MINNEAPOLIS HEALTH DEPARTMENT School ool B Based ed Clinics in Minneapolis Bar Barbara K Kyl yle SCHOOL BASED CLINICS MANAGER Rick Car k Carlson EPIDEMIOLOGIST 1
Minneapolis School Based Clinics 2
SUPPORTING DATA: Birth ths t s to o teen m mot others s in M Minneap apol olis 4
Number of births to teen mothers (ages 15-19 years), Minneapolis, 2000-2016 15-17 18-19 Total (15-19) 1000 820 746 717 644 637 568 581 585 557 523 Number 493 476 454 433 413 419 348 372 372 355 371 360 359 324 277 241 228 294 236 258 236 188 171 160 327 270 263 231 218 196 226 214 197 164 139 112 114 88 89 70 68 0 2000 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 2016 Source: Minnesota vital records 5
Number and percent change of births to teen mothers (ages 15-19 years), by race/ethnicity, 2007-2016 Perce cent c change, , Perce cent c change, , 10 10-ye year 5-ye year Race/ e/ethnicity 2007 2007 2012 2012 2016 2016 (200 2007-2016) 2016) (201 2012-2016) 2016) American Indian 42 17 9 -79% -47% Asian 45 38 7 -84% -82% Black 280 151 104 -63% -31% Hispanic 127 92 64 -50% -30% Multiple races 42 40 24 -43% -40% White 42 29 20 -52% -31% Source: Minnesota vital records Racial/ethnic subgroups are mutually exclusive. American Indian, Asian, black, multiple races, and white subgroups are of non-Hispanic ethnicity. 6
Teen birth rate (per 1,000 females ages 15-19 years), by race/ethnicity, Minneapolis, 2016 75 45 Rate 33 32 29* 18 per 1,000 6* 3 0 Hispanic Black Multiple American Asian White Minneapolis races Indian Sources: Minnesota vital records (births); US Census 2010 (population) Racial/ethnic subgroups are mutually exclusive. American Indian, Asian, black, multiple races, and white subgroups are of non-Hispanic ethnicity. Rates are calculated using the Census 2010 population estimates for females ages 15-19 by racial/ethnic subgroup in Minneapolis, MN. * Rates based on fewer than 20 births annually are unstable and prone to change from year-to-year. 7
Contact us Barbara Kyle School Based Clinics Manager, Health Dept. barbara.kyle@minneapolismn.gov Rick Carlson Epidemiologist, Health Dept. richard.carlson@minneapolismn.gov 8
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