satellite based remote

satellite-based remote sensing technology from Japan Tsugit ito - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Information services using satellite-based remote sensing technology from Japan Tsugit ito Nagano ano Deputy ty Manag ager / B Business s Deve velopment lopment Division ision / Solution tion Servic vice Departm tment nt Remote

  1. Information services using satellite-based remote sensing technology from Japan Tsugit ito Nagano ano Deputy ty Manag ager / B Business s Deve velopment lopment Division ision / Solution tion Servic vice Departm tment nt Remote e Sensing ing Tech chnolo logy gy Center er of Japan (R (REST STEC) EC)

  2. RE mote S ensing TE chnology C enter of Japan The c he cor ore or e organ ganiz ization f tion for or sa satell tellite ite-based based remote s emote sensing ensing tec technologies in J hnologies in Japan pan Mor ore than 40 y e than 40 year ears, , RE RESTEC w C wor orks ks f for or EO mis missions ions mainl mainly entr entrus usted by ted by the the Japan pan Ae Aeros ospac pace E e Expl xplor oration tion Ag Agenc ency . . (JAXA) AXA) Capa Ca pacity city De Develop elopmen ment; t; More th Mor than 4,00 ,000 tr traine inees s from fr om 55 55 cou count ntries ries Five Fiv e bus busines iness Domains Domains in in RE RESTEC Nowadays, focusing on “developing solutions” - no not l t limi imite ted d to to sa sate tell llite ite - no not l t limi imite ted d to to R&D R&D - ex) x) pad paddy dy fiel field, d, dr droug ought/ ht/flood, flood, land subsi land subsiden dence. ce. vessels essels tracking tr ing etc tc.. .. 2 Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan All rights reserved RES TEC 2014 1

  3. For Climate Change Adaptation (demonstrating at Fiji, Samoa and Vanuatu) with introducing Ministry of the Environment Japan (MOEJ ) ‘s project “Developing methodology to evaluate climate change impact in Small Island States” implemented by RESTEC in association with the University of Tokyo, KANAZAWA University and Broad Band Tower Inc.

  4. Key Technology : Satellite based Digital Surface Model (DSM) 4 Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan All rights reserved RES TEC 2016

  5. Key Technology : Satellite based Digital Surface Model (DSM) Coverage map for AW3D DSM made by Japanese Satellite (JAXA’s satellite “ALOS”) 30 m version -> Free of Charge. You can download from JAXA website 5 Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan All rights reserved RES TEC 2016

  6. Key Technology : Satellite Derived Bathymetry (SDB) • Z: Depth Sun • L:radiance recorded by satellite sensor E sun Satellite Ls i L i i: band number • R: sea bottom reflectance • La: Coefficient about Sun • irradiance and transmittance Lg i in atmosphere Sea • K: Diffuse attenuation surface coefficient F: Geometric factor • K i Z Ls: radiance scatted in • R i atmosphere and sea surface Bottom surface • Lg: radiance of sunglint effect Radiance model in coastal water L i = La i ・ R i ・ exp (‐ K i ・ F ・ Z) + Ls i + Lg i (W/m 2 /sr/ μm ) Depth estimation model by Lyzenga (1978) Following the increase of N (number 𝑂 ( 𝑌 𝑗 = ln ( L i − Lsi − Lgi ) ) 𝑎 = 𝛾 0 + σ 𝑗=1 𝛾 𝑗 𝑌 𝑗 of bands ) , accuracy also increases 6 Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan All rights reserved RES TEC 2016

  7. Satellite Derived Bathymetry (by Tatsuyuki Sagawa, RESTEC)

  8. Key Technology : Computing simulation for wave height / direction  Estimated water depth by SDB at Takara Bay, Efate island, Vanuatu  Simulation to reproduce wave height and direction condition at TC Pam case (by University of Tokyo) 8 Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan All rights reserved RE STEC 2016

  9. Key Technology : Applying Climate Change Scenario The contents will be developed with; 3 scenarios - RCP 2.6 - RCP 4.5 - RCP 8.5 3 return period - 50 years - 100 years - 200 Years (by Kanazawa Univ.) 9 Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan All rights reserved RE STEC 2016

  10. 3D Hazard Map (trial version) 10 Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan All rights reserved RE STEC 2016

  11. For Dissemination: Develop “real” 3D map with projected hazard information The demonstration system with hazard map for Suva, Fiji was displayed at Japan pavilion at COP23 meeting 11 Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan All rights reserved RE STEC 2016

  12. Application of Storm surge/wave hazard information (Future vision) Make presentations Infrastructure Display to policy makers & development stakeholders plans & Climate Storm surge adaptation plans /wave Shoreline storm surge in Practical business hazards /wave hazards SIDS coastal assessment estimation area Estimate hazards of each target area Possible funding /loan condition Sea depth, DEM, LU/LC etc. Data source: Satellite, Lidar etc. Offshore wave height Dataset for each Operate the stochastic Open to public ? Climate scenario typhoon model /return period

  13. For Agriculture [potential contribution to the Pacific]

  14. AO-GEOSS Task 5: food security and agriculture GEOGLAM/Asia-RiCE Asia-RiCE (Asia Rice Crop Estimation & Monitoring) is a program led by JAXA and CNES, with more than 20 Asian space agencies and ministries of agriculture, as well as international organizations such as ASEAN/AFSIS, UN/FAO, and IRRI ( POCs:,, • ADB projects, APRSAF/SAFE ID Target Agricultural Products projects and GEORICE projects have successfully demonstrated INAHOR, P1 Rice Crop Area Estimates/Maps using SAR data to achieve mapping accuracies of 80-90% for the target provinces P2 Crop Calendars/Crop Growth Status • Scaling-up for major rice producing areas (planting area and growing P3 Crop Damage Assessment stages) are currently demonstrated in Vietnam and Indonesia P4 Agro-meteorological Information Products • Continuing work on rice crop outlooks for Asia using EO data in cooperation P5 Production Estimation and with ASEAN Forecasting 02 Sept 2017 • Assessing the impact of typhoons on rice production in The Philippines using EO data (in cooperation with PSA and ADB) • GEOSS-AP AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SECURITY WG was held to Agricultural share Asia-RiCE accomplishments damage and linkages with the SDGs estimation using multi-temporal ALOS-2 data Challenges / next steps / events:  GEOGLAM sessions at ACRS, APRSAF Space Applications WG (India) and the JECAM/Asia-RiCE meeting (Chinese Taipei)  Scale-up of CH 4 measurements to regional-scale, for MRV using SAR/optical data with GHG observations from space  Data fusion / integrated usage and inter-comparison (L/X/C-Band SARs + very high and medium resolution optical)

  15. Earth Observation Satellites Contribute to Food Security and Agriculture + Ground Observation + Models Agriculture-Related Products Soil Moisture Precipitation Land Surface Temperature Solar Radiation (PAR) Drought Index Vegetation Index Planted Area Crop Calendar etc. Agriculture-related Services Statistics Early Warning Damage Asses. Farming 15

  16. Product : Damage Assessment Typhoon Lando hit Philippines (13-21 October 2015) Digital Typhoon (Prof. Kitamoto, NII, Japan) Observed by Himawari-8 Japanese Geostationary Satellite

  17. Agricultural Damage Estimation by Multi-Temporal ALOS-2 • Damage (yield decrease) were estimated by using ALOS-2 data (before/after flooding). Before Flood (27 Sep 2015) After Flood (20 Oct 2015) 17

  18. Pro roduct t : Ag Agro ro-me mete teorol rologica cal Monito tor r for r As Asia-RiCE • JASM SMIN provides satellite-based precipitation, drought index, solar radiation, land surface temperature, soil moisture, and vegetation index (updated twice a month). • Map, T ime-series plot, and text data are available. Top Page Map Time-serie ries plot http://suzak aku.eorc.jax axa. jp/JASMI MIN/in index.htm tml [Oyoshi et al., JSPRS., 2016]

  19. Example: Rice Growt wth Outlook k in V ietnam Rice Growth Outlook (September 2016) Precipitation Precipitation anomaly in first (Hanoi Province) half of September Vietnam In the North th, the seeding of autumn-winter rice (wet season rice) is completed. The sown area is around 1.1 million ha, accounting for 99.2% of the last year area. The weather ther in the North th is not good for paddy due to storm m and flood. In the South, the summer-autumn rice enters a harvesting time. The harvested area is around 1.0 million ha ….. Satellite deri rived agro-met information can support to judge ge rice growth.

  20. Rice Gr Growth th Ou Outl tlook to to GE GEOG OGLAM AM for r F AO AOAM AMIS IS Market Monit itor is published by FAO.AM AMIS IS on monthly basis to assess international agricultural market situation and outlo look of wheat, maize, rice, and soybe beans. Ric ice Gr Growt wth Outlo look Agro- met Data AFSIS Phase-1 Phase-2 Thailand Indonesia Vietnam Philippines Cambodia Laos Myanmar Agricult ltural Statisticians Monthly y Rice Growt wth Outlo look k is report rted to GEOGLAM for FAO/AMI MIS

  21. I ntroduction JAXA’s satellite and service Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation


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