1 educational aims and philosophies aims big questions

1. Educational Aims and Philosophies Aims: Big Questions Why does - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1. Educational Aims and Philosophies Aims: Big Questions Why does our society educate children in schools? What are societys aims for schooling? In what ways do we educate children in school to accomplish those aims?

  1. 1. Educational Aims and Philosophies

  2. Aims: Big Questions 
 • Why does our society educate children in schools? 
 • What are society’s aims for schooling? 
 • In what ways do we educate children in school to accomplish those aims?

 1.1 Socialization and Social Effects 
 1.2 Moral and Character Development 
 1.3 Citizenship

 1.4 Career Preparation 
 1.5 Lifelong Learning 
 1.6 Summary

  5. 1.1 Socialization and Social Effects

  6. Aim: Socialize youth 1 Give positive social experiences 
 • School a welcoming place 
 • School provides time and space to interact 
 • Teachers plan and intervene to make situations positive

  7. Aim: Socialize youth 2 Provide role models 
 • Teachers demonstrate respect and courtesy 
 • Teachers demonstrate logic and rationality 
 • Teachers demonstrate enthusiasm and interest

  8. Aim: Socialize youth 3 Provide stable social environment 
 • School as safe place 
 • Consistent rules and expectations 

  9. Aim: Socialize youth 4 Mini-summary: Provide positive experiences, role models, stable environment 
 • Might be in contrast to home/community life 
 • Critical for community or home environments of poverty and distress

  10. 1.2 Moral and Character Development

  11. Aim: Develop positive character traits 1 Instill common values and codes of conduct 
 • Rules and expectations that fit general society 
 • Acknowledgement of effort and achievement 

  12. Aim: Develop positive character traits 2 Model and mold correct conduct 
 • Exemplify and expect respect and care 
 • Acknowledge positive words and actions 
 • Consequences and discussions about negative words/actions

  13. Aim: Develop positive character traits 3 Offer character education 
 • Use real situations as they arise 
 • Use literature, historical figures for discussion 
 • Use drama, role-play, music, art

  14. Aim: Develop positive character traits 4 Consider morals vs ethics 
 • Morals: cultural or religious traditions of right vs. wrong 
 • Ethics: justice, fairness, respect for all 
 • Morals and ethics often same in situations, but not always

  15. 1.3 Citizenship

  16. Aim: Develop positive citizenship traits 1 Parallels moral sense as students mature 
 • Young children view as obedience to rules 
 • Older children view as social reciprocity 
 • Teens critical or idealistic on rights 

  17. Aim: Develop positive citizenship traits 2 History of citizenship 
 • Past: Emphasis on assimilation and conformity 
 • Present: Emphasis on rights/responsibilities 

  18. Aim: Develop positive citizenship traits 3 Civic participation 
 • Teach/learn about issues and needs 
 • Mock elections, debates, simulations 
 • Posters, letters to officials or editors 
 • Protest?

  19. Aim: Develop positive citizenship traits 4 Multicultural acceptance 
 • Honoring and learning about cultures 
 • Teaching strategies with cultures in mind 
 • Teach content with cultures in mind 

  20. Aim: Develop positive citizenship traits 5 Teach and discuss equity issues (ethics) 
 • Gender concepts and rights 
 • Economic disparity 
 • Laws and social justice 

  21. 1.4 Career Preparation

  22. Aim: Prepare for adult roles 1 Communication and literacy skills • Learn to read 
 ➔ Read to learn • Read, think, and discuss critically

  23. Aim: Prepare for adult roles 2 • Awareness of career opportunities • Traditional, current, and future careers • Career opportunities, needs, requirements 
 • Possibly many careers 
 • Home and family skills?

  24. 1.5 Lifelong Learning

  25. Aim: Prepare for a lifetime of learning and change 1 Learning how to learn (investigate, research) 
 • Update and revise knowledge and skills 
 • Seek information for life change

  26. Aim: Prepare for a lifetime of learning and change 2 • Training to think critically 
 • Analyze and evaluate new information 
 • Incorporate new information with old

  27. 1.6 Summary

  28. Teacher roles to accomplish aims • Socialization agent • Character trainer • Citizenship trainer 
 • Skills and knowledge builder 
 • Trainer for lifelong learning and change


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