6% Liberty Online School

  5. In Person Distance School Year 2020 CHOICES Liberty Online Parents choose from multiple options School Hybrid

  6. 1 In-Person, At-School ❏ Assigned a community school teacher(s) ❏ Attend in-person five days per week, Wed. early release ❏ Implement social distancing, hygiene, cleaning protocols, and health monitoring ❏ Honor staff requests for in-person teaching assignment as much as possible

  7. 1 In-Person, At School M-F Guidelines Yes Partial No Class or Cafeteria Seating 6’ apart Lines 6’ apart Hygiene and Health - training, routines, required masks, temp checks Cleaning Bus Seating

  8. Pros ● Most effective teaching and learning ● Restores social interaction for children ● Child care for parents Cons ● Not possible to socially distance with 100% of students returning ● If conditions worsen or State authorities close school, students will shift to 100% distance learning ● COVID spread is worse than when school was closed last spring In-Person, At-School

  9. 2 Distance Learning at Community School ❏ Assigned dedicated community school teachers (6-8 content areas or special areas may be supplemented with distance learning teacher from another school). ❏ Flexibility to shift to in-person teacher at the same school ❏ Access to school community virtual clubs, school activities, and events ❏ Utilize Google Classroom learning platform with daily, scheduled Google Meets with class, small groups, or individual sessions ❏ Utilize District curriculum and pacing similar to in-person learning

  10. Pros ● Curriculum and pacing matched to in-person learning ● Exposure to COVID rate at school for students 0% ● Teachers are solely focused on optimizing the distance student learning experience ● Connected to school community ● Flexibility to shift to in-person learning when conditions improve ● Provides alternative for high risk staff Cons ● More rigid schedule for synchronous Google Meets for instruction from teacher ● Child care for parents ● Students will still need adult support, especially K-3 ● Students miss out on social interaction Distance Learning

  11. 3 Liberty Online School ❏ Students withdraw from community school and enroll for entire year in Liberty Online School ❏ Self-paced direct instruction, practice, and assessment using Edgenuity, a commercial online learning platform ❏ Mostly asynchronous, allowing students flexibility in schedules ❏ Requires learning coaches (adults to support students) ❏ Assigned a Liberty Online School teacher to monitor student success, intervene with a mini lesson, and communicate with parents

  12. Pros ● Self-paced, students can accelerate to meet their potential ● Exposure to COVID rate at school for students 0% ● Flexibility in when students are actively learning, 24/7 ● Provides stability for a year-long virtual learning choice Cons ● Not connected to community school ● Child care for parents ● Students will still need adult support, especially K-3 ● Less social interaction with teacher and peers than Distance Learning ● Very limited flexibility to shift to in-person Liberty Online School

  13. 4 Hybrid ❏ Use either Option 1 or Option 4 for In-Person choice for parents ❏ Reduces population on campus to approximately 50% ❏ Students attend in-person two days a week and three days a week distance. ❏ Or, some students could attend half days in cohorts (transportation is an issue) ❏ Executive Order requires that parents who need a place for their children to go must be provided free learning on the three “distance” days if requested

  14. Sample K-1st HYBRID SCHEDULE Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Cohort A-AM Cohort A-AM Every other Cohort A-AM Cohort A-AM In-Person Cohort B-PM Cohort B-PM Wed Cohort A Cohort B-PM Cohort B-PM Learning or B at School Cohort B-AM Cohort B-AM Cohort B Cohort B-AM Cohort B-AM Distance Cohort A-PM Cohort A-PM Cohort A Cohort A-PM Cohort A-PM Learning at Home

  15. Sample 2nd-8th HYBRID SCHEDULE Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday In-Person Cohort A Cohort A Cohort B Cohort B at School Distance Cohorts Learning Cohort B Cohort B Cohort A Cohort A A & B at Home Family Cohorts

  16. 4 Hybrid Social Distancing Recommendations Yes Partial No Class or Cafeteria Seating 6’ apart Lines 6’ apart Hygiene and Health - training, routines, recommended masks, temp checks Cleaning Bus Seating

  17. Pros ● All children have access to in-person teaching ● Restores social interaction for children ● Reduces exposure risk by 50% for students and staff Cons ● C hild care must be provided for students who do not have a place to go ● K-1 may be on a different schedule than siblings if the cohort model is not consistent kindergarten through 8th grade - childcare issues ● In-person instruction is limited ● Teachers must prepare for both in-person and distance simultaneously Hybrid

  18. Administrative Recommendation Options In Person Distance Learning DECISION Liberty Online School

  19. Liberty Elementary School District


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