s afety as a p roject

S AFETY AS A P ROJECT P RIORITIZATION F ACTOR presented to TRB - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

MPO G UIDEBOOK FOR U SING S AFETY AS A P ROJECT P RIORITIZATION F ACTOR presented to TRB Tools of the Trade presented by Audrey Wennink September 13, 2016 Project Overview Literature on Transportation Safety Planning has noted deficiencies

  1. MPO G UIDEBOOK FOR U SING S AFETY AS A P ROJECT P RIORITIZATION F ACTOR presented to TRB Tools of the Trade presented by Audrey Wennink September 13, 2016

  2. Project Overview Literature on Transportation Safety Planning has noted deficiencies in using safety as a project prioritization factor (NCHRP 811: Institutionalizing Safety in Transportation Planning Processes: Techniques, Tactics and Strategies) To identify state of the practice by MPOs this research conducted » Literature review of over 50 MPOs’ Long Range Transportation Plans/Transportation Improvement Programs » Interviews with 9 MPOs Defined approaches that incorporated best practices and developed new options building on current practice 2

  3. Legislative Context The metropolitan transportation planning process shall be continuous, cooperative and comprehensive, and provide for consideration and implementation of projects, strategies, and services that will address the following factors, including: Increase the safety of the transportation system for motorized and non-motorized users 3

  4. Legislative Context (continued) According the Safety Performance Management Final Rule MPOs must… Set annual safety targets for their planning areas or Plan and program projects that support adopted State safety targets Five targets are required… Fatality Number Fatality Rate Serious Injury Number Serious Injury Rate Number of nonmotorized fatalities and nonmotorized serious injuries 4

  5. Challenges to Using Safety as a Prioritization Factor Belief that safety will be handled later – in project design phase Assumption that by following design references (i.e., AASHTO Green Book) roadways are optimized to reduce fatalities and serious injuries Lack of tool to predict safety benefits of future transportation projects in Travel Demand Models Lack of knowledge/experience using new tools such as » Highway Safety Manual » Crash Modification Factors Clearinghouse Prioritization methods are often siloed by mode or program and do not attempt to use safety as a factor for all projects 5

  6. Project Prioritization Approaches Cross Mode Modal Specific Funding Goals and Objectives Source CMAQ ■ TAP ■ STP Based Based Program- Scenario- Based Based 6

  7. When to Address Safety in Project Prioritization? Metropolitan Transportation Plan Transportation Improvement Program Corridor/Special Purpose Plans (Bicycle/Pedestrian/Freight) 7

  8. Common Approach Typical Approach Provide safety points for highway projects at high-crash locations Limitations Usually… • Does not include evaluation of specific safety problems • Does not quantify proposed project’s impact on safety (positive or negative) • Does not identify how project will mitigate problems • Not multimodal 8

  9. Approaches for Prioritizing Projects Using Safety Network Screening Systemic Countermeasure-Based Complete Streets Mode Shift Benefit-Cost Analysis 9

  10. Guidebook Contents by Approach Sample criterion Analysis method for problem identification Analysis method for project development Data needed Level of complexity/ technical expertise Resources needed Pros Cons Considerations List of technical resources 10

  11. Countermeasure-Driven Approach Draws upon body of FHWA Nine Proven Safety Countermeasures known effective countermeasures Encourages sponsors of all types of transportation projects to integrate effective safety countermeasures as appropriate 11

  12. Countermeasure-Driven Basic Intermediate Advanced • Provide points for • Provide points • Provide points for Sample projects that include for inclusion proposed Criterion one or more of the of appropriate transportation FHWA 9 proven safety proven effective projects with countermeasures or safety forecasted safety countermeasures those in a State’s improvement using Strategic Highway the Highway Safety Safety Plan or regional Manual predictive safety plan. method 12

  13. Other Considerations for Successfully Integrating Safety into Project Prioritization/Programming Make sure projects maintain safety elements during project development process Conduct project evaluation so results can inform future project decisions 13

  14. Resources The DOT may be able to provide MPOs with safety analysis Local Technical Assistance Program or DOT may be able to provide training 14

  15. GET THE GUIDEBOOK! Guidebook available at: Transportation Safety Planning webpage under Publications fhwa.dot.gov/planning/transportation_safety_planning/publications

  16. Contact Audrey Wennink Cambridge Systematics awennink@camsys.com 312-665-0218 Dave Harris Office of Planning Federal Highway Administration Dave.Harris@dot.gov 202-366-2825 16


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