rock muon rate at nd

Rock muon rate at ND Chris Marshall Lawrence Berkeley National - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Rock muon rate at ND Chris Marshall Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory CERN ND workshop 22 January, 2017 Rock muons 100s m of rock between decay pipe and detector hall Muons from neutrino interactions in rock will overlap with

  1. Rock muon rate at ND Chris Marshall Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory CERN ND workshop 22 January, 2017

  2. Rock muons ● 100s m of rock between decay pipe and detector hall ● Muons from neutrino interactions in rock will overlap with interactions in detector ● High-energy tail will produce forward, high-energy muons Earth E > 0.4 GeV/m θ < detector radius / distance 2 Chris Marshall

  3. Questions ● What is the rate of rock muons intersecting detector? ● What is the energy spectrum at the face of the detector? ● How does this depend on the air gap between the rock and the front face of the ND? Earth E > 0.4 GeV/m θ < detector radius / distance 3 Chris Marshall

  4. Ideal estimate ● Simulate neutrino flux, including beam divergence as a function of distance ● Simulate neutrino interactions in some large volume or rock ● Propagate muons through rock to detector ● Make plots 4 Chris Marshall

  5. Quick, simplified study ● Distribute CC events uniformly along a line ● Use GENIE muon kinematics as a function of neutrino energy to estimate what fraction of interactions would produce a “rock muon” ● Do this for DUNE and MINERvA fluxes ● Calculate DUNE rock muon rate relative to MINERvA, and peg to observed MINERvA rate 5 Chris Marshall

  6. Fluxes (FHC) ● Optimized 80GeV flux at ND ● MINERvA LE flux from latest flux paper 6 Chris Marshall

  7. Event rates ● FHC ν μ CC only, integrated out to E ν = 40 GeV 7 Chris Marshall

  8. Determine probability of muon intersecting detector ● Assume perfectly-focussed beam, perpendicular to face of cylindrical detector ● Assume flat distribution of neutrino interactions in last 100m of rock, muons lose 0.4 GeV/m (ρ~2 g/cm 3 ) Earth 100m rock 100m rock air gap 8 Chris Marshall

  9. Determine probability of muon intersecting detector 30 < E ν < 32 GeV 0.5 < E ν < 1 GeV log(1-cosθ) log(1-cosθ) ● Use GENIE to form PDF of muon momentum and angle in slices of neutrino energy 9 Chris Marshall

  10. Probability of intersecting detector MINERvA DUNE r = 1.08m r = 1.75m ● Integrate over the p-θ distributions to form probability of intersecting detector as a function of neutrino energy and distance from face (with 18m air gap) 10 Chris Marshall

  11. Prob. vs. neutrino energy ● Integrate out the distance assuming flat r = 1.75m distribution r = 1.08m ● Probability that a CC neutrino interaction produces a muon that intersects the detector as a function of neutrino energy 11 Chris Marshall

  12. Weight event rate by that probability for DUNE, MINERvA X ● Result is a relative rock muon rate between DUNE and MINERvA, per POT 12 Chris Marshall

  13. Result ● Shown for 18m air gap, and normalized to the detector surface area 13 Chris Marshall

  14. Result ● MINERvA LE FHC was 0.33 front-entering rock muons per 10 13 POT (1.08m radius) ● For DUNE 80GeV flux, DUNE ND with 1.75m radius and 7.5E13 protons per spill ~ 4.4 per spill with an 18m air gap 14 Chris Marshall

  15. Air gap ● Rate rises quickly as you push detector closer to the rock ● NuMI gap is ~18m to MINERvA scintillator planes ● Plot is for 1.75m radius and DUNE 80GeV flux, based on observed MINERvA rock rate 15 Chris Marshall

  16. Things neglected ● Focussing/beam spread differences between NuMI and DUNE ● Higher-angle events from wider-angle neutrinos, which could be lower in energy → more rock muons for DUNE ● Fluxes above 40 GeV→ fewer rock muons for DUNE ● Beam angle w.r.t. detector axis (assumed 0) ● Side-entering “rock” muons, because MINERvA can't distinguish from outer detector interactions ● Other materials in detector hall – treated as empty vacuum 16 Chris Marshall

  17. Conclusions ● DUNE will see ~4 rock muons per spill ● This number is extremely sensitive to the flux, especially the flux tail ● This number is sensitive to the air gap between the rock and the detector because of acceptance effects ● We should think about this when designing the hall 17 Chris Marshall


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