Review of Proposed Building Sites to Address North & West Enrollment Growth May 7, 2015 1
Presentation Overview I . Table Rock Ranch Site (58 th & Hwy 93), Unincorporated Jefferson County II. Sierra Elementary School Addition, Arvada III. Rooney Valley/Solterra Area, Lakewood IV. Candelas, Arvada V. Leyden Rock, Arvada VI. Reopen Zerger Elementary School, Westminster Staff Recommendations 2
Table Rock Ranch (58th & Hwy 93) Site – 10 Acre Table Rock Mesa Site acquired in 2002 at 58 th and Highway 93. Owned by Jeffco Schools, no reverter or other restrictive conditions. Proposed K8 Size – 800-1,000 Students. Relief to West Woods ES (114% utilization), Fairmount ES (101%), Mitchell ES (93%) and Drake MS (89%) 2 . Provides most benefit to greatest number of schools and students. Distances to Wayne Carle MS (69%), and Bell MS (70%) are among the reasons to recommend a K-8. Boundary Changes Required – Directly Impacts West Woods ES, Fairmount ES, Mitchell ES, Drake MS. Cost Estimate - $25 Million 1 . Construction Time – 18-24 Months 1 Cost figures based upon 2015 dollars 2 Utilization based upon 2014-15 October Count 3
Table Rock Ranch (58th & Hwy 93) Site 4
Table Rock Ranch (58th & Hwy 93) Pros Cons Other Info Developed site and neighborhood Development limited by size (less Potential Program-Specific with utilities readily available than 10 acres) School such as STEM Good access off Hwy 93; future Boundary changes required Boundary changes this area unlikely. Relieves enrollment pressures at Increased traffic issues within an Mitchell, Drake, and Fairmount, established community. West Woods School can be near capacity when it opens. Will have ‘ripple’ effect creating space in other Arvada West and Ralston Valley Articulation Area schools. Allows change to Meiklejohn and West Woods boundaries for better definition, avoiding future changes. 5
Sierra Elementary School Addition Phase 1 – Constructed in 2007 from 2004 Bond Funds. Work included Gym, Kitchen-Cafeteria, Challenge Suite, Administration, Stage-Music Area (Unfinished). Classes are held in the Existing 1970 Building. Phase 2 – Classrooms, Library, Completion of Stage/Music, Removal of 1970 Building, Reconfiguration of Site. Capacity - Core Areas (Gym, Cafeteria, etc.) Designed to 768 Capacity. Phase 2 Recommended Design to 768 Students. Boundary Changes Required – Meiklejohn ES. Relief to Meiklejohn ES (99%) Cost Estimate - $14 Million 1 . Construction Time – 12-18 Months 1 Cost figures based upon 2015 dollars 6
Sierra Elementary School Addition Site 7
Sierra Elementary School Addition Pros Cons Other Info Low contribution for relieving Addition to an existing school. capacity issues in the area (additional 150-200 seats) Must be completed in combination Create a 700+ student capacity (adds with another solution in order to see about 150-200 student seats) full benefits of additional seats Potential for future expansion Potentially high demolition costs of (additional seats) the existing facility. Construction activities on site for at Existing site infrastructure least eighteen months or more. (active school) Relieves pressure on Meiklejohn, possible relief to eastern and southern elementary schools. 8
Rooney Valley/Solterra (Coyote Gulch Site) New K6 School on Coyote Gulch Site, Yale & Gladiola Streets. Steady Growth pressure not as rapid as North County. Near Term Solution – Relieves Enrollment Pressure at Rooney Ranch (102%), Devinny (108%), Red Rocks (144%) Elementary Schools. Near Term Additions to Other Schools should not be necessary. Boundary Changes Required – Rooney Ranch ES, Hutchinson ES, Devinny ES, Potential Impact to Red Rocks ES. 576 Student Elementary School, Possible Expansion to 768 Students . Cost $18 Million (576 enrollment); $22 Million (768 enrollment) 1 . Construction Time - 18-20 Months. 1 Cost figures based upon 2015 dollars 9
Rooney Valley/Solterra (Coyote Gulch Site) Site 10
Rooney Valley/Solterra (Coyote Gulch Site) Pros Cons Other Info May be able to avoid new Relief to capacity issues in the area. capacity at Rooney if we Hutchinson (83%), Rooney Ranch Less development pressure than open 6 th grade at Dunstan (102%), Devinny (108%), Red Rocks North County. (relocate 6 th grade from (144%) Elementary Schools. Devinny to Dunstan) Potential Neighborhood Concerns Increased traffic issues within an established community. 11
Candelas Premature to consider a school at this location. The schools impacted would only be West Woods and Meiklejohn. Insufficient development to support facility at this time. Potential K8 site but not a top priority, area currently has an abundance of middle school seats: Wayne Carle MS (68%), North Arvada MS (49%), Oberon (74%) MS. Plan as part of a major capital improvement program , 800-1,000 capacity K8 Boundary Changes Required – Meiklejohn ES, West Woods. Cost Estimate - $25 Million (2015 dollars) . Construction Time – 18-24 Months. 12
Candelas Site 13
Candelas Pros Cons Other Info May be ½ or less full when opened, Development not limited by size (24 depending on facility size. Full acres) capacity unlikely until build-out of Candelas complete. Potential to relieve capacity Communities benefiting from this pressures from Meiklejohn (99%), school may not support future GOB’s West Woods (114%), and Van for districtwide development. Arsdale (92%). Potential for Multiple Programs or Potential for multiple boundary Buildings changes (at least 2). Close proximity to the new Jefferson Developed site with utilities readily Parkway route to the east of the site available resulting increased traffic Hwy 72. Good access directly off Hwy 72. Highway 72 Frontage Relatively flat site for easier development. 14
Leyden Rock Premature to consider a school at this location. Insufficient development to support facility at this time. The schools eventually impacted would only be West Woods and possibly Meiklejohn. Future K6 site. Plan as part of a major capital improvement program , 576-768 capacity K6 Boundary Changes Required – Meiklejohn ES, West Woods. Cost Estimate - $18-22 Million (2015 dollars) . Construction Time – 18-24 Months 15
Leyden Rock Site 16
Leyden Rock Pros Cons Other Info Classic Neighborhood/Traditional Development limited by site size (10 School because of its location within acres) the development. Smaller School (approx. 700 Likely a minimum of two boundary students) may cost less than other changes. new school builds. Potential for joint-use school/park The new Jefferson Parkway splits the site. residential communities May not be near capacity when Developed site with utilities readily opened. Need full build-out of available. Leyden Rock. Limited impact on nearby schools. Specific to Leyden Rock development Topographic challenges at the site may make development more difficult & expensive. 17
Reopen Zerger Elementary School Return of Lukas and Weber Students to Zerger. Some ‘ripple’ effect but schools are too far east to impact Meiklejohn and West Woods ES. Option-Use as destination site for students at Candelas and/or Leyden Rock. Option-Use as “PreK Magnet” from overcrowded Arvada West, Standley Lake & Ralston Valley preschools (Meiklejohn (136), Adams (76), Sheridan Green (64), Witt (47), Stott (57)). Reopen as ES Adds approximately 420 Seats to area; Small percentage of overall need. Impacts Ralston Valley, Standley Lake and Pomona HS articulation areas. Boundary Changes for minimum of 3 Elementary Schools. Recommissioning and a capital investment in Zerger of approximately $150K to recommission and $575K Capital. 18
Reopen Zerger Elementary School Site 19
Reopen Zerger Elementary School Pros Cons Other Info Potential to free up seats at Weber High renovation costs (97%) and Lucas (102%). Could be a good candidate for a Boundary Changes required may Specific Program (non-community create at least one under-enrolled school) school May cause up to three ES to be under-enrolled or Zerger may not enroll enough students if left as a neighborhood school Drop-off and pick-up issues with any specific program (Pre-K Center or non-community school). Neighborhood traffic volume issue. Significant site work/playground work associated with re-opening Straddles two articulation areas, Pomona & Standley Lake. 20
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