remote working toolkit remote work best practices

Remote Working Toolkit Remote Work Best Practices Remote work - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Remote Working Toolkit Remote Work Best Practices Remote work provides a unique & exciting opportunity: with just a few tweaks to your homelife and routine, your productivity and personal well-being can be maximized. This document

  1. Remote Working Toolkit

  2. Remote Work Best Practices Remote work provides a unique & exciting opportunity: with just a few tweaks to your homelife and routine, your productivity and personal well-being can be maximized. This document recommends best practices for optimizing your working-from-home experience. 2 Collaborative Solutions | Proprietary and Confidential

  3. ORGANISATION Proactively set and document goals, deliverables and timelines on a regular basis. Structure your recurring meetings in advance, targeting the completion of set goals. Establish a work-from-home start & finish time and share working expectations with your managers, clients, and project team members. Structure regular touchpoints to replace social workplace interactions. Encourage regular check-ins to replace coffee breaks to increase morale and boost productivity. Establish a routine and prepare getting ready for a day working from home as you would for coming into work. Schedule time to complete chores outside of working hours. 3 Collaborative Solutions | Proprietary and Confidential

  4. COLLABORATION If possible, enable video for your meetings. Video helps establish presence and connection with your meeting participants. If you are leading the session, assign a moderator to establish ground rules and to take notes. Ensure meetings have a clear goal and agenda. Pre-reads should be sent out in advance. Be mindful of others on calls, provide the platform and the confidence for quiet or reserved attendees to speak up. Document and circulate concise, detailed notes after each meeting. 4 Collaborative Solutions | Proprietary and Confidential

  5. WELL-BEING Regularly check in Make time for Recycle your Make space Standardize your with team breaks, lunch, and commute time between business new remote members to avoid exercise when you into something for calls to catch up routine and feelings of can. you, examples with colleagues on remember to isolation and may include more a personal level. switch off at the Be aware of loneliness. time with your end of the day. potential signs of family or taking up burnout in a hobby. yourself and in others. 5 Collaborative Solutions | Proprietary and Confidential

  6. WORKSPACE Confirm hardware setup: Consider upgrading hardware, like Use high-speed, hard-wired, reliable laptop/desktop with microphone your monitor and wireless mouse to internet with both fast upload and and webcam, headset, & mobile. enhance your working experience. download speeds. Proactively install communication Designate a separate, quiet software that will support Invest in a comfortable desk and workplace that will minimize interacting with management, chair. Your back will thank you! audible and visual distractions. clients, and project team members. Play music in the background if it helps you to focus. 6 Collaborative Solutions | Proprietary and Confidential

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