rrat aims and objectives

RRAT Aims and Objectives The overall aim is to support the systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

RRAT Aims and Objectives The overall aim is to support the systems resilience for winter pressures. Specifically to: Reduce the numbers of avoidable admissions or readmissions from Care Homes Reduce the numbers of ambulance

  1. RRAT Aims and Objectives The overall aim is to support the systems resilience for winter pressures. Specifically to: • Reduce the numbers of avoidable admissions or readmissions from Care Homes • Reduce the numbers of ambulance dispositions and conveyances from care homes • Reduce the numbers of calls to 999 from care homes • Reduce the numbers of on the day unplanned visits by GPs to Care Homes for residents who are deteriorating rapidly and may need hospital admission • Improve the flow of ambulatory patients back to Care homes after attendance at ED, AMU, and ECU • Improve relationships with Care Homes in Berkshire West and raise the profile of Community Services as an alternatives to admission

  2. Rapid Response and Treatment Pathway Nurse arrives Patient does not Nurse triages Care Home at care home require RRAT referral, identified that within 2 intervention and contacts care resident is at hours of call discharged home and risk of a crisis to Health Hub accepts and needs to assess referral urgent support Referral to the resident in Nurse pathway made care home Patient is Patient Daily nurse by calling The assesses suitable for discharged review and patient and Health Hub on intervention in by Day 5, on-going care produces 0300 365 1234 care home and once crisis is pathway intervention and Hub intervention resolved +/- developed plan for contacts started referral to appropriate patient onward Nurse arrives locality team. Resident from services if at care home care home required Nurse triages Patient requires within 2 Referral to presents at referral, acute setting hours of specialist A&E/AMU and contacts care patients intervention community is identified as home and return from and is referred services suitable for rejects to acute A&E/AMU where enhanced rapid referral hospital needed response If medical review required call made to Regular virtual Patient does community Patient not require geriatrician MDTs to discuss transferred RRAT or Westcall patients on to Acute intervention OOH Hospital and service discharged Call to GP within 24 hours of patient DC summary to GP acceptance on service within 24 hours of DC

  3. Diagnostic Types Treated If a resident is experiencing a new episode or sudden worsening of the following: • Suspected acute infections e.g. Cellulitis, Pyelonephritis/UTI, Pneumonia/influenza • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease • Dehydration and gastroenteritis • Acute Pain with identified cause • Acute exacerbation of inflammatory disease • Dehydration (if clinically appropriate) • Delirium which is mild, of known cause and manageable in the home environment. • Falls This list is not all encompassing and if unsure please still call the Hub


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