review of icf projects and



  1. WHAT SECTION 3 TELLS US How the criteria are being met in that projects: • lead to improvements in the co-ordination of care • lead to the development of new models of care • assist in avoiding unnecessary hospital admissions and delayed discharges • promote and maximise people’s independence • support people’s recovery and recuperation • encourage integrated working • shift the way services are delivered and/or the ways the collaborating organisations work • provide a new or additional service • deliver benefits and positive outcomes for older people. • align with national and regional strategic priorities • are well managed

  2. 4. THE EVALUATION REPORTS • Adopt different reporting styles • External evaluations provide useful learning points • External evaluations refer to national research on factors supporting intermediate care – Overarching factors • Focus on individuals • Helpful legislative framework – Service factors • Clear care pathways – Organisational • Effective leadership and governance • Culture of collaboration and learning

  3. LEARNING FROM EVALUATION REPORTS • Quarterly reports not best indicators of good practice • Criteria and evaluation reports could be more closely linked • Greater conformity of reporting could assist learning • Some missed opportunities to ‘tell the story’ • Is reporting too frequent? • Lessons from external reports could be built into the guidance

  4. SOME CONCLUDING THOUGHTS • Report is a review of good practice, not an evaluation • Evidence of real progress on numerous fronts • ICF is filling gaps and making a difference • Many ICF funded services becoming core services • Therefore, any threat to ICF becomes more serious year by year And finally……. Remember that whilst 40 swallows don’t make a summer they do indicate better times ahead!

  5. Cardiff & Vale of Glamorgan Welsh Government Integrated Care Fund Learning Event 27 th September 2017

  6. Key Outcomes in 2016-17 Older People: • 11,088 people were able to remain in their own homes • 8,871 hospital admissions were prevented • 2,923 hospital discharges were assisted • 169 people were removed from the Delayed Transfer of Care list • 1,550 bed days were saved (£426,250 cost saving) Learning Disabilities / Children with Complex Needs: • Initiation of the region-wide Disability Futures Programme , an integrated approach working with housing, health, social care, education and third sector partners • 11 projects focusing on ensuring integrated service provision at key stages in the life of people with Learning Disabilities / Children with Complex Needs • Over 745 people supported between Sep 2016 to March 2017 • 363 parents involved • 297 people helped to access support in their home communities

  7. What’s worked well? First Point Bespoke Accommodation Residential Discharge Solutions to Assess of Contact Respite Care Region-wide housing Residential / nursing Cardiff-based telephone Vale of Glamorgan - team to address individual accommodation to service facilitating access focused pilot service for housing needs. Includes expedite hospital to preventative services people with Learning provision of step up / step discharge whilst patients and social care to improve Disabilities down accommodation continue to receive independent living and extended Rapid rehabilitation and Response Adaptation assessment Scheme • 48 adults received respite • 63 people provided • 1,550 bed days avoided • 28,228 calls to the care with re-ablement • £426,250 cost savings • service 14 people received complex support in a nursing or • 116 patients removed • 72% of new cases needs residential overnight residential home from Delayed Transfers respite dealt with directly setting of Care List • with no onward 7 new carers secured to • 54 people able to • 39 people provided referral to adult support the adult placement return to their own with step up / step services scheme home after receiving down accommodation • 95% of people felt • this service 100% received support • 96% of users felt able to • 95% bed utilisation rate closer to home and that their quality of remain in their own proportionate to need life had been (Cardiff facility) home improved

  8. What’s worked well? • Focused effort upon the needs of key population groups ; • Encouraged partners to work collaboratively with a focus upon best practice; • Use of Results Based Accountability as an outcome focused performance management model; • Helped people to think innovatively and test new ways of working; • Focus upon community . What a very good idea this is, we love being in our home and most of all being independent

  9. Challenges • Funding uncertainty impacts upon: - Service delivery; - Staff development; - Partnership working; - Sustainability. • Long term development. • Scale and capacity to meet growing demand . • Missed opportunities for alignment with other funding.

  10. More information…

  11. Rhanbarth Cwm Taf Arian Gofal Integredig Cwm Taf Region Integrated Care Fund

  12. Community Coordinators Cydlynwyr Cymunedol • Brwydro yn erbyn • Initially to combat arwahanrwydd ac isolation and unigrwydd pobl dros 65 loneliness in over 65’s i ddechrau • Evolved to frail over • Esblygu ar gyfer y 50’s bregus dros 50 • Third Sector • Trydydd Sector • 5 coordinators • 5 cydlynydd • 4 locality specific • 4 penodol i’r ardal • 1 Health • 1 Iechyd • Integrate Sectors • Integreiddio Sectorau

  13. Health Coordinator Cydlynydd Iechyd • Meddygfeydd • GP Surgeries • CIAS – Community • Gwasanaeth Asesu Integrated Assessment Integredig Cymunedol Service • Tîm Aros yn Iach • Stay Well@Home Gartref Team • Ymgyrchoedd Iechyd • Cwm Taf Health Campaigns Cwm Taf

  14. Locality Based Community Coordinators Cydlynwyr Cymunedol Wedi eu Lleoli yn y Gymuned • Mapio / Bylchau • Mapping/Gapping • Ymchwil Cymunedol • Community Research • Cyfeirio • Referrals • Monitro / Gwerthuso • Monitoring/Evaluati on • Arwyddbostio • Signposting • Bwletinau • Information Gwybodaeth Bulletins

  15. REFERRALS RECEIVED 1357 Referrals received 1357 Cyfeiriadau a dderbyniwyd 2016/2017 2016/2017

  16. Signposts Arwyddbyst 3325 (2016/17) Arwyddbyst at 3325 (2016/17) Signposts to wasanaethau a grwpiau services and community cymunedol groups Cymdeithas Strôc Grwpiau Stroke Association Cerdded Walking Groups Neiniau’n Gweu Ffrindiau Knitting Nanna’s Fibro Ffibro Friends Ifanc o Galon Fforwm 50+ Young at Heart 50+ Forum Cymdeithas Alzheimer’s Cwt Alzheimer’s Society Men’s Dynion Sheds Cyswllt Oedran Morgannwg Age Connects Morgannwg Cefnogaeth Galar Bereavement Support Budd / Cyngor Ynni Benefit/Energy advice

  17. CASE STUDY ASTUDIAETH ACHOS • Cyfeirio o bractis Meddyg • GP Practice referral Teulu • Mr and Mrs J were referred for help for assisted refuse • Cafodd Mr a Mrs J eu collection cyfeirio am help ar gyfer • Identified that the couple casglu sbwriel â chymorth had multiple needs • Dynodwyd fod aml- • 6 organisations could offer anghenion gan y cwpl support. • Roedd 6 sefydliad yn gallu • Mr and Mrs J chose to accept some, but not all of cynnig cymorth the support. • Dewisodd Mr a Mrs J dderbyn peth, ond nid yr holl gefnogaeth.

  18. Y Her The challenge • Pwysau’r gaeaf difrifol – • Severe winter pressures llif cleifion - patient flow • Rhyddhad gohiriedig • Delayed discharges • Gwaith seilo • Silo working

  19. Cam 1 – Mwy o Bresenoldeb Gofal Cymdeithasol mewn ysbytai Phase 1 – Increased Social Care Presence in hospitals • Moved single point of • Wedi symud pwynt mynediad sengl i mewn i’r access into hospital using ysbyty gan ddefnyddio discharge coordinators cydgysylltwyr rhyddhau • Appointed Social Work • Swyddi Gwaith posts linked to Community Cymdeithasol wedi’u Hospitals hapwyntio gyda chyswllt ag • Built relationships between Ysbytai Cymunedol LA & hospital based staff • Cysylltiadau sefydlog rhwng ALl a’r staff yn yr ysybtai • Improved communication • Cyfathrebiad gwell rhwng between health & social iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol Care

  20. Canlyniadau Cam 1 Outcomes of Phase 1 Cyfathrebiad gwell rhwng Improved communication Iechyd a Gofal between Health & Social Cymdeithasol Care Services led to:- wedi arwain at:- • A reduction in the • Lleihad mewn niferoedd overall numbers of cyffredinol rhyddhad delayed discharges gohiriedig • Patient flow more • Llif Cleifion mwy efficient using up to effeithlon gan date information ddefnyddio gwybodaeth gyfredol

  21. Cam 2 Cydestun am newid Phase 2 Context for change Gwersi a ddysgwyd: Lessons learnt : • Cydweithio’n digwydd pan fydd pobl yn mynychu D&AB neu wedi bod yn • Joint working happens when people yr ysbyty fel claf mewnol sydd angen attend A & E or have been cymorth iechyd a/neu ofal hospitalised and require community cymdeithasol yn y gymuned ar ôl cael eu rhyddhau health and/or social care support on discharge • Cyfathrebiad gwell rhwng staff Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol yn ystod • Improved communication between cynllunio rhyddhad yn gwella llif Health & Social Care staff during cleifion discharge planning improves patient flow. • Mynediad i becynnau gofal y tu allan i oriau craidd yn atal mynediad i • Access to packages of care out of ysbyty diangen core hours prevents unnecessary hospital admissions.

  22. Aros yn well yn y Cartref Stay Well @Home Amcan Aim • Cefnogi gwasanaethau ar y cyd, • To support joined up services, gan ddarparu mynediad cyflym a providing fast access and thriniaeth effeithiol effective treatment • Parchu dewis cleifion a chynnwys • To respect patients’ preferences cleifion a gofalwyr yn y broses and involve patients and carers in rhyddhau o’r ysbyty hospital discharge • Hyrwyddo annibyniaeth, adfer a • To promote independence, chynhwysiant cymdeithasol recovery and social inclusion.

  23. Gwasanaeth Aros yn well yn y cartref Stay Well @home Service • Multidisciplinary hospital based team: – Social Workers • Tîm ysbyty aml-ddisgyblaethol: – Occupational Therapists - Gweithwyr Cymdeithasol - Therapyddion Galwedigaethol – Physiotherapists - Ffisiotherapyddion – Therapy Technicians - Technegwyr Therapi Based at A & E departments, 8 am. – 8 Wedi'i leoli mewn adrannau Damweiniau ac pm. 365 days a year. Achosion Brys, 8 am. - 8 pm. 365 diwrnod y • Undertake proportionate assessments at flwyddyn. A & E and hospital wards to avoid • Ymgymryd ag asesiadau cymesur mewn unnecessary hospital admissions and wardiau damweiniau ac achosion brys a discharge patients to appropriate services wardiau ysbytai er mwyn osgoi derbyn • Commission a range of community based cleifion diangen a rhyddhau cleifion i responses: wasanaethau priodol – Packages of care • Comisiynu amrywiaeth o ymatebion yn y – Nursing support gymuned: – Medication Assessment - Pecynnau gofal - Cefnogaeth nyrsio - Asesiad Meddyginiaeth

  24. Data Cychwynnol Initial Data Mae'r ddata o’r dri mis cyntaf yn First three months of data awgrymu; suggest; • Cynnydd mewn cleifion dros 61 • An increase in patients over mlynedd gyda sero HYA 61 years with zero LOS • Cynnydd mewn cleifion dros 61 oed gyda HYA 1-5 diwrnod • An increase in patients over • Gostyngiad mewn cleifion dros 61 61 years with 1-5 days LOS mlynedd yn aros am fwy na 5 • A reduction in patients over diwrnod 61 years admitted for • Gostyngiad cyffredinol mewn longer than 5 days HYA ar gyfer y rheiny sydd â HYA >5 diwrnod • An overall reduction in LOS for those that have a >5 day LOS

  25. Shelley Welton and Kemmine Compere

  26. Shelley Welton a Kemmine Compere

  27. Project Overview: • Roots in My Day, My Life • Research and piloting • Facilitation not support • Information and advice • Membership led; co-production.

  28. Trosolwg o’r Prosiect: • Gwreiddiau yn Fy Niwrnod, Fy Mywyd • Ymchwil a pheilota • Hwyluso nid cefnogaeth • Gwybodaeth a chyngor • Arweinir gan aelodau; cydgynhyrchu

  29. Objectives of My Mates aims: • To provide opportunities for adults with a learning disability to form friendships and relationships in a supportive environment • To build confidence and independence through networks and community • To improve awareness and education about relationships for people with a learning disability Expected Outcomes: • People will have friends and an active social life • People will have greater opportunities to form deeper, more exclusive relationships • People will find networks of support which are more natural and sit outside of services

  30. Amcanion Nodau My Mates: • I roi cyfleoedd i oedolion sydd ag anableddau dysgu ffurfio cyfeillgarwch a pherthnasau mewn amgylchedd cefnogol • I fagu hyder ac annibyniaeth trwy rwydweithiau a’r gymuned • I wella ymwybyddiaeth ac addysg am berthnasau ar gyfer pobl sydd ag anabledd dysgu Deilliannau Disgwyliedig: • Bydd gan bobl gyfeillion a bywyd cymdeithasol bywiog • Bydd gan bobl gyfleoedd mwy i ffurfio perthnasau dwysach a mwy detholedig • Bydd pobl yn dod o hyd i rwydweithiau cefnogi sy’n fwy naturiol ac sy’n eistedd y tu allan i wasanaethau

  31. So what is • Processed nearly 100 formal applications to become members. • Facilitated 30 social events ranging from meals, theatre trips, days out and balls since April 2016. Uptake has been very high. • 98 people bought tickets and attended the Christmas Glitter Ball at the Celtic Manor on 14 th December 2016. Fantastic feedback received. • Established a base for members to access confidential conversations if desired. • The team is C-Card registered and trained to deliver workshops. • The team has created working relationships and is accessible across Gwent (Councils, People First, voluntary agencies and providers). • Well established Facebook and Twitter accounts used daily by My Mates members.

  32. Felly beth yw • Proseswyd bron 100 o geisiadau ffurfiol i ymaelodi. • Hwyluswyd 30 o ddigwyddiadau cymdeithasol o brydau o fwyd, teithiau i’r theatr, diwrnodau allan a dawnsiau ers mis Ebrill 2016. Derbyniwyd lefel uchel o ymateb. • Prynwyd tocynnau a mynychwyd Dawns Glitter y Nadolig yng Ngwesty’r Celtic Manor ar 14 eg Rhagfyr 2016 gan 98 o bobl. Derbyniwyd adborth rhagorol. • Sefydlwyd lleoliad i aelodau gael mynediad i drafodaethau cyfrinachol pe dymunent. • Mae gan y tîm gofrestriad C-Card ac maent wedi’u hyfforddi i ddarparu gweithdai. • Mae’r tîm wedi creu perthnasau gwaith ac mae’n hygyrch i bawb yn ardal Gwent (Cynghorau, Pobl yn Gyntaf, asiantaethau a darparwyr gwirfoddol). • Cyfrifon Facebook a Twitter wedi’u hen sefydlu a chânt eu defnyddio bob dydd gan aelodau My Mates.

  33. What does cost? 1 x fte 2 x 0.4 Co-ordinator Facilitators ICF Funding Promotion/ £50.000 Supplies

  34. Beth yw cost ? 1 x Cydlynydd 2 x 0.4 amser llawn Hwylusydd cyfatebol Ariannu Cronfa Gofal Hyrwyddo/ Integredig Deunyddiau £50,000

  35. Benefits of [X]  People are creating friendships/relationships and the opportunity to have an active social life.  People are finding networks of support which are more natural and sit outside of services.  Reliance upon paid staff members is and will continue to decrease.  Advice and information is available to members to promote health-care, self-care and safety.  My Mates members are actively engaging with the team and bringing forward ideas for the future.

  36. Buddion  Mae pobl yn creu cyfeillgarwch/perthnasau ac yn cael cyfle i brofi bywyd cymdeithasol bywiog.  Mae pobl yn dod o hyd i rwydweithiau a chefnogaeth sy’n fwy naturiol ac sy’n eistedd y tu allan i wasanaethau.  Mae’r dibynadwyedd ar staff cyflogedig yn gostwng a bydd yn parhau i ostwng.  Mae cyngor a gwybodaeth ar gael i aelodau o ran hyrwyddo gofal iechyd, hunan-ofal a diogelwch.  Mae aelodau My Mates yn ymgysylltu’n weithredol gyda’r tîm ac yn cynnig syniadau ar gyfer y dyfodol.

  37. Benefits of

  38. Buddion

  39. Benefits of Example 1: Improving Relationships with Providers

  40. Buddion Enghraifft 1: Gwella perthnasau gyda darparwyr

  41. Benefits of Example 2: Supporting My Mates members to build confidence  Personal presentation and self-worth  Body language  Supporting others  Choices  Increased social network  Increased community presence

  42. Buddion Enghraifft 2: Cefnogi aelodau My Mates i fagu hyder  Cynrychiolaeth bersonol a hunan-werth  Iaith y corff  Cefnogi pobl eraill  Dewisiadau  Rhwydwaith cymdeithasol mwy  Presenoldeb mwy yn y gymuned

  43. Overcoming obstacles • Managing demand • Expectations of support • Holds true to the • Paying for events philosophy • Workshops • Supports people to • Dating consider new and different approaches • Develops a range of options • Takes an iterative approach; learning as we go along

  44. Goresgyn rhwystrau • Rheoli galw • Disgwyliadau o ran cymorth • Glynir at yr • Talu am athroniaeth ddigwyddiadau • Cefnogir pobl i ystyried • Gweithdai dulliau newydd a • Canlyn gwahanol • Datblygir ystod o opsiynau • Cymerir ymagwedd ailadroddol; dysgu wrth i ni fynd ymlaen

  45. Lessons Learned What would you do differently? What would you repeat? • One team approach • Staff team – 100% • Pilot it in a ‘less developed’ • The model – our approach area to facilitating relationships • Less large group activities; • Having a brand, marketing focus on personal • Our approach to ‘easing relationships rather than out’ group friendships • Not worry so much about what people might think!

  46. Gwersi a ddysgwyd Beth fyddech yn ei wneud yn wahanol? Beth fyddech chi’n ei ailadrodd? • Ymagwedd un tîm • Tîm y staff – 100% • Cynnal cynllun peilot mewn • Y model – ein dull ar gyfer ardal ‘ llai datblygiedig ’ hwyluso cyfeillgarwch • Llai o weithgareddau ar • Bod â brand, marchna gyfer grwpiau mawr; • Ein hymagwedd at canolbwyntio ar berthnasau ‘ ymlithro ’ personol yn hytrach na chyfeilgarwch grŵp • Peidio â phoeni cymaint am beth fydd pobl yn ei feddwl!

  47. Spreading Success Rolling out My Mates across Gwent • Identifying advocates for My Mates in other areas • Managing demand carefully and incrementally Significant levels of interest across the UK • Potential for partnerships • Potential for other areas to replicate the model

  48. Lledu llwyddiant Cyflwyno cynllun My Mates ar draws Gwent • Adnabod eiriolwyr ar gyfer My Mates mewn ardaloedd eraill • Rheoli’r galw yn ofalus ac yn gynyddrannol Lefelau sylweddol o ddiddordeb ar draws y DU • Potensial i greu partneriaethau • Potensial i ardaloedd eraill atgynhyrchu’r model

  49. Everybody should do this…

  50. Dylai pawb wneud hyn …

  51. Further Information Contact Information: 01873 735414  Shelley Welton:  Kemmine Compere: Follow us on Twitter: @MCCMyMates

  52. Gwybodaeth bellach Manylion cyswllt: 01873 735414  Shelley Welton:  Kemmine Compere: Dilynwch ni ar Twitter: @MCCMyMates

  53. Digwyddiad Dysgu ICF (Caerdydd) / ICF Learning Event (Cardiff) 27 ain Medi 2017/27 th September 2017 Nicola Stubbins – Noddwr Arweiniol ICF, Cyfarwyddwr Corfforaethol: Cymunedau / ICF Lead Sponsor, Corporate Director: Communities Sharon Hinchcliffe – Rheolwr Prosiect Gwasanaethau Integredig/ Project Manager Integrated Services www.cydweithredfagogleddc /

  54. Beth ydym ni wedi bod yn ei wneud? What have we been doing? • Adeiladu Cymunedau a • Building Communities Chydlynu Ased Lleol and Local Asset Co- – Cael ei adnabod yn ordination genedlaethol gan Iechyd – Recognised nationally by Cyhoeddus Cymru - wedi’u Public Health Wales - cynnwys yn eu catalog o included in their catalogue of arferion da mewn dulliau ar good practice in asset based sail ased a chyd-gynhyrchu. approaches and co- • Cefnogi Cynnydd production – Asesiad o sgiliau byw'n • Progression Support annibynnol pobl - galluogi – Assessment of peoples comisiynu gwasanaethau independent living skills – gyda dealltwriaeth well ei enabling commissioning of angen o sgiliau byw'n services with an improved annibynnol unigolyn. understanding of a person’s independent living skills needed. www.cydweithredfagogleddc /

  55. Adeiladu Cymunedau Building Communities • Beth yw’r prosiect? • What is the project? • Cyfle i ‘ ddatblygu prosiect • An opportunity to ‘develop cyd-gynhyrchu a phroses, a a co-production project, fydd yn galluogi and process, which will sefydliadau partner i enable partner weithio gyda’i gilydd gyda organisations to work phobl sy’n byw yn ein together with the people cymunedau i fyw eu living in our communities bywydau y maent eisiau’ ac to live the lives that they i fynd i’r afael â’r want’ and to address the anghydbwysedd rhwng y imbalance between user defnyddiwr a’r darparwr . and provider www.cydweithredfagogleddc /

  56. Adeiladu Cymunedau Building Communities • Beth mae arnom ni eisiau ei • What did we want to achieve? gyflawni? • The project aimed to consult on a • Bwriad y prosiect yw ymgynghori ar range of services in a specific area ystod o wasanaethau mewn maes and explore how we could use the penodol ac ymchwilio sut y gallwn assets within our communities to ddefnyddio'r asedau o fewn ein develop resilience and self – cymunedau i ddatblygu gwydnwch a sufficiency hunan gynhaliaeth. • Above all the model hoped to • Uwchlaw popeth roedd y model yn establish a new way of working that gobeithio sefydlu ffordd newydd o would be replicated weithio a fyddai'n cael ei ddyblygu • Through partnership working • Drwy weithio mewn partneriaeth i establish a Joint Engagement and sefydlu Bwrdd Ymgynghori ac Consultation Board, and adopted the Ymgysylltu ar y Cyd, ac wedi Building Communities model as its mabwysiadu model Adeiladu comprehensive way of engaging with Cymunedau, fel ei ffordd communities. gynhwysfawr o ymgysylltu â N.B. Adopted by the Public Service Board as chymunedau. a recognised model of good practice in engaging communities D.S. Mabwysiadwyd gan y Bwrdd Gwasanaeth Cyhoeddus fel model cydnabyddedig o arferion da mewn cymunedau sy’n ymgysylltu www.cydweithredfagogleddc /

  57. Adeiladu Cymunedau Building Communities • Sut gwnaethom ni hyn? • How did we do it? • Ymgynghoriad dwys, • Extensive consultation, ymgysylltu wedi’i dargedu targeted engagement • Sgyrsiau cadarnhaol yn • Positive conversations canolbwyntio ar beth oedd focussed on what cymunedau eu hangen communities needed • Sefydlu grŵp tasg a gorffen • Set up task and finish group wedi’i arwain gan aelodau led by community members o'r gymuned a'i gefnogi gan and supported by the y strwythur Alliance overall Alliance structure cyffredinol www.cydweithredfagogleddc /

  58. Adeiladu Cymunedau Building Communities • Beth sydd wedi cael ei gyflawni? • What’s been achieved? • Mae Alliance yng ngrŵp sefydledig gyda’i gyfrif banc ei • Alliance is now a constituted group with it’s own bank hun erbyn hyn account • Mae’r grŵp wedi dechrau edrych ar sefydlu cymuned • The group has begun looking at establishing a Dementia sy’n Gyfeillgar i Ddementia a’r posibilrwydd o gomisiynu Friendly community and potential of commissioning its ei wasanaethau gofal dydd ei hun drwy’r canolfannau, own day-care services through the hubs, any revenue bydd unrhyw refeniw a gynhyrchir yn cael ei roi’n ôl i generated put back into Alliance Alliance. • Local Asset co-ordinators role funded by LA based in • Rôl Cydlynwyr Asset lleol yn cael eu hariannu gan community hubs, responsible for complimenting the Awdurdod Lleol mewn canolfannau cymunedol, yn well-being agenda of the Building Community model gyfrifol am ganmol yr agenda lles y model Adeiladu through reconnecting socially isolated residents with Cymuned, drwy helpu preswylwyr sydd wedi’u hynysu’n their communities. Bespoke model, success meant gymdeithasol i ailgysylltu â’u cymunedau. Model employment of 2 more community based LAC’s. unigryw, llwyddiant yn golygu cyflogi 2 LAC yn y • The Building Communities model emphasis on co- gymuned production highlighted as model of good practice. • Mae’r model Adeiladu Cymunedau yn pwysleisio ar Public Health Wales provides a facilitation fund of £2500 gydgynhyrchiad a amlygwyd fel model o arferion da. per year to replicate the model Mae Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru yn darparu cyllid hwyluso • Identified need for better understanding of o £2500 y flwyddyn i ddyblygu’r model. role/responsibility of Town & Community Councillors. • Angen a nodwyd i ddeall yn well rôl/ cyfrifoldeb Secured funding for project to employ Community Cynghorwyr Tref a Chymuned. Cyllid wedi’i ddiogelu ar Involvement Officers, tasked with rolling out Building gyfer prosiect i gyflogi Swyddogion Ymgysylltu â’r Communities project in 8 areas , has engaged with 2400 Gymuned, sydd â’r dasg o gyflwyno prosiect Adeiladu people and identified assets, gaps and priorities to take Cymunedau mewn 8 ardal, wedi ymgysylltu â 2400 o forward in due course. bobl ac wedi dynodi asedau, bylchau a blaenoriaethau i'w symud ymlaen maes o law. www.cydweithredfagogleddc /

  59. Adeiladu Cymunedau Building Communities Yn dilyn sgwrs ddilynol gyda merch Mrs A, dywedodd Ms B wrthym fod y During a follow up conversation with Mrs Gan fod Ms B wedi cael yr Now that Ms B has received cymorth gan Link wedi bod yn A’s daughter, Ms B told us that the help wybodaeth gan Môn Community information from Môn Community amhrisiadwy, gan nodi bod yr from Link had been invaluable, noting that Link, bydd yn cael ei hysbysu ac yn Link, she will be informed and able wybodaeth a gafodd wedi bod yn the information received had been “great, gallu trefnu cymorth parhaus ar to arrange continued support for “wych, a defnyddiol iawn”, a and very helpful” , and she praised the gyfer ei mam, hyd yn oed ar ôl iddi her mother, even after she has chanmolodd effeithlonrwydd y efficiency of the service in getting the fynd yn ôl gartref sydd y tu allan i’r gone back to her home outside of gwasanaeth ar gael yr wybodaeth iddi’n information to her quickly. ynys. the Island. gyflym.. Dysgais yn ystod y cyfnod rhwng y I learnt that during the period ddau alwad, bu i Ms B fynd yn sâl, between both calls, Ms B had ond diolchodd am y wybodaeth herself been taken ill, but thanks to amrywiol yr oedd wedi'i gael eisoes the varied information already gan Link, roedd ganddi gymorth ac received from the Link, she had wedi gallu trefnu gofal seibiant ar help on hand and had been able to gyfer ei mam gan y drydydd sector, arrange respite care for her mother tra ei bod hi ei hun wedi cael amser from the third sector, whilst she i ddod at ei hun. Yn ei geiriau ei herself had time to recover. In her hun, cyrhaeddodd yr wybodaeth “ words, the information had come ar yr adeg iawn”. “at the perfect time”. www.cydweithredfagogleddc /

  60. Adeiladu Cymunedau Building Communities • Beth wnaethom ni ei • What did we learn? ddysgu? • Time & Resource • Amser ac Adnoddau • Buy in from partners • Prynu gan bartneriaid • The process must be • Rhaid i’r broses fod yn meaningful ystyrlon • Town & Community • Cynghorau Tref a Councils involved from Chymuned yn rhan o beginning hyn o'r dechrau • Task and finish groups • Nid oedd grwpiau tasg a didn’t work gorffen wedi gweithio www.cydweithredfagogleddc /

  61. Cefnogi Cynnydd Progression Support • Beth yw’r prosiect? • What is the project? – Cymorth tymor byr i – Short term support to helpu unigolion gyflawni help individuals achieve eu canlyniadau lles their personal well-being personol outcomes – Cefnogi sefydlu tîm – Support the amlddisgyblaethol h.y. establishment of a multi- Therapi Galwedigaethol disciplinary team i.e. a staff cefnogi cynnydd Occupational therapy uniongyrchol. and direct progression support staff www.cydweithredfagogleddc /

  62. Cefnogi Cynnydd Progression Support • Beth mae arnom ni eisiau ei • What did we want to achieve? gyflawni? – Encourage independence, increase – Annog annibyniaeth, cynyddu hyder a confidence and self-value using hunanwerth gan ddefnyddio meaningful everyday activities gweithgareddau dyddiol ystyrlon. – Improve community participation / – Gwella cyfranogiad cymunedol/ lleihau reduce social isolation anwahanrwydd cymdeithasol – Reduce reliance on carer / support staff – Lleihau pwysau ar ofalwr/ staff / statutory services by establishing an cymorth/ gwasanaethau statudol drwy approach that focuses on progression sefydlu dull sydd yn canolbwyntio ar and the achievement of agreed gynnydd a chyflawni’r canlyniadau a outcomes gytunwyd. – To develop an enhanced enablement – I ddatblygu adnodd gallu gwell i staff staff resource to work alongside weithio ochr yn ochr â GC, ThG, Staff existing SW, OT, Nursing staff and nyrsio a darparwyr cyfredol. providers. • www.cydweithredfagogleddc /

  63. Cefnogi Cynnydd Progression Support • How did we do it? • Sut gwnaethom ni hyn? • Llunio ffurflen atgyfeirio newydd, hanfodol • Designed new referral form, essential that bod unigolyn eisiau dysgu sgil newydd a bydd person wants to learn new skill and this will hyn yn diwallu eu canlyniad lles personol. meet their personal well-being outcome • Cynllun cymorth cynnydd unigol wedi’i • Individual progression support plan gwblhau sydd yn galluogi staff cefnogi completed which enables the progression cynnydd i gefnogi’r unigolyn yn briodol gyda support staff to appropriately support the thasgau corfforol a llafar. person with physical and verbal promoting for tasks • Cynlluniau cynnydd yn cael eu hadolygu’n rheolaidd am dystiolaeth i gyflawni • Progression plans reviewed regularly for amcanion a chanlyniadau personol. evidence of achieving personal goals and • Ar ôl cyrraedd dy nod, cyfle i osod un arall os outcomes yw’r unigolyn wedi adnabod un • Once goal reached opportunity to set another one if identified by person • Cyfle i staff cefnogi cynnydd i rannu eu gwybodaeth a sgiliau i asiantaethau gofal • Opportunity for progression support staff to eraill i sicrhau trosglwyddiad esmwyth o un handover their knowledge and skills to other tîm staff i un arall. care agencies to ensure smooth transition from one staff team to another www.cydweithredfagogleddc /

  64. Cefnogi Cynnydd Progression Support • Beth sydd wedi cael ei • What’s been achieved? gyflawni? • Refurbished building to • Ailwampio adeilad i ddarparu provide Disabilities Resource Canolfan Adnodd Anableddau Centre • Cyfle i geisio byw'n annibynnol • Opportunity to try independent living • Defnyddio teleofal o fewn y broses • Use of telecare within the process • Seibiant i ofalwyr • Respite for carers • Cyswllt posibl gyda choleg lleol i ddarparu Cwrs Byw'n • Potential link with local college Annibynnol providing Independent Living Course • Ystafell Synhwyraidd newydd, trafodaeth gyda phartneriaid • New Sensory room, in discussion with 3 rd Sector Nam Ar o’r Synhwyrau y 3ydd sector. Sensory Impairment partners www.cydweithredfagogleddc /

  65. Cefnogi Cynnydd Progression Support Dave - Dave was referred to us for travel Dave – Atgyfeiriwyd Dave atom ni ar gyfer training to and from Denbigh to Rhyl to hyfforddiant teithio i Ddinbych ac oddi yno i'r Rhyl i attend Buzz Club. We started week 1 with fynd i'r Clwb Buzz. Fe wnaethom ddechrau 1:1 support to catch the bus, walk to Buzz, wythnos 1 gyda chefnogaeth 1:1 i ddal y bws, cerdded i Buzz, yna dal y bws adref ar yr amser then catch the bus home at the right time cywir a cherdded adref. Wythnos 2 - Fe wnes i and walk home. Week 2 I supported Dave gefnogi Dave i ddal y bws ond fe wnes i aros yn y to catch the bus but I waited in Rhyl for him Rhyl iddo gyrraedd. Fe gyrhaeddodd y Clwb Buzz to arrive. He arrived at Buzz Club with no heb unrhyw anogiadau. Wythnos 3 – Fe wnes i prompts. Week 3 I met Dave at Buzz Club gyfarfod Dave yn y Clwb Buzz ac yn ystod wythnos and week 4 I just observed him getting off 4 dim ond arsylwi arno’n mynd oddi ar y bws am adref wnes i. Cafodd hyn ei wneud o fewn 4 the bus to go home. This was done within 4 wythnos gyda chanlyniadau ardderchog. Mae Dave weeks with excellent results. Dave still yn dal yn mynd i Buzz. attends Buzz. www.cydweithredfagogleddc /

  66. Canlyniadau ac Adrodd Rhanbarthol Regional Reporting & Outcomes • Gwaith pellach sydd i’w wneud: – Prosiectau Pobl Hŷn a Bregus 50+ • Further work to be done: – Prosiectau AD a PAD a Gofalwyr – 50+ Frail and Older People projects 40+ – 40+ LD & CCN and Carers projects – 10 Prosiect Cyfalaf – 10 Capital projects • Gwaith rhagorol yn cychwyn i • Excellent work underway to wella adrodd gan ddefnyddio’r improve reporting using the new templed newydd Mae’n template. It’s early days in this ddyddiau cynnar ar gyfer y transitional year, however, some flwyddyn drosiannol hon, fodd very pleasing progress in bynnag, mae ychydig o gynnydd identifying and agreeing joint da i adnabod a chytuno ar outcomes and measures across ganlyniadau a mesurau ar y cyd the region with further ar draws y rhanbarth, gyda workshops planned to keep up gweithdai pellach wedi’u trefnu i momentum. gadw’r momentwm. www.cydweithredfagogleddc /

  67. Welsh Government Learning Event Intermediate Care Fund Powys 2016-17

  68. Digwyddiad Dysgu Llywodraeth Cymru Cronfa Gofal Canolradd Powys 2016-17

  69. Assistive Technology Supporting unpaid carers through the use of assistive technology equipment

  70. Technoleg Gynorthwyol Cefnogi gofalwyr di-dâl trwy’r defnydd o gyfarpar technoleg gynorthwyol

  71. Assistive Technology  Created a demonstration and training facility within a sheltered accommodation block centrally located in mid Powys. The facility is a 2 bedroom flat which has been kitted out with large range of stand-alone assistive technology products as well as a wide range of telecare sensors designed to manage a number of personal and environmental risks  9 open days which was attended by 77 people, including staff, members of the public and County Councillors   


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