robert macarthur and edward o wilson the theory of island

Robert MacArthur and Edward O. Wilson The Theory of Island - PDF document

Robert MacArthur and Edward O. Wilson The Theory of Island Biogeography Extinction balances Immigration Assumptions: Increasing isolation decreases immigration rate Increasing size decreases extinction rate Mountaintops as Islands The

  1. Robert MacArthur and Edward O. Wilson The Theory of Island Biogeography Extinction balances Immigration Assumptions: Increasing isolation decreases immigration rate Increasing size decreases extinction rate

  2. Mountaintops as Islands The Species-Area Relationship Larger “Islands” contain more species POWER LAW S � A z One of the oldest patterns in ecology Even works with mountaintops

  3. Works on real islands too! - Caribbean Bats log(# species) log(island area) Forested landscapes in Ohio - Shrinking Islands?

  4. Carajas, Brazil 1992 1986 Simberloff and Wilson Florida Keys 1970s Experiment: Change the size of small mangrove islands Monitor diversity of arthropods

  5. Reduced islands lost species over time controls Back to the Mountains How will the fauna respond to climate change? Species-Area Relationship S � A z THEY ALREADY HAVE! (since the Pleistocene)

  6. Vegetation zones change with elevation due to climate Cooler A - rare B - patchy C - connected Warmer B and C shrink in area B - rare C - patchy (new) D - connected Where’s A? Predicting Responses to Climate Change Hypothesis: Diversity of mountain islands will shift along Species-Area Relationship S � A z (like the mangroves) Reduced area reduced diversity

  7. Diversity gradients and climate Currie 1991

  8. Currie 1991

  9. $x10 9 ha -1 yr -1 1,341 684 1,779 1,115 1,692 576 53 17,075 2,277 117 417 124 1,386 721 79 815 3,015 Ecosystem services ~$33 trillion (10 12 ) Global GNP ~$18 trillion (10 12 ) Estimated value of ecosystem services is of the same magnitude as GLOBAL gross national product. This was 1997… Cost of the recent financial crisis was ~$5 trillion

  10. The ONE - EARTH problem… Bringing the entire human population up to US energy levels would require approximately 4 Earths

  11. Is it the dawning of a new epoch? Anthropocene? (since 1784) Where do we go from here?


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