
RIKEN RI KEN Japans leading - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

RIKEN RI KEN Japans leading comprehensive research institution for the natural sciences RIKEN's Role in Creating Scientific Excellence and Future Society RIKEN International Affairs

  1. RIKEN RI KEN 国立研究開発法人理化学研究所(理研) Japan’s leading comprehensive research institution for the natural sciences RIKEN's Role in Creating Scientific Excellence and Future Society RIKEN International Affairs Division Director Masashi Akiba Integrated Innovation K Computer SPring-8 and SACLA RI Beam Factory Building

  2. Outlines of RIKEN Japan ’ s sole comprehensive research institute in the natural sciences  Cutting-edge research in a wide range of scientific areas covering physics, engineering, chemistry, computational science, biology, and medicine  Advanced, large-scale research infrastructure for the President, Hiroshi Matsumoto, scientific community and its shared use Ph.D.  Innovation exploiting such research results Research Output Total • Budget 97 billion yen Clarivate A nalytics’ Web of Science, Science Citation Index Expanded, 8 June 2016 International faculty and staff Total • Personnel 3,462 employees 2 *Includes scientists, visiting scholars, students, technicians and administrative staff

  3. Government’s Science and Technology Administration Prime Minister Cabinet Office Council for Science, Technology and Innovation(CSTI) Minister of State for S&T Policy Basic Plan for S&D(5 years) MEXT MIC METI MAFF MHLW MLIT MOE ( Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology ) AIST National Research and Development Institute • JAEA(Japan Atomic Energy Agency) • JAXA(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) • JAMSTEC(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology) • JSPS(Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) • JST(Japan Science and Technology Agency) • NIED (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention) • NIMS(National Institute for Materials Science) • QST (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology) • RIKEN 3

  4. RIKEN Initiative for Scientific Excellence 〜 Fulfilling RIKEN’s mission to generate world -class results 〜 President Matsumoto announced new management initiative on May 22, 2015 1. Pioneer a research management model for maximizing research and development results 2. Lead the world in achieving new research and development results through scientific excellence 3. Become a hub for science and technology innovation 4. Serve as a focal point for global brain circulation 5. Foster the development of world-class leaders in scientific research 4

  5. RIKEN’s research system Contribution to the society Responding to national STI policy objectives Carrying out pioneering research in emerging fields - the core of 5 RIKEN

  6. Overseas Partners RIKEN-Tsinghua KFU-RIKEN Joint Research Labs Research Groups (Russia: Kazan Federal (China: Tsinghua University) University) RIKEN-BNL Research Center RIKEN Facility Office at RAL (USA: Brookhaven National RIKEN Beijing RIKEN-KRIBB Joint Laboratory) (UK: Rutherford Appleton Representative Research Center (Korea Laboratory) Office Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology) RIKEN-XJTU Joint Research Center (China: Xi’an Jiaotong RIKEN-MPG University) Joint Research Center RIKEN-SJTU Joint Research (Germany: Max Planck Society) Laboratory (China: Shanghai Jiao Tong University) RIKEN-NCBS Joint Research Center (India : National Centre for NCTU-RIKEN Joint Research RIKEN-MIT Center for Neural Circuit Biological Sciences ) Laboratory (Taiwan: National Genetics (USA: Massachusetts RIKEN-JNCASR-IISc Chiao Tung University ) Institute of Technology) Joint Research Center SIOM-RIKEN Joint Laboratory (India: JNCASR & IISc) (China: Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS) RIKEN Singapore USM-RIKEN International Representative Centre for Aging Science Office (Malaysia: Universiti Sains Malaysia) NTU-RIKEN Joint Research Laboratory (Nanyang Technological University) Research collaborations and MOUs: 271 (41 countries and regions) (as of March 2017) 6

  7. Quantity and Quality of Publication (published in 2014) ( times ) 10,0 Brookhaven National Lab. MIT CEA(France) Max-Planck Argonne National Laboratory 9,0 -Gesellschaft Academia Sinica Stanford University Average Cited Number per Paper Karolinska Institutet Harvard University 8,0 Los Alamos National Lab (based on InCites, 2016.4.4) University of Oxford Helmholtz Association University of Cambridge 7,0 Consejo Superior de A*Star Investigaciones Oak Ridge Cientificas (CSIC) RIKEN National Laboratory 6,0 NIMS CNRS Fraunhofer- Paul Scherrer Institute Gesellschaft Technical University of Munich 5,0 University of Tokyo Nagoya Quality Univ. Chinese Academy Kyoto Univ. of Sciences 4,0 AIST Osaka Univ. Area size shows publication number relatively. Tokyo Institute of Technology 3,0 0,0% 2,0% 4,0% 6,0% 8,0% 10,0% 12,0% Percentage of Top1% paper to total papers in each institution (based on Web of Science, 2016.6.8 ) 7

  8. Partnerships with Europe (1) 1. Research collaborations and MOUs Partner Countries Research collaborations and MOUs FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 2 2 2 2 33 35 34 37 North America 4 4 3 3 5 5 3 3 South America 2 1 1 2 7 7 7 8 Oceania 10 10 11 11 103 112 117 122 Asia 1 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 Middle East 22 23 21 19 90 92 96 96 Europe 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 1 Africa International 0 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 Organization 43 46 44 42 241 259 263 271 Top 6 of the number of collaborations and MOUs: Germany 21, France 15, Russia 10, Switzerland 9, Italy 8, UK 7 8 (As of March 2017)

  9. Partnerships with Europe (2) 2-1. Web of Science Documents (2011-2016, Article & Reviews) Collaboration: With countries 1. USA Number 2. China 3. Germany 4. UK 5. France 9

  10. Partnerships with Europe (3) 2-2. Web of Science Documents (2011-2016, Article & Reviews) Collaboration: Research areas with EU-15 10

  11. Partnerships with Europe (4) 2-3. Web of Science Documents (2011-2016, Article & Reviews) Collaboration: Institutes or Universities in EU-15 11

  12. Partnerships with Europe (5) 3. Number of Business trips in 2016 16 10 4 (1%) (1%) (0%) 26 3 (1%) (0%) 78 (3%) Europe North America Asia 779 Oceania 630 (34%) Russia (28%) Middle East South America Central America Africa 729 (32%) 12

  13. Partnerships with Europe (6) 4. Research Collaboration between RIKEN and MPG RIKEN-Max Planck Joint Research Division for Systems Chemical Biology, Director Hiroyuki Osada Biofunctional Synthetic Chemistry Laboratory, Chief Scientist Katsunori Tanaka Matching up research fields Commitment by each party RIKEN: RIKEN: • Proprietary chemical library (NPDepo) • Setting up organization for collaboration • Glycan synthesis and imaging technology • Actively dispatching junior researchers • Technology to efficiently search for inhibitors from the Max Planck: library of compounds • System for international collaboration (Max Planck Center Max Planck Both parties: • Developing derivatives to create better bioactive • Alternately holding joint symposiums compounds • Actively dispatching and hosting junior researchers • Technology for glycan synthesis 13

  14. Possibility of RIKEN office in Brussels  Develop a win-win relationship between RIKEN and Europe  S trengthen RIKEN’s research by cooperating with Europe’s research institutes  Broaden the basis of joint research and personnel exchange with Europe For these objectives we are considering the possibility of setting up a RIKEN office to serve as a planning and coordination hub Understanding EU science and technology  policies (especially FP9) Planning and proposing joint projects with EU  institutes (especially matching fund projects) Support for ongoing collaborative  Strengthening RIKEN’s presence  projects in Europe Understanding thorough face-to-face networking Promoting activities for establishing  EU science and with interested parties (daily new research hubs (seeking new technology contact, workshops / symposiums, partners) policies participation in study groups). Researcher support Networking Purpose RIKEN (Examples) Office Science Community Brussels European Union 14 Creating a virtuous cycle of brain circulation and world-class research

  15. Thank you for your attention ! RIKEN Rikagaku Kenkyusho 理研 理化学 研究所 http://www.riken.jp/en/


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