rhonda h atkinson ratkinson3 valenciacollege edu fye 31

Rhonda H. Atkinson (ratkinson3@valenciacollege.edu) FYE 31 st Annual - PDF document

Rhonda H. Atkinson (ratkinson3@valenciacollege.edu) FYE 31 st Annual Conference, 2/2012, San Antonio, TX A Vision of Students Today: How Does Technology Enhance Learning in FYE Courses? Rhonda H. Atkinson (ratkinson3@valenciacollege.edu) FYE 31

  1. Rhonda H. Atkinson (ratkinson3@valenciacollege.edu) FYE 31 st Annual Conference, 2/2012, San Antonio, TX A Vision of Students Today: How Does Technology Enhance Learning in FYE Courses?

  2. Rhonda H. Atkinson (ratkinson3@valenciacollege.edu) FYE 31 st Annual Conference, 2/2012, San Antonio, TX A Vision of Students Today: How Does Technology Enhance Learning in FYE Courses?

  3. Rhonda H. Atkinson (ratkinson3@valenciacollege.edu) FYE 31 st Annual Conference, 2/2012, San Antonio, TX A Vision of Students Today: How Does Technology Enhance Learning in FYE Courses? TECHNOLOGY BINGO! Find someone who is using one of these technologies for teaching and learning in an FYE course this term. Introduce yourselves and ask the individual to initj tjal the square (and maybe trade business cards!). Discuss how the individual uses the technology before moving one. Don’t respond to the statements at the botu tuom untj tjl the actj tjvity ends. 5 IN A ROW WINS!!! Course Social Networking M-Learning IPod/MP3 Player Management (e.g., FaceBook) (Cell Phone) (Podcasts) System (e.g., Moodle, Blackboard Collaboratj tjve Laptop or Electronic E-Portg tgolios Editj tjng Sofu fuware Notebook Whiteboard (Blackboard, (e.g., Google Docs, Computer (Smartboard) website) Wikis) Plagiarism Screen/voice Virtual Worlds Blogs Detectj tjon Tools capture (Camtasia, (e.g., Second Life) Captj tjvate, Jing) Online lectures Online lectures Surveys Video Conferencing with audio with video (Breeze, (Blackboard, or Internet Vo Voice (PowerPoint) Camtasia) Flashlight, Survey Chat Monkey) Video Games, WWW Streaming video Online databases Simulatj tjons, or (web-based video) (library, career) Virtual Worlds I like ked. . . . I learned. . . One new idea I got is . . . One new technology I want to use in my class is _________________________ to . . . .

  4. Rhonda H. Atkinson (ratkinson3@valenciacollege.edu) FYE 31 st Annual Conference, 2/2012, San Antonio, TX A Vision of Students Today: How Does Technology Enhance Learning in FYE Courses?

  5. Rhonda H. Atkinson (ratkinson3@valenciacollege.edu) FYE 31 st Annual Conference, 2/2012, San Antonio, TX A Vision of Students Today: How Does Technology Enhance Learning in FYE Courses? STUDENT ATTITUDES AND DATA The following data comes from student self-reports and various surveys. Sources are identjfjed by number in the references list. Circle the top 3 that intrigue/surprise you most and then VOTE for your choices. Don’t respond to the statements at the botu tuom untj tjl the actj tjvity ends. Sour Statement ce #1 1. This year I read 8 books, 2300 webpages and 1281 Facebook profjles; I wrote 42 pages for classes and 500 pages in emails #1 2. My typical day is sleep 7 hours, study 3 hours, online 3.5 hours, 1.5 hours TV, music 2.5 hours, cell phone 2.5 hours, class 3 hours, eating 2 hours, working 3 hours = 26.5 hours (I multitask). #1 3. I think when I graduate I will have a job that doesn’t exist today. #1 4. I bring my laptop to class but I’m not working on class stufg. I FaceBook through most of my classes. #2 5. In a survey of 500 college students, 73% said they would not be able to study without some form of technology and 38% said they could not go more than 10 minutes without checking their laptop, smartphone, tablet, or ereader. #2 6. 70% of students take notes using a keyboard rather than pen and paper. #2 7. 91% of students prefer to use email as a method to get extra help from instructors. #2 8. 74% of students prefer to use a printed textbook rather than an ebook; however, half of the 98% of students who owned a digital device regularly read etextbooks. #3 9. College students indicate that their laptop/notebook computers are their biggest necessities and that they never go anywhere without their phones. #3 10. College students use FaceBook to communicate with friends (and plan events), Skype with closer friends or boyfriends/girlfriends, and email for parents/professors and to handle business. #4 11. Students in classes that use T witter to increase engagement have averages that are 5 points higher than students in traditional classes. #4 12. Time spent on Facebook (average minutes per day): 1 st term freshmen, 115.3; 2 nd term freshmen, 68.8; sophomores, 115.7; juniors, 101.9; seniors,83.4 . #4 13. 98% of college students own a digital device. #5 14. 77% of students say that technology improved their grades. #5 15. In terms of technology, students indicated that 3 major issues afgected their academic success: Lack of progress updates, lack of technology availability, and lack of faculty who know how to use technology. #6 16. College students prefer to communicate by text message more than any other format with 92% using text messaging daily. #6 17. In terms of rating faculty use of technology, 47% of students said that all or most faculty used information technology efgectively, 49% said that faculty had adequate skills for using technology in courses, and 38% of students said that faculty provided adequate training to students on the information technology necessary for course success. #6 18. 94% of students use their college library’s website weekly and 90% use course or learning management systems several times each week. I was surprised that . . . . I learned. . .

  6. Rhonda H. Atkinson (ratkinson3@valenciacollege.edu) FYE 31 st Annual Conference, 2/2012, San Antonio, TX A Vision of Students Today: How Does Technology Enhance Learning in FYE Courses? This makes me think about. . .

  7. Rhonda H. Atkinson (ratkinson3@valenciacollege.edu) FYE 31 st Annual Conference, 2/2012, San Antonio, TX A Vision of Students Today: How Does Technology Enhance Learning in FYE Courses? * DO YOU HAVE WHAT YOU NEED TO USE TECHNOLOGY EFFECTIVEL Y? Evaluating Essential Conditions for Technology Integration * Adapted from Essential Conditions Rubric ISTE National Technology Standards (NETS) http://electronicportfolios.com/refmect/EssenCondRubric.pdf Check all that apply and total: TOTA L SHARED _____ Is there a coordinated administrative, college, and department focus that ___/6 VISION involves faculty and other personnel FOR at all levels? TECHNOLO _____ Are yearly amounts budgeted for technology purchases and is funding GY incremental? INTEGRATI _____ Is faculty/stafg training emphasized? ON _____ Is technology matched to curriculum needs? ______Is technology current and fmexible? ______Does the college/department have a plan for regular replacement/upgrading of technologies? ACCESS TO _____ Is access to current technologies, software and telecommunications networks ___/5 TECHNOLO consistently available to GY faculty and support personnel in homes, classrooms, offjces, and labs? _____ Is access to current technologies, software and telecommunications networks available to students in homes, classrooms, offjces, and labs? _____ Does the campus provide on-demand Wi-Fi access in public areas? _____ Does the campus discourage tight control of technology which might create a negative atmosphere regarding its use? _____ Is there equity among departments in terms of technology availability? SKILLED _____ Are faculty encouraged to use various forms of technology in teaching and ___/4 EDUCATOR learning? S _____ Do faculty use technology for productivity (e.g. lesson plans, handouts, presentations)? _____ Do faculty use the WWW for teaching and learning? _____ Do faculty use Web 2.0 tools for teaching and learning? PROFESSIO _____ Is there an emphasis on hands-on integration? ___/6 NAL _____ Is training ofgered over time? DEVELOPM _____ Are individuals available to model, mentor and coach? ENT _____ Is post-training access to trainers available? _____ Is professional development fjnancially supported by the institution? _____ Are the results of professional development evaluated? TECHNICAL _____ Have faculty and stafg been trained to trouble-shoot technological problems? ___/4 ASSISTANC _____ Are technical stafg available to address complicated diagnostic and E maintenance problems? _____ Is technical assistance readily available (e.g., weekend, evening, classroom phones, help desk, email)? _____ Are onsite content and pedagogy specialists available to support technology use? CONTENT _____ Are technologies aligned with course objectives or common course outlines? ___/2 STANDARD _____ Are technologies aligned with discipline-specifjc, program, or degree S standards and content? STUDENT _____ Do faculty assignments require students to use productivity technologies? ___/7 CENTERED _____ Do faculty assignments require students to use WWW? TEACHING _____ Do faculty assignments require students to use Web 2.0 tools? _____ Do faculty assignments require students to use other technologies? _____ Are students encouraged to solve authentic discipline-specifjc problems using technology?


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