
Revive. PIN PINK A Revive. Re A phone powered, compact Automated - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Revive. PIN PINK A Revive. Re A phone powered, compact Automated External Defi fibrillator (AED) that provides greater access to defi fibrillation at a lower cost co Early defi fibrillation is the only way to restore th the v victi

  1. Revive. PIN PINK A

  2. Revive. Re A phone powered, compact Automated External Defi fibrillator (AED) that provides greater access to defi fibrillation at a lower cost co “Early defi fibrillation is the only way to restore th the v victi tim’ m’s h heart r t rhyth thm to m to no norma mal i in a n a l lot o t of ca cases of ca cardiac c arrest” ( American Heart Association )

  3. Pop Quiz ?

  4. Ev Every minute te th that at passes befo fore defi fibrillation On On a average, le less t s tha han decre de creases t the ch chance ces of f survival by 10% 10% 10% o of v vic ictims ims su survive c cardiac ar arrests that at hap appen outs outside a hos ospita tal se setting

  5. Product Contract Customer Need Product Attribute(s) Engineering Specification(s) Portable Weight < 2 lbs Size < 60 in ³ Phone powered Output voltage 1700-2200 V Quick to charge Charging time < 120 s Accessible Price Price < $1000

  6. What We’ve Done: Improved Size

  7. What We’ve Done: Proven Electronics Real AED MockUp AED Shock: 2000V 2000V Shock: 30V 30V 1/8 /8th Scale Sc 200J 200J d deliv livered 25J 25J d deliv livered Produced Monophasic Waveform

  8. What We’ve Done: EKG Heart Rate

  9. What We Need to Do ● Safely scale up energy storage and voltage ● Determine algorithms for delivering shock ● Create out of box experience ● Test user experience with potential users

  10. Thank you. PINK A


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