San an Diego Lan andlord Incen entive e Programs
Hello llo! I am Kel elly D Duffek ek. I am here to discuss the County of San Diego’s Landlord Incentive Program.
Hello llo! I am Mel elissa Pet eter erman. I am here to discuss the San Diego Housing Commission’s (SDHC) Landlord Incentive Program.
Why L Landl dlord d Engagem emen ent? Private market landlords are critical partners in the work to help people quickly exit homelessness.
Stable housing is the foundation on which people build their lives. - U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness “
Housing A Access in San D Diego ◉ Affordable Housing ◉ Vacancy Rates ◉ Barriers In addition to low vacancy rates and difficulty finding units, individuals experiencing homelessness often face overwhelming barriers to obtaining housing.
Outrea each & Rec ecruitmen ent In an effort to recruit landlords, our agencies engage in comprehensive outreach and recruiting processes using a variety of marketing tools.
Incentives es & B Benef efits Staff Financial Increased Support Bonus Efficiency
“It’s just one m mor ore op opportunity you have t to f find a a g goo ood viable tena nant nt. It i is a a rewarding ng thing ng – you’re e ben enef efitting s someone e who has c contributed to u us … ”
Co Contac acting us i is e eas asy! Count nty of San n Diego Ca Call 2 2 – 1 1 - 1 Or vis isit it 21 1 help-end-homelessness
Co Contac acting us i is e eas asy! 619-578-7768 /SDHousingCommission
Than anks! An Any ques estions ?
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