role of civil society in governance and democratic

Role of Civil Society in Governance and Democratic Accountability of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1 Role of Civil Society in Governance and Democratic Accountability of Internal Migration Funding By Lina Vosylit 16 May 2018, European Parliament Public Hearing Assessing the Flow of EU migration expenditure

  1. 1 Role of Civil Society in Governance and Democratic Accountability of Internal Migration Funding By Lina Vosyliūtė 16 May 2018, European Parliament Public Hearing “Assessing the Flow of EU migration expenditure” CEPS_thinktank

  2. 2 The Role of civil society in bringing back the evidence to the EU • EU Better Regulation and Treaties - efficiency and effectiveness entails Fundamental Rights • EU Added Value is also in upholding the Union and International standards – Schengen Borders Code, Common European Asylum System, Fundamental Rights • Upholding the Rule of Law, Democracy & Fundamental Rights

  3. 3 Lessons learnt Have you witnessed an increase in the policing of the humanitarian assistance in your country since the emergence of the European Refugee Crisis? All (n=80) I do not know 30% Yes 54% No 16%

  4. 4 In your opinion, what is the most at stake for your organisation, when thinking about increased policing of humanitarian assistance? Please rank, Uses of migration fun from 5 - the most important to 1 - the least important (N=80) All Italy Greece UK Hungary Difficulties to access to funding 4,5 4,0 3,5 3,0 2,5 2,0 Trust of the clients 1,5 Negative public opinion (migrants/ asylum seekers) 1,0 0,5 0,0 Increased anxiety and Difficulties to recruit new uncertainty among employees / volunteers colleagues

  5. 5 Positive initiatives to be sustained • European Values Instrument • Litigation Fund • Rule of Law as ‘conditionality’ in new MFF

  6. 6 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. ‘Firewalls’ between civil society and national authorities, law enforcement 2. More possibilities for direct funding from EC to independent ‘watch-dog’ civil society - providing legal assistance/ services to undocumented 3. Funding on anti-smuggling conditional upon exemption of actors providing humanitarian assistance and upholding right to dignity 4. Establishment of permanent observatory monitoring interferences with civil society working on migration 5. More possibilities for complaints and shadow reporting 6

  7. 7 Thank you! • Lina Vosyliute • CEPS, Rights and Security Programme

  8. 8 Lessons from the Ground Migration Funding is designed, implemented and monitored under presumption that Member States respect Rule of Law, Freedom of Assembly and Independence of Civil Society Actors 8

  9. 9 Priority towards ‘Security’ perspective • Security for whom? • High levels of insecurity, legal uncertainty and anxiety among civil society actors • Cases ranging from suspicion & intimidation to disciplining and criminalisation – SAR, services, legal provision • Anti-smuggling policies & practices are undermining the trust to civil society actors 9

  10. 10 Uses of migration related funding • Tool for silencing the criticism towards authorities • Limiting the areas of action – who and what is (not) eligible? • Putting in question the ethos, impartiality and independence of civil society actors

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