rx drug lock box initiative jennifer braun base executive

+ Rx Drug Lock Box Initiative Jennifer Braun BASE Executive - PDF document

9/11/2015 + Rx Drug Lock Box Initiative Jennifer Braun BASE Executive Director Sgt. Patrick Reese Evansville Police Department + About us.... Jennifer Braun: Worked with DFC grants for 6 years Prevention specialist in training

  1. 9/11/2015 + Rx Drug Lock Box Initiative Jennifer Braun – BASE Executive Director Sgt. Patrick Reese – Evansville Police Department + About us.... Jennifer Braun:  Worked with DFC grants for 6 years  Prevention specialist in training through the State of WI and she has attended over 2,000 hours of AODA and prevention specific trainings Sgt. Patrick Reese:  Has spent the past 17 years working in public safety  Sgt. Reese has served on the BASE Board of Director for the past 3 years, and is currently Vice President.  In his time with BASE, Sgt. Reese has overhauled the medication handling practices at the police department, helped to get a medication drop box installed at the PD and helped launch the Rx Drug Lock Box Initiative + Evansville, WI  Union  Albany Magnolia Evansville    Porter  Brooklyn 1

  2. 9/11/2015 +  The BASE mission is to raise awareness about the impact that high risk behaviors have on our community, provide education and engage all stakeholders in order to reduce youth substance abuse.  The BASE Coalition is dedicated to shifting the culture and behavior of our community to decrease high risk behaviors in our youth.  Focus on Medication Misuse / Abuse and Underage Drinking + Purpose of Lock Box Initiative In order to affect the number of medications that are being diverted from households, BASE has implemented a comprehensive lock box initiative. + Why in our community?  Reduce Access  Rx drug abuse and misuse is a public health epidemic across the US.  Accessibility is the number one contributing factor to the misuse and abuse of medications. A strategy to help curtail this epidemic is to reduce access.  We can do this by making adults aware of the easy access to these drugs and giving them the knowledge and tools to lock up Rx and OTC medications. 2

  3. 9/11/2015 + What is the Lock Box Initiative? The lock box initiative provides free lockboxes to anyone who requests them, at community events and to community partners. Each lock box is the size a lunchbox, is labeled with the BASE logo and has a programmable combination lock. + Lock Med Lock Box Cost of each box is $17.99 + $4.00 for shipping. Total cost = $21.99 The cost of the program is currently being underwritten by volunteers and the Drug Free Communities Support Program. + What’s inside? Contained within each box is:  Information about medication misuse/abuse  How/where dispose of medication  How to return the box if it no longer needed  A link to the utilization survey 3

  4. 9/11/2015 + How it works  BASE engages 7 key sectors/partners  Each partner is in the process of making their commitment part of their formal policies + Police Department  Promotes as available on their Facebook  Hands out at Drop Box events  Policy to offer on calls that involve medications or youth substance abuse  Policy to offer to take medications after a death – inventory / destroy  Partnered to visit all area business and hand out boxes, info sheets and talk about abuse + EMS / Fire  Policy to offer to lock boxes  Policy to train new staff / volunteers on lock box availability and disposal opportunities in our community 4

  5. 9/11/2015 + Funeral Homes  Boxes are offered to their clients  Provides information to clients about locking meds + + Schools  Informal policy to specifically ask any parent/guardian whose student has a substance abuse issue  Specifically ask any parent whose student takes an Rx med at school  Use for field trips to hold Rx meds 5

  6. 9/11/2015 + Creekside Place (Senior Center)  Have a sample set out and free boxes available  Presentations on Rx misuse / abuse  Hand out brochures on role modeling as a grandparents + Realtor's  Provides information on how to keep meds safe during open houses and walk throughs  Provides information for them to give to clients. + 6

  7. 9/11/2015 + Clinics/Pharmacies/Chiropractors /Vets/Dentists:  Offer boxes to their clients  Information on how to help prevent medication misuse / abuse + Section 8 housing:  Offer boxes to their tenants  Provide information to existing and new tenants on medication abuse and disposal + For Employees / Employers  Handed out Employee specific information  Handed out information for the HR departments 7

  8. 9/11/2015 + + + Promotion  Offer training to local coalition members  The key to making this program successful is its wide reaching partners as well as the coalition’s promotion efforts that include :  Weekly column in the newspaper, with one week a month devoted to offering boxes  Facebook Campaign  Drop Box event fliers  All booths set up and staffed by the coalition 8

  9. 9/11/2015 + Evaluation  Already distributed boxes:  Survey created and promoted on Facebook  Sent to those who were known to have taken a box  Sent to community partners to send to their networks  New box distribution:  A post card that contains a survey as well as link to an online survey  They will be asked to complete a survey at time of distribution and in 3 months  They will be asked if they would like to sign up for a reminder + Survey 1. Where did you obtain the lock box?____________________________________________ 2. How did you obtain the lock box? a. It was given to me at an event, please indicate what event_________________________ b. I asked for it c. Other___________________________________ 3. Which reason best describes why you took or asked for a lock box? a. I am concerned about the safety of my medication b. It is convenient for me to keep track of my medications c. I am concerned about someone else taking my medication d. Other______________________________ As part of the evaluation process, we would like to follow up with you, if you are willing to participate in a follow up survey please provide us with your first name and ONE of the following: First name_________________________________ 1. An email to send you the survey_____________________________________ 2. A phone number to contact you______________________________________ 3. A mailing address to send the survey to_________________________________ Thank you for taking time to complete the survey. We appreciate your assistance in making this program successful. + Jennifer Braun: jbraun.base@gmail.com Sgt. Patrick Reese: p.reese@ci.evansville. wi.gov 9


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