Scan4Safety - Benefits Marie VuLeanza Benefits and Change Lead
Welcome Marie VuLeanza, Benefits and Change Lead, Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust
Overview of Benefits Based on the initial findings from the six demonstrator sites, it is estimated that for a typical NHS Hospital Trust, the benefits could be: Released clinical time to care • Equivalent to 16 band five nurses per Trust, or 2,400 band five nurses across the NHS Reduction of inventory • Averaging £1.5 million per Trust, or £216 million across the NHS Ongoing operational efficiencies • £2.4 million per Trust annually, or £365 million across the NHS
Key Benefits Reduced stock Reduced stock Automated Cash wastage levels stock ordering releasing £ HSJ Roundtable on Procurement, July 2013 • The NHS procures 1.7m different items Positive patient Released Improved Increased • identification clinical time to product efficiencies 61 Trusts purchased 1750 different cannulae care traceability • One Trust bought 177 different types of rubber gloves
Hard Benefits Reduction: • Stock: • Pharmacy: £329,296, a 23.06% reduction in stock holding reduction • Theatres: £65,676 in MT, DSU and Anaesthetic* • Cardiology: £39,000 through stock management, reducing over- stocking* Cash Releasing: • Cost Avoidance: • Pharmacy: £356,647 for recycling of products prior to expiry • Orthopaedic: £51,893 or the exchange of out-of-date stock* • Standardisation: • Loan Kit Reduction: £7017, but will be £14,060 after this FY £18,663 • Knee Consolidation: £69,349* • Staff Releasing: • Estates: £11,000 for 1 FTE released • Finance: £22,388 for 1 FTE released • Contract Negotiation: • Procurement: £9,100 for software renegotiation • Efficiency: • Consignment Stock Racks: £15,000*
Hard Benefits
Hard Benefits Other Imminent Benefits To Follow: • Rationalisation: • Theatre Trays: £23,517 – will increase as further trays are rationalised • Standardisation: • Consolidated Multiple Initiative Savings: £18,183* • Consolidated Multiple Initiative Savings: £19,420 Total Financial Benefit (Cumulative): £1,056,149 £259,101 – Benefit Type: One Off* £797,048 – Benefit Type: Reoccurring
Improved waste management Reduced stock wastage Do you know what your current rate of stock expiration is? Do you know how much stock you waste? Through Scan4Safety, we now do
Improved waste management Reduced stock wastage ORTHOPAEDICS CARDIOLOGY £165,800 of £24,500 of expired expired Stock Stock found found £11,500 Trust Do you know what your current rate of stock £55,607 Trust expiration is? owned owned Do you know how much stock you waste? Through Scan4Safety, we now do
Expiry Management Policy and Procedure • Ensure that products booked in are ≥ to 24 months of expiration • If products are ≤ 18 months of expiration: • Seek clinical guidance for likelihood of utilisation within 6 months • If high probability of utilisation, then ensure to rotate and monitor stock • If low probability of utilisation, then contact supplier to discuss the Terms and Conditions of for exchange of items • Discuss with Logistics Manager Terms and Conditions
Soft Benefits Time Releasing: • Pharmacy: • Introduction of new Inventory Management System: 6.6 hours a month (20 minutes/day) saved though reduction in manual practices • Upgrade of Robot to enable 2D scanning – reduced manual expiry date checks saving 17% of 1 FTE • e -Ordering: Increased from 67.41% to 80.44% • Cardiology: • 2.5 hours saved per week (two Band 6 cardiology staff) Operational Efficiency: • Orthopaedics: • Stock Rack: £15,000 of stock racks to improve organization of stocks
How to benchmark Scan4Safety Survey: • Orthopaedics : • Patient Safety and Clinical Operations: • Expired product • Time spent on non-clinical duties Patient Safety: • Patient and Product Identification: • Improved accuracy of patient/product identification. Scanning Wristband/Point of Use (POU). • Product Recall: • Improved product recall process: • Product recall procedures; Measure SOP actions, relevance and efficiency; ease of process. • Product recall man hours: • Product recall procedures; Measure time, action, # of people, and cost of recall process at baseline (prior to SOP) and post SOP. Patient Experience: • Patient Treatment: • Reduction of procedure cancellation, postponement, and delays: • Cancelled procedures due to equipment failure or unavailability of product/equipment
Non-Clinical Time Time Spent on Non-Clinical Duties Per Day 8% 13% < 1 HR 1 -2 HRS > 2 HRS NO RESPONSE 60% 19%
Non-Clinical Time Details of Non-Clinical Duties 36% STOCK ADMIN 51% NO RESPONSE 13%
Locating Stock/Missing Items 4% 13% 26% ONCE/DAY > 1/DAY 2 - 3 TIMES/WEEK NO RESPONSE 57%
Key Learnings • Be prepared to spend time observing , process mapping and challenging existing processes to unlock potential benefits. • Ensure benefits are clearly identified and tracked from outset . • Soft benefits can be just as important as financial savings. • Familiarise yourself with all the benchmarking tools available to you. @SFTScan4Safety
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