roup focus on health

roup Focus on Health ingleton hire ealthy nvironment A - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SSHEG is Not Anti Mining or Anti Power Stations Without Prejudice roup Focus on Health ingleton hire ealthy nvironment A community-based group looking to address Environmental issues affecting Singleton Shire residents We seek

  1. SSHEG is Not Anti Mining or Anti Power Stations Without Prejudice roup – Focus on Health ingleton hire ealthy nvironment A community-based group looking to address Environmental issues affecting Singleton Shire residents We seek identification as to what is making our Children and Community Sick so Pollution can be mitigated by OH&S Compliance Orders. In 2008 SSHEG called for an Independent Holistic Health Study in the Hunter Valley. “ The Community perception was that the increased pace of Industrial development in the somewhat enclosed Hunter Valley is accentuating Human Disease and Sickness, particularly of our Children ” . SSHEG focused on Pollution Sources from Power Stations and Open Cut Mining Operations with their close proximity to Farming Families and Villages in Rural areas; where ostensively a variety of Diseases were reported by “Near Neighbours” : now considered as “Occupationally Exposed Persons”. Dr Au, our Singleton General Practioner, alerted Health Authorities that School children were over represented with Respiratory Deficiency, observing an apparent association between Poor Air Quality and Community Diseases, particularly Asthma. Dr Neville Hodkinson PhD Email:- Page 1

  2. SSHEG is Not Anti Mining or Anti Power Stations - Cocktail of 53 NPI Pollutants identified by SSHEG Power Stations with Fly Ash -- Arsenic, Chromium, Lead, Cadmium, Mercury. Coal Mining Open Cut/Underground --- Radon, Mine Blast Plumes, Diesel Exhaust Agriculture, Homes, Roads, Forests ----- Pollen, Spores, Fungi, Vapours, Soil, Heaters Hunter Valley Brown Haze --- Aerosols as Sulphate & Nitrates, adhere to PM’s - Composition and Toxicity of Gases, Vapours, Aerosols, Dust, Particle Matter Woodsmoke in Winter WOOD SMOKE INDUSTRY Dr Neville Hodkinson PhD Email:- Page 2

  3. SSHEG is Not Anti Mining or Anti Power Stations By 2014 (a) “ Air Pollution, Particulate Matter & Diesel Exhausts as Group 1 Carcinogens same as Arseni c, Mustard Gas and Radioactivity” . (b) “ No Threshold Exposure ” of Disease Impact of Pollution. (c) Disease impact more related to “ Pollution Rise above Background ” rather than absolute Pollution Exposure value. (d) “ Life Shortening ” Impact of Air Pollution. (e) Diesel in Underground Mines Lung Cancer Risk @ > 0.05mg/m3. (f) Mining Diesel Exhausts @ 6x10 6 pa low sulphur <10ppm fuel used . (g) Three Particulate Matter Classes, PM10-2.5 Coarse, PM2.5 Fine, PM10 . Dr Neville Hodkinson PhD Email:- Page 3

  4. SSHEG is Not Anti Mining or Anti Power Stations Mine Diesel 10 6 litres pa in Hunter DPM, NOx, THC, NMHC- Soluble (Volatile) Organic Fraction condense on Particle Matter Dr Neville Hodkinson PhD Email:- Page 4

  5. SSHEG is Not Anti Mining or Anti Power Stations What are the SSHEG 2014 Priorities (a) Elimination of Mine Blasting Plumes into the Atmosphere (b) “Near Neighbours to Mining “as “Occupationally Exposed Persons”. (c) Air Quality Particulate Matter as 15 Minute Avg STEL based. (d) Holistic Air Quality Toxicity – Gases, Vapours, PM’s, as STEL. (d) Air Quality Australian Standards – SSHEG Rural Zones Proposal SSHEG PM10 Annual Avg 12ug/m3, Daily Avg 25ug/m3 Proposal PM2.5 Annual Avg 6ug/m3, Daily Avg 15ug/m3 (Rural) PM10-2.5 Annual Avg 8ug/m3, Daily Avg 20ug/m3 (e) Scientific Biological versus Air Pollution Asthma Study - Pollens, Spores, Fungi, Vapours, Fragrances etc - Bushfires & Backburning, Forests, Grasslands, Biomass Smoke etc - Domestic Heaters, WoodSmoke Dr Neville Hodkinson PhD Email:- Page 5

  6. SSHEG is Not Anti Mining or Anti Power Stations Power Stations Plumes with Fly Ash -- Arsenic, Beryllium Chromium, Rainwater Tanks for Rural Homes Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Zinc Dr Neville Hodkinson PhD Email:- Page 6

  7. SSHEG is Not Anti Mining or Anti Power Stations Dr Neville Hodkinson PhD Email:- Page 7

  8. SSHEG is Not Anti Mining or Anti Power Stations Mine Blast Plumes ANFO & Diesel, COx, NOx, VOC’s, SOx K.K. Eltschlager, Pittsgurgh, PA U S A “Fugitive Carbon based gases Blasting related or Not”. Dr Neville Hodkinson PhD Email:- Page 8

  9. SSHEG is Not Anti Mining or Anti Power Stations Dr Neville Hodkinson PhD Email:- Page 9

  10. SSHEG is Not Anti Mining or Anti Power Stations A Picturesque Rural Valley with the Villages N of Broke, Fordwich, Milbrodale and Bulga, Vineyards and Horse Studs. Broke School Health Study & M icro V alley Cancer Survey Dr Neville Hodkinson PhD Email:- Page 10

  11. SSHEG is Not Anti Mining or Anti Power Stations Agriculture, Homes, Roads, Forests ----- Pollen, Spores, Fungi, Vapours, Soil, Heaters (a) Biological & Particle Characterisation Calendar(NZ example) Dr Neville Hodkinson PhD Email:- Page 11

  12. SSHEG is Not Anti Mining or Anti Power Stations Hunter Valley Brown Haze ---Aerosols as Sulphate & Nitrates, adhere to PM’ Dr Neville Hodkinson PhD Email:- Page 12

  13. SSHEG is Not Anti Mining or Anti Power Stations Dr Neville Hodkinson PhD Email:- Page 13

  14. SSHEG is Not Anti Mining or Anti Power Stations Dust Storms & Rain Squalls & Rainwater Tanks Dr Neville Hodkinson PhD Email:- Page 14

  15. SSHEG is Not Anti Mining or Anti Power Stations Proposed Hunter Valley Air Quality Community Advisory Alert Dr Neville Hodkinson PhD Email:- Page 15

  16. SSHEG is Not Anti Mining or Anti Power Stations Dr Neville Hodkinson PhD Email:- Page 16

  17. SSHEG is Not Anti Mining or Anti Power Stations Short Term Coarse PM Mining Dust effects ASTHMA & Cardiovascular Diseases Dr Neville Hodkinson PhD Email:- Page 17

  18. SSHEG is Not Anti Mining or Anti Power Stations USEPA Dec 2009 Characteristion FINE Particle PM FINE MINING PM COARSE DIESEL PM ULTRA FINE Dr Neville Hodkinson PhD Email:- Page 18

  19. SSHEG is Not Anti Mining or Anti Power Stations Power Stations Diesel Exhaust Coal Mining DUST Dr Neville Hodkinson PhD Email:- Page 19

  20. SSHEG is Not Anti Mining or Anti Power Stations Residents Gassed by Mine Blasting – If this was a Chimney EPA controls would apply Camberwell Gassing Incident 2004 Lethridge St. area viewing North Dr Neville Hodkinson PhD Email:- Page 20

  21. SSHEG is Not Anti Mining or Anti Power Stations ingleton hire Dr Neville Hodkinson PhD Email:- Page 21

  22. SSHEG is Not Anti Mining or Anti Power Stations ealthy nvironment Dr Neville Hodkinson PhD Email:- Page 22

  23. SSHEG is Not Anti Mining or Anti Power Stations roup Dr Neville Hodkinson PhD Email:- Page 23

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