scaling and local limits of baxter permutations and

Scaling and local limits of Baxter permutations and bipolar - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Scaling and local limits of Baxter permutations and bipolar orientations through coalescent-walk processes Jacopo Borga UZH ZRICH (joint work with M. Maazoun) Permuton limits Bipolar orientations and walks in cones Coalescent-walk

  1. Scaling and local limits of Baxter permutations and bipolar orientations through coalescent-walk processes Jacopo Borga UZH ZÜRICH (joint work with M. Maazoun)

  2. Permuton limits

  3. Bipolar orientations and walks in cones

  4. Coalescent-walk processes

  5. Scaling limits of coalescent-walk processes

  6. Final comments


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