BOMB THREATS • American schools and companies receive thousands of bomb threat calls every year. Very few of these are warnings of real bombs. A large percentage of these calls prove to be hoaxes; however, all bomb threats should be treated seriously. • A bomb threat is generally defined as a verbal threat to detonate an explosive or incendiary device to cause property damage or injuries, whether or not such a device actually exists. The person who receives the threat will, in most cases, be the only person who has contact with the caller. It is therefore imperative that the initial contract person extract as much information as possible from the caller.
SCARC BOMB THREAT PROTOCOL The SCARC Bomb Threat Call Procedure & Checklist should be posted in every program.
Bomb Th Threat Call ll Procedures Most bomb threats are received by phone. They are considered serious until proven otherwise. • Treat all bomb threat calls as “ The Real Thing,” even if the caller sounds juvenile or sounds like he/she is playing a prank. • The U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms reports that 1,693 bomb threats were reported in 2014. • The top three targeted categories were Schools, Offices & Businesses, and Residential structures.
201 2014 Bomb Th Threats ts in in the the U.S .S.
2014 Bombings in in th the U.S .S. • The U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms reports that 642 bombing incidents were reported in 2014. • Approximately 44% of all bombing targets that year were residential in nature. • There were 5 reported church bombings. • There were 15 school bombings. • There were 15 bombings incidents where government structures were targeted. • In total, 437 victims were injured and 38 killed. • 17 suspects were injured and 3 killed. 2014 Explosion Incidents: Types & Sub-Types • 18 law enforcement officers were injured. • One firefighter was injured.
2014 Bom omb Th Threat t Hoa oax In Incid idents in n the the U.S .S. • The U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms reports that 632 bomb threat hoax incidents were reported in 2014. • The most commonly reported hoax incident targets were residential structures, offices & businesses, and educational institutions. • Nine government & corrections institutions were targeted. • Eight health care facilities were targeted. • Seven bomb threat hoax incidents were reported on religious institutions.
Bomb Threat Call Procedures Bomb Threat Checklist Bomb Threat Call all Procedures Most bomb threats are received by phone. They are Date:________________ Time:_________________ considered serious until proven otherwise. If a bomb threat is received by phone: If a bomb threat is received by phone: Time Caller Phone # where call was If a bomb threat is received by phone: 1) Remain calm. Keep the caller on the line as long as possible. DO NOT HANG UP , even if the caller does. 2) Signal to a co-worker; write a note, to call 911 using a different phone. 3) Listen carefully. Be polite and show interest. immediately following or when possible. Try to remember the exact words. 4) If your phone has caller ID, write down the number. 5) Complete the Bomb Threat Checklist as the conversation proceeds, or DISCONNECT THE CALL. 6) Upon termination of the conversation, DO NOT HANG UP THE PHONE OR 8) The AOC and Chief Executive Officers are to be notified. chain system, notify all to evacuate the building and await the police. 7) Upon termination of the conversation, using the office intercom, or phone DO NOTs: Do not use two-way radios or cell phone; radio signals have the potential to detonate a bomb. Do not activate the fire alarm. Hung Up: _____________ received: _____________ Do not touch or move a suspicious package. 1) Remain calm. Keep the caller on the line as long as Ask caller: possible. DO NOT HANG UP , even if the caller does. 1) Remain calm. Keep the caller on the line as long as possible. DO NOT HANG Where is the bomb located? 2) Signal to a co-worker; write a note, to call 911 using (Building, floor, room, etc) _______________________ a different phone. UP , even if the caller does. When will it go off? _____________________________ 3) Listen carefully. Be polite and show interest. What does it look like? __________________________ 4) If your phone has caller ID, write down the number. 2) Signal to a co-worker; write a note, to call 911 using a different phone. What kind of bomb is it? _________________________ 5) Complete the Bomb Threat Checklist as the What will make it explode? _______________________ conversation proceeds, or immediately following or Did you place the bomb? Yes or No 3) Listen carefully. Be polite and show interest. when possible. Try to remember the exact words. Why? ________________________________________ 6) Upon termination of the conversation, DO NOT What is your name? _____________________________ 4) If your phone has caller ID, write down the number. HANG UP THE PHONE OR DISCONNECT THE CALL. Exact words of threat : 7) Upon termination of the conversation, using the _____________________________________________ 5) Complete the Bomb Threat Checklist as the conversation proceeds, or office intercom, or phone chain system, notify all to evacuate the building and await the police. _____________________________________________ 8) The AOC and Chief Executive Officers are to be _____________________________________________ immediately following or when possible. Try to remember the exact words. notified. _____________________________________________ 6) Upon termination of the conversation, DO NOT HANG UP THE PHONE OR Information about the caller: If a bomb threat is received by handwritten note: Where is the caller located: (Background and level of noise) 1) Call 911 DISCONNECT THE CALL. _____________________________________ 2) Handle the note as minimally as possible Estimated age: ______________________________ 3) Using the office intercom, or phone chain system, Is voice familiar? If so who does it sound like? 7) Upon termination of the conversation, using the office intercom, or phone notify all to evacuate the building and await the __________________________________________ police. Caller Voice Background sounds Threat Language chain system, notify all to evacuate the building and await the police. If a bomb threat is received by email: _Accent _Animal Noises _ Incoherent _Angry _House Noises _ Message read 1) Call 911 8) The AOC and Chief Executive Officers are to be notified. _Calm _ Kitchen Noises _Taped 2) Do not delete the message. _Clearing throat _Street Noises _Irrational 3) Using the office intercom, or phone chain system, _Coughing _Booth _Profane notify all to evacuate the building and await the _Cracking voice _PA System _Well spoken _Crying _Conversation police. _Deep _Music _Deep breathing _Motor DO NOTs: Signs of a suspicious package: _Disguised _ Clear -No return address -Poorly handwritten _Distinct _Static Do not use two-way radios or cell phone; radio signals have the potential to -Excessive postage -Misspelled words _Excited _Office machinery _Female _ Factory machinery -Stains -Incorrect titles _Laughter _ Local -Strange odor -Foreign postage detonate a bomb. _Lisp _ Long distance -Strange sounds -Restrictive notes _Loud Do not activate the fire alarm. -Unexpected delivery _ Male _ Nasal _ Normal DO NOTs: Do not touch or move a suspicious package. _ Ragged Do not use two-way radios or cell phone; radio _ Rapid signals have the potential to detonate a bomb. _ Raspy _Slow _Slurred _Stutter Do not activate the fire alarm. ************************************************************** Completed by (print):____________________________________________ Do not touch or move a suspicious package. Signature: __ _____________________________Date: _________________
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