rockingham bellows falls bo 1442 41 alternatives

Rockingham (Bellows Falls) BO 1442(41) Alternatives Presentation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Rockingham (Bellows Falls) BO 1442(41) Alternatives Presentation Meeting TH-448 (Depot Street) Bridge #53 over the Power Dam Canal November 27, 2018 Introductions Laura Stone, P.E. VTrans Scoping Engineer Todd Sumner, P.E. VTrans Project

  1. Rockingham (Bellows Falls) BO 1442(41) Alternatives Presentation Meeting TH-448 (Depot Street) – Bridge #53 over the Power Dam Canal November 27, 2018

  2. Introductions Laura Stone, P.E. VTrans Scoping Engineer Todd Sumner, P.E. VTrans Project Manager

  3. Purpose of Meeting  Provide an understanding of our approach to the project  Provide an overview of project constraints  Discuss alternatives that were considered  Discuss our recommended alternative  Provide an opportunity to ask questions and voice concerns

  4. Location Map

  5. Bridge 53 Project Location Bridge 52 Location

  6. Meeting Overview  VTrans Project Development Process  Project Overview – Existing Conditions – Alternatives Considered – Recommended Alternative  Maintenance of Traffic  Schedule  Summary  Next Steps  Questions

  7. VTrans Project Development Process Initiated Project Project Contract Funded Defined Award Project Project Design Construction Definition  Quantify areas of  Identify resources & impact constraints  Environmental  Evaluate alternatives permits  Public participation  Develop plans,  Build Consensus estimate and specifications  Right-of-Way process if necessary

  8. Who are you representing? A. Municipal Official B. Resident C. Local Business D. School E. Emergency Services F. Independent Organization G. Press H. Other

  9. How often do you use this segment of Depot Street? A. Daily B. Weekly C. Monthly D. Rarely E. Never

  10. How often do you walk over the bridge? A. Daily B. Weekly C. Monthly D. Rarely E. Never

  11. How often do you bike over the bridge? A. Daily B. Weekly C. Monthly D. Rarely E. Never

  12. What is your reason for attending this meeting? A. Specific Concern B. General Interest C. Live in Close Vicinity D. Other

  13. Looking East over Bridge Existing Conditions – Bridge #53  Roadway Classification – Local Road – Class 3 TH  Bridge Type – 112’ long concrete arch  Ownership – Town of Rockingham  Constructed in 1909

  14. Arch Deterioration Existing Conditions - Bridge #53  Culvert Rating 4 (Poor) – Significant spalling and exposed rebar

  15. Looking West over Bridge - Resources Existing Conditions - Bridge #53  Historic Resources  Hazardous Waste Contaminated soils  Utilities  Railroad crossing

  16. Hazardous Waste Existing Conditions - Bridge #53  Hazardous Waste Contaminated soils

  17. Existing Conditions

  18. Design Criteria and Considerations – Depot Street Bridge  ADT of 530  DHV of 100  % Trucks: 11  Design Speed of 25 mph  Utilities  Historic Resources  Hazardous Waste  Railroad Crossing

  19. Alternatives Considered – Bridge #53  No Action – Additional maintenance required within 10 years  Permanent Bridge Closure – Arch would be closed to traffic and rehabilitated for pedestrian use only – Would not be eligible for future Town Highway Bridge funding  Arch Rehabilitation – Would need extensive work to the foundation of the arch – Concrete removal and patching of spandrel walls and the arch ring – Bridge would not be brought up to current HL-93 design loads – 20 year design life  Full Bridge Replacement On-Alignment with new Arch – Arch with similar characteristics of existing bridge – Current Typical section would be maintained (11’/4’ with sidewalk)

  20. Alternatives Considered – Bridge #53 CONT.  New Steel Beam Bridge Off Alignment – New bridge constructed 450 north west of existing bridge – Remaining 2-way segment up to bridge would be converted to 1-way – Utility Relocation Avoided – Hazardous Waste Impacts avoided

  21. Alternatives Considered – Bridge #53 CONT.  New Bridge at Bridge Street Location – New bridge constructed at Bridge 52 location – This would leave the more historically significant arch in place for pedestrian use only – Utility Relocation is easier at this site – more room for relocation – Avoids railroad flaggers – Hazardous Waste Impacts avoided – Better turning movements for trucks and busses

  22. Recommended Alternative - Bridge #53  Full Bridge Replacement ON Alignment with New Reinforced Concrete Arch – Closed Spandrel Elliptical Arch with similar dimensions to the existing bridge – Typical section will be maintained • 11’/4’ Typical with a sidewalk – 75 year design life

  23. Typical Section

  24. On Alignment Layout On Alignment Layout  New arch matching existing for historic preservation  11/4 Typical Section with Sidewalk  Hazardous Soils, Utilities, Railroad Flaggers

  25. Off-Alignment Layout Off Alignment Layout  Lined up with Canal Street  11/4 Typical Section with Sidewalk  Depot Street Bridge closed to motorized traffic

  26. Proposed Profile  Match Existing

  27. Maintenance of Traffic Options Considered  Off Site Detour  Existing Bridge for Off Alignment Option  Temporary Bridge

  28. Road Closure  120 day road closure

  29. Offsite Detour – Bridge #53  Detour Route: Depot Street, to Island Street, Bridge Street, Square, Rockingham Street, and Canal Street, back to Depot Street – 0.9 miles end-to-end  Pedestrian Route: Depot Street, to Island Street, Bridge Street, Square, and Canal Street, back to Depot Street – 0.5 miles end-to-end

  30. What would be the maximum acceptable length of closure for Bridge #53? A. 8 weeks B. 12 weeks C. 16 weeks D. 18 weeks E. 20 weeks F. 24 weeks

  31. Temporary Bridge  One lane Temporary Bridge  Utilities could be moved to temporary during construction  Would Require Right-of-Way

  32. Temporary Bridge Layout

  33. Recommended Scope  Full Bridge Replacement with Reinforced Concrete Arch ON Alignment with Traffic Maintained on Offsite Detour – Closed Spandrel Elliptical Arch with similar dimensions to the existing bridge – 120 day road closure • Separate Pedestrian Route signed – Typical section will be maintained • 11’/4’ Typical with a sidewalk – 75 year design life – Right-of-Way needed – Extensive Utility Relocation needed – Impacts to contaminated soils – Pavement should be extended past the railroad crossing • Railroad flaggers expected throughout construction duration

  34. Alternatives Matrix Alt 1 Permanent Alt 5 Bridge Closure New Steel Alt 3 Alt 4 Alt 2 with Full Bridge Replacement: New Steel Beam Bridge at Arch Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Reinforced Concrete Arch ON Beam Bridge Bridge Street for Pedestrian Alignment OFF Alignment Location Rockingham (Bellows Use Falls) BO 1442(41) Off‐Site Detour a. Off‐Site b. Temporary a. Off‐Site b. Temporary Existing Bridge Off‐Site Detour Detour Bridge Detour Bridge Total Project Costs $772,882 $943,762 $1,444,635 $3,443,049 $4,078,389 $3,521,064 $4,112,570 (Including Utilities, ROW, & Engineering) Annualized Cost N/A $47,190 $72,230 $45,900 $54,380 $46,950 $54,830 Town Share $19,322 $23,600 $72,200 $172,200 $407,900 $352,100 $411,260 Project Development Duration 2 years 3 years 3 years 4 years 4 years 4 years 4 years Construction Duration 4 months 4 months 8 months 6 months 8 months 6 months 6 months Closure Duration (if applicable) Indefinite 90 days N/A 120 days N/A N/A 120 days 4‐11‐11‐4 (30') 4‐11‐11‐4 (30') 4‐11‐11‐4 (30') 4‐11‐11‐4 (30') 4‐11‐11‐4 (30') 4‐11‐11‐4 (30') Typical Section ‐ Bridge (feet) 5' sidewalk with 5’ sidewalk with 5’ sidewalk with 5’ sidewalk with 5’ sidewalk with 5’ sidewalk with 5’ sidewalk option Traffic Safety N/A Posted Bridge Posted Bridge Improved Improved Improved Improved Shifted 450’ Horizontal Alignment No No No No No No north Bicycle Access No Change No Change No Change No Change No Change No Change Improved Utility Relocation Relocation Relocation Relocation Relocation Relocation Relocation ROW Acquisition Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Design Life N/A 20 Years 75 Years

  35. Preliminary Project Schedule  Construction Start – 2023 – Total Cost Estimate: $3,443,049 • Estimated Town Share: $172,000

  36. Which would you be most concerned about? A. Closure Duration B. Bridge Aesthetics C. Environmental Impacts D. Recreational Impacts E. Other F. Not really concerned

  37. Which design aspect is the most important to you? A. Shoulder width/bicycle accommodations B. Aesthetics - Bridge Railing C. Construction year D. Construction Duration E. Cost F. Other

  38. Did you find this presentation to be? A. Too technical in nature B. Too simplified C. Just about right D. Not much use at all

  39. Do you find the recommended scope of work satisfactory? A. Yes B. No

  40. Next Steps – Bridge #53 This is a list of a few important activities expected in the near future and is not a complete list of activities. Wait for Town response to recommendation on proposed project  Develop Conceptual plans and distribute for comment  Request a Public Information meeting  Process local agreements  Right-of-Way process (if needed)  Town is responsible for any chosen detour route

  41. Rockingham (Bellows Falls) BO 1442(41) Questions and Comments TH-448 (Depot Street) – Bridge #53 over the Power Dam Canal November 27, 2018


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