robust analysis in a quadratic separation framework and

Robust analysis in a quadratic separation framework and application - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Robust analysis in a quadratic separation framework and application to Demeter satellite attitude control system Denis Arzelier, Alberto Bortott, Fr ed eric Gouaisbaut, Dimitri Peaucelle Christelle Pittet, Catherine Charbonnel CCT SCA

  1. Robust analysis in a quadratic separation framework and application to Demeter satellite attitude control system Denis Arzelier, Alberto Bortott, Fr´ ed´ eric Gouaisbaut, Dimitri Peaucelle Christelle Pittet, Catherine Charbonnel CCT SCA & MOSAR - Toulouse - October 14th, 2009

  2. Introduction ■ Results are part of a joint project involving CNES, LAAS-CNRS and Thales Alenia Space ● Flexible satellite attitude control benchmark Demeter developed at CNES ● Robust analysis methodology developed at LAAS-CNRS and coded in a Matlab toolbox : RoMulOC ● Dedicated codes for Demeter and tests realized at LAAS-CNRS ● Further software developments done at Thales Alenia Space ● Large scale tests done at CNES and Thales Alenia Space 1 Toulouse - October 14th, 2009

  3. Outline ➊ Demeter satellite ➋ Integral Quadratic Separation (IQS) ➌ Heuristic algorithm for optimization of stable domains ➍ Application to Demeter - 1 axis, 1 flexible mode, 3 uncertainties ➎ Conclusions 2 Toulouse - October 14th, 2009

  4. ➊ Demeter satelite ■ M-C-K uncertain model        δ ¨  δ ˙ θ θ  0 0  = M ( δ J )   C − ¨ S ( δ ω , δ ξ ) ˙ η η 0        δθ  0 0  1  +  U +  K − S ( δ ω ) η 0 0 ▲ θ , ˙ θ : satellite orientation (3D) ▲ η , ˙ η : states of the flexible modes (up to 4 for each axis) ▲ δ J : 6 scalar uncertainties on the inertia ▲ δ ω , δ ξ : scalar uncertainties on the frequency and damping of flexible modes ● State space model: ˙ X = A ( δ ) X + B ( δ ) U A ( δ ) , B ( δ ) are rational w.r.t. uncertainties. 3 Toulouse - October 14th, 2009

  5. ➊ Demeter satelite ■ LFT model ˙ X = AX + B ∆ w ∆ + B u u , w ∆ = ∆ z ∆ z ∆ = C ∆ X + D ∆∆ w ∆ + D ∆ u u y = C y X + D y ∆ w ∆ + D yu u ▲ ∆ : diagonal matrix with δ J , δ ω and δ ξ elements ▲ Some elements δ are repeated ▲ The problem is normalized: δ ∈ [ − 1 1 ] ● Modeling is made possible in the following toolboxes � ) Control (Matlab c LFR (J.F RoMulOC (LAAS) . Magni) 4 Toulouse - October 14th, 2009

  6. ➊ Demeter satelite >> Ax = [1]; Fm = 1; model_type = 2; >> usys = demeter2romuloc(Ax,Fm,model_type) Uncertain model : LFT -------- WITH -------- n=4 md=5 mu=1 n=4 dx = A*x + Bd*wd + Bu*u pd=5 zd = Cd*x + Ddd*wd + Ddu*u py=1 y = Cy*x continuous time ( dx : derivative operator ) -------- AND -------- diagonal structured uncertainty size: 5x5 | nb blocks: 5 | independent blocks: 3 wd = diag( #1 #1 #2 #2 #3 ) * zd index size constraint name #1 1x1 interval 1 param real dJ11 #2 1x1 interval 1 param real dW1 #3 1x1 interval 1 param real dX1 5 Toulouse - October 14th, 2009

  7. ➊ Demeter satelite ● RoMulOC allows also polytopic models size: 5x5 | nb blocks: 1 | independent blocks: 1 wd = diag( #4 ) * zd index size constraint name #4 5x5 polytope 8 vertices real dJ11,dW1,dX1 ( − 1,1) (1,1) (0,0) ( − 1, − 1) (1, − 1) ▲ Aim: Guaranteed closed-loop robust stability for the ”biggest” polytope 6 Toulouse - October 14th, 2009

  8. ➊ Demeter satelite ▲ Secondary problem: Robust guaranteed H 2 norm (consumption) 7 Toulouse - October 14th, 2009

  9. ➊ Demeter satelite ▲ Secondary problem: Robust guaranteed H ∞ norm (robustness to unmodeled dynamics) 8 Toulouse - October 14th, 2009

  10. ➊ Demeter satelite ▲ Secondary problem: Robust guaranteed impulse-to-peak performance (control input saturation w.r.t. to initial depointing) 9 Toulouse - October 14th, 2009

  11. ➊ Demeter satelite Uncertain model : closed-loop satellite with performances -------- WITH -------- n=4 md=5 mw=1 n=4 dx = A*x + Bd*wd + Bw*w pd=5 zd = Cd*x + Ddd*wd + Ddw*w pz=1 z = Cz*x continuous time ( dx : derivative operator ) -------- AND -------- wd = diag( #4 ) * zd index size constraint name #4 5x5 polytope 8 vertices real dJ11,dW1,dX1 10 Toulouse - October 14th, 2009

  12. Outline ➊ Demeter satellite ➋ Integral Quadratic Separation (IQS) ➌ Heuristic algorithm for optimization of stable domains ➍ Application to Demeter - 1 axis, 1 flexible mode, 3 uncertainties ➎ Conclusions 11 Toulouse - October 14th, 2009

  13. ➋ Integral Quadratic Separation (IQS) ■ Well-posedness w G (z, w)=0 w Bounded ( ¯ w, ¯ z ) z w ⇒ unique bounded ( w, z ) F (w, z)=0 z z ■ Considered case ● Linear implicit application: E and A are matrices (possibly not square) ● ∇ ∈ ∇ ∇ is bloc-diagonal. Contains scalar, full-bloc, LTI and LTV uncertainties w z w z ● For E = 1 and A = H ( jω ) one recovers IQC framework 12 Toulouse - October 14th, 2009

  14. ➋ Integral Quadratic Separation (IQS) ■ For dynamic systems ˙ x = Ax : well posedness ≡ internal stability G � �� � F � t � �� � z ( t ) = Aw ( t ) + ¯ z ( t ) , w ( t ) = z ( τ ) dτ + ¯ w ( t ) ���� ���� ���� 0 x ( t ) x ( t ) ˙ x (0) ▲ ¯ w contains information on initial conditions ● Well-posedness � � � � � � � � ¯ w w � � � � ⇔ ∀ ( ¯ w, ¯ z ) ∈ L 2 , ∃ !( w, z ) ∈ L 2 : ≤ γ � � � � � � � � ¯ z z � � � � ⇒ for zero initial conditions and zero perturbations: w = z = 0 is the unique solution (equilibrium point). ⇒ whatever bounded perturbations the state remains close to equilibrium (global stability) 13 Toulouse - October 14th, 2009

  15. ➋ Integral Quadratic Separation (IQS) ■ Integral Quadratic Separation [Automatica’08, CDC’07, ROCOND’09, ECC’09] ● For the case of linear application with uncertain operator E z ( t ) = A w ( t ) , w ( t ) = [ ∇ z ]( t ) ∇ ∈ ∇ ∇ where E = E 1 E 2 with E 1 full column rank, ● Integral Quadratic Separator (IQS) : ∃ Θ , matrix, solution of LMI � � ⊥∗ � � ⊥ Θ > 0 E 1 −A E 1 −A and Integral Quadratic Constraint (IQC) ∀∇ ∈ ∇ ∇     ∗ � ∞  E 2 z ( t )  E 2 z ( t )  dt ≤ 0 Θ  [ ∇ z ]( t ) [ ∇ z ]( t ) 0 14 Toulouse - October 14th, 2009

  16. ➋ Integral Quadratic Separation (IQS) ∇ , ∃ LMI conditions for Θ solution to IQC ● For some given ∇     ∗ � ∞  E 2 z ( t )  E 2 z ( t )  dt ≤ 0 Θ  [ ∇ z ]( t ) [ ∇ z ]( t ) 0 ▲ Θ is build out of IQS for elementary blocs of ∇ ▲ Improved DG -scalings, full-bloc S-procedure, vertex separators... ▲ Building Θ and related LMIs is tedious but can be automatized ( RoMulOC ) ▲ It is conservative except in few special cases [Meinsma et al., 1997]. 15 Toulouse - October 14th, 2009

  17. ➋ Integral Quadratic Separation (IQS) ■ Robust analysis in IQS framework: ● 1- Write the robust analysis problem as a well-posedness problem E z = A w , w = ∇ z ● 2- Build Integral Quadratic Separators for each elementary bloc of ∇ ● 3- Apply the IQS results to get (conservative) LMIs 16 Toulouse - October 14th, 2009

  18. ➋ Integral Quadratic Separation (IQS) ■ Demeter analysis problems: ● Well-posedness of � ▲ 1 n integrator ▲ ∆ matrix of uncertainties ▲ ∇ perf operator related to performances 17 Toulouse - October 14th, 2009

  19. ➋ Integral Quadratic Separation (IQS) ■ Other problem modeling produce other LMI conditions ● Dual system: z d = A T w d , w d = ∇ ∗ z d ● System augmentation (produces systems in descriptor form)  x = Ax + ˙ B ∆ w ∆     z ∆ = C ∆ x + D ∆∆ w ∆ x = Ax + ˙  B ∆ w ∆    z ∆ = C ∆ ˙ ˙ x + D ∆∆ ˙ w ∆ z ∆ = C ∆ x + D ∆∆ w ∆  ⇒  w ∆ = ∆ z ∆   w ∆ = ∆ z ∆ =0 ����  ˙  w ∆ = ∆ ˙ ˙ z ∆ + ∆ z ∆ ▲ Equivalent to increasing the dependency of the (implicit) Lyapunov function � � � � ∗ ˆ V 0 ( x ) = x ∗ Px ⇒ V 1 ( x, ∆) = x ∗ z ∗ x ∗ z ∗ P ∆ ∆ 18 Toulouse - October 14th, 2009

  20. Outline ➊ Demeter satellite ➋ Integral Quadratic Separation (IQS) ➌ Heuristic algorithm for optimization of stable domains ➍ Application to Demeter - 1 axis, 1 flexible mode, 3 uncertainties ➎ Conclusions 19 Toulouse - October 14th, 2009

  21. ➌ Heuristic algorithm for optimization of stable domains ● Values of parameters making the system stable and unstable (unkown) (−1,1) (1,1) (−1,−1) (1,−1) 20 Toulouse - October 14th, 2009

  22. ➌ Heuristic algorithm for optimization of stable domains ● Biggest squares and rectangles possibly obtained (−1,1) (1,1) (−1,−1) (1,−1) 21 Toulouse - October 14th, 2009

  23. ➌ Heuristic algorithm for optimization of stable domains ● Biggest polytope possibly obtained (if LMIs are not conservative) (−1,1) (1,1) (−1,−1) (1,−1) 22 Toulouse - October 14th, 2009

  24. ➌ Heuristic algorithm for optimization of stable domains ● Due to conservatism some polytopes may give feasible LMIs (full), others not (dotted) (−1,1) (1,1) (−1,−1) (1,−1) 23 Toulouse - October 14th, 2009

  25. ➌ Heuristic algorithm for optimization of stable domains ● One solution: pave the feasible set (−1,1) (1,1) (−1,−1) (1,−1) 24 Toulouse - October 14th, 2009

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