ABOUT THE INTERNSHIP In establishing P In establishing PPIA par IA partnership with Gar nership with Garuda Indonesia, uda Indonesia, se sever eral members of UQISA al members of UQISA tog together init ether initiated to establish fur iated to establish further a ther act ctions in cr ions in creat eating se ing sever eral pr al projects to r ojects to reduce the educe the comm communic unicat ation bar ion barrier lag ier lagging thr ing through an inter ough an internship pr nship prog ogram. am. Ti Ti e inter e internship pr nship prog ogram wil am will be conducted f l be conducted for Gar or Garuda Indonesia in Br uda Indonesia in Brisbane and sustain isbane and sustain it fr it from one g om one gener enerat ation to ne ion to next g xt gener enerat ation. ion. Ti Ti e pr e prog ogram consist am consisting of t ing of two cur o current major pr ent major projects: ojects: UQISA Car UQISA Card Member and Mar d Member and Market ket Resear Research. h. Ti Ti e pr e project wil oject will be completed within 30 w l be completed within 30 wor orking da king days fr s from Ma om May unt y until Jul il July. Ti Ti e main object e main objectiv ive of this pr e of this project is to assist Indonesian st oject is to assist Indonesian students in g udents in gett etting their bene ing their bene fj fj ts, ts, impr improving r ving relat elations bet ions between Gar een Garuda Indonesia and UQISA, uda Indonesia and UQISA, and as f and as for the inter or the internship nship st students themsel udents themselves, es, is to hav is to have the abilit e the ability in demonst y in demonstrat ating w ing wor ork e k exper xperience that should ience that should be e be expected in r xpected in real pr eal pract ctice ice.
MEMBERS Rest Restuar uarti Ma Madyantor dyantoro ( (Pela elayanan yanan dan dan Adv dvokasi kasi, UQISA 2013-2014) UQISA 2013-2014) Sit iti Savir avira Iv Ivonne onne R R.S. .S. ( (Pela elayanan yanan dan dan Adv dvokasi kasi, UQISA 2013-2014) UQISA 2013-2014) Wiwitaning iwitaningrum um Azz Azzahr ahro Khoir Khoirunnisa unnisa (Dana U (Dana Usaha, saha, UQISA UQISA 2013-2014) 2013-2014) Olivia livia Febr ebrina ina Tobing obing ( (Aka Akademik demik, UQISA 2013-2014) UQISA 2013-2014) Indang Indang Ayu yu Sa fj fj trie ie ( (Aka Akademik demik, UQISA 2013-2014) UQISA 2013-2014) Venessa enessa Supit upit ( (Sosial osial Masyar Masyarakat akat, UQISA 2013-2014) UQISA 2013-2014) Nadia Bel dia Bella la Kar artika ika ( (Sosial osial Masyar Masyarakat akat, UQISA 2013-2014) UQISA 2013-2014) Tania ania Febr ebriant ianti Winanto inanto ( (Sosial osial Masyar Masyarakat akat, UQISA 2013-2014) UQISA 2013-2014)
1. E-MAIL SERVICE Total orang yang menggunakan pelayanan e-mail UQISA Garuda : > 50 orang Services include: - Ticket enquiries - Baggage enquiries - Destination enquiries - Discount enquiries - Promo enquiries Suggestions for E-mail Service: PIC: 2 orang, 1 person per 1 transaction, phone service
2. CARD MEMBERSHIP Every future UQISA member will be required to sign up for GA Miles (Garuda Frequent Flyer has already been upgraded to GA Miles) before officially becoming a UQISA member. Goal: To give a clear understanding on how UQISA and Garuda Indonesia has jointly work together in supporting overseas students through benefits of the membership card.
CARD BENEFITS Sendok Garpu, Shalom Restaurant, Restoran Jakarta, Funny Funny, Merchandise UQISA, PESRA, Thai Treasure, Chatime, Satay Event Cinemas, ILLANAVI Club, Pizza Café, UQISA Kitchen, Reflexology, Dani Salon Merlo, Masakan Indonesia UQISA Membership Card Gramedia, Burgreens Tour Jogja, GA Executive Lounge
MEMBERSHIP CARD RESULT Pencetakan 1 st batch sudah selesai Total kartu yang dicetak = jumlah anggota yang sudah daftar Total kartu = 88 kartu Suggestions: - ABN dari UQISA harus fix (untuk percetakan) - Design belum ada kontrak, pembuatan MoU disarankan - Kerja sama dengan merchants lain (selain Garuda Indonesia) � to add value - Kontrol percetakan kartu
3. MARKET RESEARCH A sur A survey wil y will be conducted thr l be conducted throughout the pr oughout the prog ogram in or am in order to g der to get the et the pr proper database to suppor oper database to support the success of ong t the success of ongoing pr oing projects and ojects and upcoming pr upcoming projects as w ojects as wel ell. l. Goal: Goal: To e o evaluate Gar valuate Garuda Indonesia uda Indonesia’s customers’ s customers’ opinions and opinions and expectat xpectations of the ions of the fj fj rm’s br s branding and mar anding and market keting st ing strateg ategies. ies.
4. WEBSITE - Provides the latest and updated vides the latest and updated version of an ersion of any inf y infor ormat mation ion reg egar arding to the t ding to the tic icket ket pur purchase (inc hase (including luding reg egist istrat ation f ion for orm). m). - Provides r vides rea eachable conta hable contact ct inf infor ormat mation. ion. - Fil illed with var led with various sect ious sections ions suc such as h as ‘S ‘Special O pecial O fff ers’, ers’, ‘News ws and Ev and Event ent’, ’, and man and many mor y more. - Provides link to our social vides link to our social media pag media page. - htt http:// p:// uqisaxg uqisaxgar aruda.w uda.weebl eebly.com .com/ /
ADDITIONALS - Weekly reports - Evaluation to be completed each time at the end of the week
WHAT’S NEXT? � S Sustainabilit ustainability of y of UQISA Car UQISA Card Membership & d Membership & ‘Mudik Mudik & Carg & Cargo o UQISA UQISA’ pr prog ogram: am: Should be maintained and held annual hould be maintained and held annually thr y throughout ea oughout each and e h and ever ery y semester semester � Upcoming N Upcoming New P w Project: oject: Video Compet ideo Competit ition (via ion (via YouT ouTube) ube)
MUDIK UQISA Gar Garuda Indonesia is wil uda Indonesia is willing to pr ling to provide t vide tic icket with ket with great deal f eat deal for those who c or those who can g an gather a total maxim ather a total maximum um of 10 person to t of 10 person to trav avel tog el together using Gar ether using Garuda uda Indonesia’s Indonesia s fm fm ight ser ight services (t vices (tic icket pr ket promot omotion wil ion will onl l only y be available in an be available in any par y particular dates onl icular dates only - mostl y - mostly y public holida public holiday). y).
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