sample size power sample size and the fdr

Sample Size Power, Sample Size, and the FDR How many observations - PDF document

Sample Size Power, Sample Size, and the FDR How many observations do we need? Depends on Peter Dalgaard Design Standard error of measurements Department of Biostatistics Effect size University of Copenhagen How sure you

  1. Sample Size Power, Sample Size, and the FDR “How many observations do we need?” Depends on Peter Dalgaard • Design • Standard error of measurements Department of Biostatistics • Effect size University of Copenhagen • How sure you want to be of finding it Center for Bioinformatics, Univ.Copenhagen, June 2005 Reminders Variation of Observations and Means (Continuous data) One-sample (or paired, differences): dnorm(x, sd = sqrt(1/20)) � SEM = s × 1 / n 1.5 Significance if | ¯ x − µ 0 | 1.0 > t . 975 ( DF ) SEM 0.5 Two-sample: � SEDM = s × 1 / n 1 + 1 / n 2 0.0 | ¯ x 1 − ¯ x 2 | −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 SEDM > t . 975 ( DF ) x t . 975 ( DF ) ≈ 2. Notice that SE(D)M decreases with n . t Test Type I and Type II Errors 0.4 0.3 A test of a hypothesis can go wrong in two ways: dt(t, 38) Type I error: Rejecting a true null hypothesis 0.2 Type II error: Accepting a false null hypothesis 0.1 Error probabilities: α resp. β α : Significance level (0.05, e.g.) 0.0 1 − β : Power – probability of detecting difference −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 Notice that the power depends on the effect size as well as on t the number of observations and significance level. • If there is no (true) difference then there is little chance of getting an observation in the tails • If there is a difference, then the center of the distribution is shifted. Calculating n – Preliminaries Power, Sketch of Principle • (First consider one-sample case) 0.4 • Wish to find difference of δ = µ − µ 0 (“clinically relevant 0.3 difference”), dnorm(x) 0.2 • Naive guess: n should satisfy δ = 2 × SEM? • But the observed difference is not precisely δ . It is smaller 0.1 with 50% probability, and then it wouldn’t be significant. 0.0 • We need to make SEM so small that there is a high probability of getting a significant result −2 0 2 4 6 x (x axis in units of SEM)

  2. Size of SEM relative to δ Calculating n (Notice: These formulas assume known SD. Watch out if n is very small. More accurate formulas in R’s power.t.test ) Just insert SEM = σ/ √ n in δ = 3 . 24 × SEM and solve for n : z p quantiles in normal distribution, z 0 . 975 = 1 . 96, etc. Two-tailed test, α = 0 . 05, power 1 − β = 0 . 90 n = ( 3 . 24 × σ/δ ) 2 δ = ( 1 . 96 + k ) × SEM (for two-sided test at level α = 0 . 05, with power 1 − β = 0 . 90) k is distance between middle and right peak in slide 8. Find k General formula for arbitrary α and β : so that there is a probability of 0.90 of observing a difference of at least 1 . 96 × SEM. n = (( z 1 − α/ 2 + z 1 − β ) × ( σ/δ )) 2 = ( σ/δ ) 2 × f ( α, β ) next slide k = − z 0 . 10 = z 0 . 90 z 0 . 90 = 1 . 28, so δ = 3 . 24 × SEM A Useful Table Two-Sample Test Optimal to have equal group sizes. Then � 2 SEDM = s × f ( α, β ) = ( z 1 − α/ 2 + z 1 − β ) 2 n and we get (two-tailed test, α = 0 . 05, 1 − β = 0 . 90) β α 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 n = 2 × 3 . 24 2 × ( σ/δ ) 2 0.1 10.82 8.56 6.18 2.71 0.05 12.99 10.51 7.85 3.84 e.g. for δ = σ : n = 2 × ( 3 . 24 ) 2 = 21 . 0, i.e., 21 per group. 0.02 15.77 13.02 10.04 5.41 Or in general n = 2 × ( σ/δ ) 2 × f ( α, β ) 0.01 17.81 14.88 11.68 6.63 Multiple Tests The False Discovery Rate • Basic idea: We have a family of m null hypotheses, some • Traditional significance tests and power calculations are of which are false (i.e. there is an effect on those “genes”) designed for testing one and only one null hypothesis • “On average”, we have a table like • Modern screening procedures (microarrays, genome Accept Reject Total scans) generate thousands of individual tests True hypotheses a 0 r 0 m 0 • One traditional approach is the Bonferroni correction : False hypotheses a 1 r 1 m 1 Adjust p values by multiplication with number of tests. Total a r m • This controls the familywise error rate (FWE) : Risk of • FDR = r 0 / r proportion of rejects that are from true making at least one Type I error hypotheses • However, this tends to give low power. An alternative is the • Compare FWE: probability that r 0 > 0. FDR at same level False Discovery Rate (FDR) allows more Type I errors if not all null hypotheses are true. Controlling the FDR Assumptions for Step-Up Procedure • Works if tests are independent • The FDR sounds like a good idea, but you don’t know r 0 , • — Or positively correlated (which is not necessarily the so what should you do? case) • Benjamini and Hochberg step-up procedure: • Benjamini and Yekutieli: Replace q with q / ( � m 1 1 / i ) in the • Ensures that the FDR is at most q under some procedure and FDR is less than q for any correlation assumptions pattern. • Sort the unadjusted p values • Notice that tbe divisor in the B-Y procedure is quite big: • Compare in turn with q × i / m and reject until ≈ ln m − 0 . 5772. For m = 10000 it is 9.8. non-significance • The B-Y procedure is probably way too conservative in • I.e. the first critical value is as in Bonferroni correction, the practice 2nd is twice as big, etc. • Resampling procedures seem like a better approach to the correlation issue

  3. FDR and Sample Size Calculations • This is tricky . . . • VERY recent research. I don’t think there is full consensus about what to do • Interesting papers coming up in Bioinformatics (April 21, Advance Access) • Pawitan et al. • Sin-Ho Jung


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