rough case rough case study plan study plan responsible

Rough Case Rough Case Study Plan Study Plan Responsible NORAD - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Rough Case Rough Case Study Plan Study Plan Responsible NORAD institutions Funding Institutional CCOP TS NPD agreement Project Project steering committee organisation Project NPD assist. Expert Group coordinator coordinator

  1. Rough Case Rough Case Study Plan Study Plan

  2. Responsible NORAD institutions Funding Institutional CCOP TS NPD agreement Project Project steering committee organisation Project NPD assist. Expert Group coordinator coordinator (Norway) NPCC NPCC NPCC NPCC National National National National coordinator coordinator coordinator coordinator Case study Case study Case study Case study team team team team

  3. CONCLUSION FROM APPRAISAL TEAM: ”Several of the concerned organisations in the CCOP Member Countries need further technical assistance to facilitate that the technology and knowledge being transferred through the previous NORAD financed projects, is turned into practical use. To have case studies as the primary component of the PPM seems to be the best option to meet the objective of securing sustainability of the assistance.”

  4. Outline - PPM Integrate the acquired knowledge and technology from the previous NORAD- supported projects into hands-on experience – 4 CASE STUDIES – WORKSHOPS AND SEMINARS – SOFTWARE / TECHNOLOGY

  5. The Concept Basin Play Prospect Discovery Field Regional mapping Play assessment Prospect evaluation Reservoir simulation Field evaluation Petroleum systems Prospectivity Full cycle analysis Economic evaluation Production strategy Unitization Contracting/ Monitoring Promotion Licensing Approval of License Abandonment development Exploration preparation Fiscal systems Developm. and prod. strategy strategy Regulations License conditions Extended Regulations field studies Framework conditions

  6. CASE CASE KNOWLEDGE SOFTWARE STUDIES KNOWLEDGE SOFTWARE STUDIES TOOLS From previous TOOLS From previous Upgrade and Upgrade and projects projects maintanense maintanense Member Countries’ participation Member Countries’ participation GEOX Regional mapping GEOX Regional mapping Expert visits Expert visits Play assessment. Evaluation/purchase Play assessment. Evaluation/purchase alternative software alternative software Workshops Workshops Prospect full-cycle evaluation Prospect full-cycle evaluation Assessments of Discoveries Seminars Assessments of Discoveries Seminars Field Development studies Field Development studies Dissemination of results Dissemination of results Petroleum economics Petroleum economics

  7. Case studies - concept • Perform studies on following issues: – Play assessment; estimate undiscovered resources by various methods, split into hypothetical and speculative resources – Cost analyses of exploration, development and operations – Economic evaluations – Identify adequate exploration and licensing strategies – Apply various framework conditions, fiscal systems and license regulations – Define and evaluate marginal fields – Aggregate production forecasts, investment- and cost forecasts, cash-flows – Sensitivity and scenario analyses • Reporting – Status reports – Final report

  8. Case studies - the concept RESOURCE ASSESSMENT Basin Play Prospect Discovery Field 1. Identify all prospects, discoveries and fields 2. Play/prospect assessment; success ratio, creaming curve, quality control FRAMEWORK CONDITIONS 3. Development and operational cost assessment 1. Exploration (and development/prod.) strategy 4. Define minimum 2. Area preparation, promotion strategies economic pool size(s) 3. Licensing procedures and systems 4. License conditions; regulations 5. Supervisory routines for license activities SYNTHESIS, DISCUSSION 6. Fiscal systems AND SCENARIOS 7. Procedures for marginal fields 8. Regulations; the development and production phase

  9. Seminar Possible time table Expert visit Planning Workshop Dissemination Coordinators Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 NPD Coordinator YEAR 1 Regional Coordinator YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4

  10. THE GOAL is to enable government organisations in the CCOP Member Countries to: 1. establish a sustainable and efficient national petroleum sustainable and efficient management and policy, 2. envisage the mechanism and importance in revising and improving their petroleum management revising and improving and policy arrangements due to changes in political, economic and market conditions, and 3. enhance their capacity 3. enhance their capacity and capability in petroleum resource management

  11. THE OBJECTIVES are to transform gained knowledge into efficient petroleum resource management models efficient petroleum resource management models in the public domain with respect to: 1. Exploration strategies and licensing procedures 2. Models and arrangements of regulations and framework conditions for the petroleum industry, and their consequences on the exploration and development activities 3. Balancing between the government take and the industry profit, in order to maximise the economic potential derived from the petroleum resources 4. Enhancing the expertise in petroleum resource management of Member Countries 5. Optimal development of the petroleum resources with good environmental consideration and good management practice

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