Safety Management System Inviting Authorised Booking Service Providers November 2018
Overview • Safety standards for booking service providers • Safety management system • Identify risks and hazards • Conducting a risk assessment • Safety audit 2
Point to Point Transport (Taxis and Hire Vehicles) Act 2016 • The Point to Point Transport (Taxis and Hire Vehicles) Act 2016 regulates the provision of passenger services (and bookings of these services) in all vehicles with 12 seats or less, including the driver • Authorised Booking Service Providers are responsible for ensuring their business operates legally under the Point to Point Transport (Taxis and Hire Vehicles) Act 2016 and comply with any conditions of authorisation Authorised Booking Service Providers need to develop and maintain their own safety management system which is suitable for their business model. Authorised Service Providers including duty officers (e.g. company director or manager) must ensure that their safety management system is effectively meeting the safety standards as outlined in the current regulatory framework. 3
Safety Standards VEHICLES: BOOKED ONLY • Registration and maintenance • Insurance • Wheelchair Accessibility DRIVERS: BOOKED • Signs and markings ONLY • Motorcycle safety standards • Disqualifying offences • Safety Management • Medical fitness System • Driver licence • Ineligible drivers • Wheelchair competence 4
What is a Safety Management System? A safety management system details how you identify, record and manage any risks associated with your services, and how you meet safety standards outlined in the current regulatory framework. A Safety Management System will identify and record: • reasonably foreseeable risks to the health and safety of drivers passengers and others • the control measures taken to eliminate or minimise the risks, and • what is done to maintain the control measures 5
Duty of care • Service providers have a primary duty of care to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety of drivers and other persons while they are engaged in providing a passenger service You will need an SMS which Need to The law records consider The Point to You must hazards & gives you what is Point risks eliminate or flexibility as ‘reasonably controls Industry minimise to how you compliance practicable’ Portal will risks manage with safety in managing assist standards risks risks consultation 6
Reasonably Practicable Reasonably practicable means doing what is reasonably able to be done to ensure the health and safety of drivers and others . Authorised Booking Service Providers should take into account: • the likelihood of the hazard or risk occurring • the degree of harm from the hazard or risk • what you reasonably should know about ways of eliminating or minimising the hazard or risk • the availability and suitability of ways to eliminate or minimise the risk • cost 7
What is a hazard and what is a risk? Risk = Hazard + Exposure 8
Implement effective control measures to eliminate or minimise the risks: 9
How to conduct a risk assessment • Identify the hazard and decide who might get harmed 1 • Likelihood and severity of getting harmed 2 • Evaluate the risk and decide on control measures 3 • Identify who will be responsible 4 • Record your findings and implement 5 • Review and up-date when necessary 6 10
Risk rating: HIGH MEDIUM LOW Example of rating driver at risk from passenger violence and aggression: Drivers working Drivers working in high Drivers working on a alone at night in demand period (e.g. normal day shift. isolated areas sporting events and holiday periods) 11
Risk Assessment Matrix Major Medium High High (Consequence) Impact of Risk Moderate Medium Medium High Minor Low Medium Medium Unlikely Moderately High Likely Seriousness of Risk= Likelihood x Impact Likelihood 12
Level of control measures 13
Risk Assessment Table Hazard Likelihood Severity Risk Recommended Responsible rating controls Pick up Likely Death or Very 1. Pick up and Booking and drop permanent high drop off policy Service off points injury Provider for 2. Procedures passengers regarding Director driver instructions Operations Manager 3. Incorporated in driver on- boarding On-boarding Officer - - 14
Key Elements of Safety Management System 15
SMS Policy: Your Safety Policy describes your objective and commitment to safety You can develop a safety policy which is suitable for model and size of your business. Or Or Or any other option suitable for your business …… 16
SMS Policy: Easy to access Incorporate into staff/driver induction and training materials Signed off by senior management 17
SMS management accountabilities, responsibilities and communications Appoint a representative to maintain, oversee and implement the SMS Document and communicate responsibilities Keep staff up to date with changes 18
Risk Management Develop, maintain and timely review of risk register suitable for your business Implement, maintain and record risk controls Identify and develop strategies for dealing with high risk issues 19
Monitoring health and safety Develop procedures to manage employees health and fitness for work Develop and maintain fatigue management program based on your risk assessment Develop and maintain drug and alcohol program based on your risk assessment 20
On-boarding, training and education Develop on-boarding program to include SMS training Training program to address safety criteria listed in your SMS policy Record and maintain, employee and driver training database 21
Monitoring incident/accident Record incidents/accidents Report Notifiable Occurrences to the Point to Point Transport Commissioner in the approved format as soon as practicable after becoming aware of the accident or incident Develop process to evaluate incidents/accidents Develop process to implement recommendations arising from incidents/accidents 22
Review and evaluation Review your SMS policies and procedures Determine who conducts the review Update your SMS policies and procedures 23
Audit Action The safety audit tool has been developed to assist service providers to comply with safety standard obligations under the Point to Point Transport (Taxis and Hire Vehicles) Act 2016 and Point to Point Transport (Taxis and Hire Vehicles) Regulation 2017. Advisory Visit Audit Notice Audit Visit Audit Report Audit outcome letter with/without notice/s 24
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