Review of NC Toxic Air Pollutant Rules ( pursuant to Session Law 2 0 1 2 -9 1 ) North Carolina Division of Air Quality Stakeholder Meeting September 25, 2012
History: Environm ental Review Com m ission ( ERC) m eetings ( Sept/ Oct 2 0 1 1 ) W orking group form ed ( Oct 2 0 1 1 ) Bill introduced, HB 9 5 2 ( May 2 0 1 2 ) Becam e law , SL 2 0 1 2 -9 1 ( June 2 8 , 2 0 1 2 )
Air Toxics – Sum m ary Section 1 ◦ Exempts sources subject to certain federal regulations ◦ Codifies “Director’s Call” provision Section 2 ◦ Requires rule amendments Section 3 ◦ Requires review of rules and their implementation Section 4 ◦ Requires reports on implementation of this act
Air Toxics – Section 1 Exem pts from the State air toxics rules sources of toxic air pollutants subject to certain federal regulations, including: National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs), 40 CFR Part 61 Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) standards, 40 CFR Part 63 Generally Available Control Technology (GACT) standards, 40 CFR Part 63 Subject to case-by-case MACT, 112(j) of the Clean Air Act
Air Toxics – Section 1 W hen DAQ receives a perm it application for a new or m odified source or facility that w ould result in a net increase in toxic air pollutants: ◦ Requires DAQ to determine if the toxic air emissions would pose an unacceptable risk to human health… and if it does, the Division Director would make a written finding and require a permit application that eliminates the unacceptable risk… (for all practical purposes this is the existing Director’s Call provision)
Exam ple I llustrating State and Federal Air Toxics Program s ABC Source 2 Com pany Regulated by Federal Air 2 Toxics Rules Source 1 NOT Regulated by Federal Air Toxics Rules 1 3 Source 3 NOT Regulated by Federal Air Toxics Rules Property Line Source: DENR-DAQ
Air Toxics – Section 2 Requires the Environm ental Managem ent Com m ission ( EMC) to am end the State air toxics rules to be consistent w ith Section 1 above.
Air Toxics – Section 3 Requires DAQ to review the State air toxics rules and their im plem entation to determ ine w hether changes could: ◦ Reduce unnecessary regulatory burden ◦ I ncrease the efficient use of DAQ resources w hile m aintain protection of public health DAQ shall report the results of the review and include recom m endations to the ERC by Decem ber 1 , 2 0 1 2
Air Toxics – Section 4 Requires DAQ report to the ERC on the im plem entation of this Act ◦ Decem ber 1 , 2 0 1 2 , 2 0 1 3 and 2 0 1 4 ◦ The report shall include an analysis of air toxic em ission changes and a sum m ary of results of the Division’s analysis of air quality im pacts.
Link to SL 2 0 1 2 -9 1 http:/ / w w w Sessions/ 2 0 1 1 / Bills/ House/ PDF/ H9 5 2 v4 .pdf
Section 3 review The Division of Air Quality of the Departm ent of Environm ent and Natural Resources shall review toxic air pollutant rules adopted pursuant to G.S. 1 4 3 -2 1 5 .1 0 7 ( a) and the im plem entation of those rules to determ ine w hether changes could be m ade to the rules or their im plem entation to reduce unnecessary regulatory burden and increase the efficient use of Division resources w hile m aintaining protection of public health. The Division shall conduct this review in consultation w ith interested parties. The Division shall report the results of its review , including recom m endations, if any, to the Environm ental Review Com m ission no later than Decem ber 1 , 2 0 1 2 .
Section 3 review For each of the options w e discuss, consider w hether it: ◦ reduces unnecessary regulatory burden ◦ increases the efficient use of Division resources ◦ m aintains protection of public health
Options to Discuss The follow ing options m ay fit the criteria laid out in SL 2 0 1 2 -9 1 . Options have evolved from com m ents from the regulated com m unity and DAQ’s experience im plem enting the air toxics rules. This is not an exhaustive list of options… it’s intended to stim ulate discussion. Feel free to com m ent on these options or subm it additional ideas that are consistent w ith SL 2 0 1 2 -9 1 .
Options to Discuss Re-evaluate toxic perm itting em ission 1 . rates ( TPERs) Exem pt natural gas and propane 2 . com bustion units Exem pt em ergency engines 3 . Register rather than perm it sources less 4 . than certain em issions thresholds Do not retain SI C call 5 . Maxim um Feasible Control = Maxim um 6 . Achievable Control Evaluate projected actual em issions 7 .
1 . Re-evaluate toxic perm itting em ission rates ( TPERs) W hat are TPERs? TPERs are established in rule 1 5 A NCAC 0 2 Q .0 7 1 1 and are back- calculated from the Acceptable Am bient Level ( AAL) guidelines. Conservative assum ptions are used regarding stack and dispersion characteristics.
1 . Re-evaluate toxic perm itting em ission rates ( TPERs) How are TPERs used in the perm itting process? Tw o step evaluation process: ◦ Sum all non-exem pt toxics em issions and com pare to TPER. I f below TPER, done. I f above TPER, m odeling is necessary to com pare to the Acceptable Am bient Level ( AAL) .
1 . Re-evaluate toxic perm itting em ission rates ( TPERs) W hat could change? An analysis could be done w ith the m ost recent air dispersion m odel and revised, but yet conservative assum ptions about stack param eters, to see if any TPERs can be increased w hile still providing an am ple m argin of safety. ◦ e.g. - decrease stack diam eter from 1 .0 m eter, or increase stack exist velocity of 0 .0 1 m / s.
2 . Exem pt natural gas and propane com bustion units US EPA has exem pted certain gas-fired com bustion units from federal air toxics rules. Another federal rule only prescribes w ork practice standards on affected units. Toxic air em issions from these sources are w ell below the TPERs.
3 . Exem pt em ergency engines US EPA federal air toxics rules apply to all em ergency engines and only prescribe w ork practice standards. Used tem porarily in em ergency situations. Sm all. Few hours of operation. Peak shaving engines are not considered em ergency engines.
4 . Register rather than perm it sources less than certain em issions thresholds Considerable tim e and resources spent on determ ining if sm all em issions sources qualify as exem pt or insignificant. Effort is disproportionate w ith the environm ental im pact. Sim plify perm it exem ptions rule.
5 . Do not retain SI C call 1 5 A NCAC 0 2 Q .0 7 0 5 provides a m echanism for the Director to require all facilities under the sam e four-digit Standard I ndustrial Classification ( SI C) to subm it an application to com ply w ith the NC air toxics rules. The existing Director’s Call rule and SL 2 0 1 2 -9 1 provide adequate authority to address any unacceptable risks to hum an health from any facility.
6 . Maxim um Feasible Control = Maxim um Achievable Control Maxim um feasible control as a com pliance option. The director can allow m axim um feasible control in certain situations. This option w ould allow com pliance w ith a federal Maxim um Achievable Control Technology rule to satisfy m axim um feasible control requirem ents in the state rules.
7 . Evaluate projected actual em issions The option can be clarified in the rule to ensure that DAQ is im plem enting it consistently. Evaluating projected actual em issions provides a m ore realistic evaluation of the im pacts of air toxics in am bient air, particularly w hen considering how the TPERs and AALs guidelines are developed.
I deas? Please subm it w ritten com m ents by October 9 , 2 0 1 2 to: daq.publiccom m Rules: and
North Carolina Division of Air Quality North Carolina Division of Air Quality Sheila Holman Mike Abraczinskas Director Deputy Director Sheila.Holm 9 1 9 -7 0 7 -8 4 3 0 9 1 9 -7 0 7 -8 4 4 7
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