restitution of the reflections on the methodological

Restitution of the reflections on the methodological approach 25- 27 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

FFEM Project Optimizing the production of goods and services by Mediterranean forest ecosystems in a context of global change Component 3: Development of territorial participatory governance approaches for the management of Mediterranean

  1. FFEM Project “Optimizing the production of goods and services by Mediterranean forest ecosystems in a context of global change” Component 3: Development of territorial participatory governance approaches for the management of Mediterranean forest ecosystems Workshop for the definition of a methodological approach for the participative management of forests in the Mediterranean Region Restitution of the reflections on the methodological approach 25- 27 June 2013, Antalya, Turkey Ersin YILMAZ and Ayşe AYATA KELTEN TURKEY CTFC and COFOR International

  2. OBJECTIVE(S) The objectives of participatory governance to be implemented in Düzlerçamı pilot site are  to hear stakeholder opinions before governmental organizations make the final decisions about mitigation of climate change effects  to develop stakeholders’ participation approach methodology leading to communicating knowledge with stakeholders about climate change in Düzlerçamı pilot site 2

  3. OBJECTIVE(S) Possible synergies with other project components/activities Component 1 – Production of data and tools supporting decision making relating to the vulnerability of Mediterranean forest ecosystems to climate change impacts and their adapting capacities Component 2 – Estimation of the social and economical value of goods and services provided by Mediterranean forest ecosystems, to raise awareness, support decision and promote integration among sectoral policies Component 4 – Optimization and valorization of the mitigation potential of Mediterranean forests (carbon sinks) through the development of methodological tools to value local efforts of 3 protection/restoration

  4. OBJECTIVE(S) Expected results  Stakeholders’ participation approaches of component 3 should produce effective model/method usable by the governmental managers in Düzlerçamı pilot site  Participation model/methods to be implemented in Düzlerçamı pilot site should contribute to an effective climate change management decisions, better natural resources plans and policies by fostering exchange of information and opinions, and promoting collaborative learning about climate change problems and their potential solutions  Creating a website for providing transparent information 4 flow to and between project participants

  5. STAKEHOLDERS Who will be the promoter of the initiative?  Forestry Regional Directorate,  National Park Regional Directorate,  Local Governments,  Research Institutes / Universities,  Other Ministries and General Directorates 5

  6. STAKEHOLDERS Who would be the other stakeholders to involve in the participatory initiative? Local People Forestry Regional Directorate Picnickers National Park Regional Directorate Ecotourists Local Governments Private Sector Research Institutes / Universities Tourism agency Other General Directorates NGOs (TOD, TTKD, ÇEKÜL, TEMA etc.) Beekeepers Forestry Cooperatives (OR - KOOP) Cutting Workers Chambers (TMMOB) Non -wood Forest Product Pickers Workers and Civil Servants Unions Shepherds 6 …….. Hunters

  7. INSTRUMENTS Instruments to be created / implemented in order to achieve these objectives (e.g. management plan, communication platform, regulatory measure, etc.)  Development and implementation of training and awareness programs for capacity building of stakeholders  Developing of existing natural resources management plans (forest, fire fighting, hunting, grazing, outdoor recreation, non-wood forest products, etc.) to improve and regulate measures against climate change  Consensus building to facilitate coordination among the multiple government authorities and stakeholders for climate change  Monitoring and evaluation of the participative initiative 7

  8. PROCESS, METHODS, TOOLS Process and steps to follow, methods and tools needed Original Name of Method: AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) Step -by-step Procedure: (1) Problem structuring (2) Assessment of the local priorities (3) Calculation of global priorities Benefits: -The method is simple, easy to implement and describe, - It is the most widely implemented MCDM method, - There are many available computer programs. Limitations: - A ranking inconsistency can occur when the relative values for each criterion add up to one. 8

  9. PROCESS, METHODS, TOOLS How could the methodological frame and tools proposed be used ? and adjusted? 9

  10. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Roles and responsibilities of the different stakeholders What is their role/power in the decision ? – Decision Makers: Forestry Regional Directorate, National Park Regional Directorate, Local Governments, Other Ministries and General Directorates – Public and Stakeholders : Beekeepers, Cutting Workers, Non-wood Forest Product Pickers, Shepherds, Hunters, Local People, Picnickers, Ecotourists, Private Sector, Tourism agency, NGOs, The Central Union of Turkish Forestry Cooperatives (OR-KOOP) and its local cooperatives – Sector Experts : Forestry Regional Directorate, National Park Regional Directorate, Research Institutes / Universities, Other Ministries and General Directorates 10

  11. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES When (which phase of the process) are they involved? Decision makers: Problem structuring, Assessment of the local priorities Public and stakeholders: Problem structuring, Assessment of the local priorities Sector Experts: Problem structuring, Assessment of the local priorities, Calculation of global priorities 11

  12. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES How (which methods/tools) are they involved? Decision makers: Meetings, AHP Questionnaire Public and stakeholders: Meetings, AHP Questionnaire, Participatory Mapping, H Form Sector Experts: Meetings, AHP Questionnaire 12

  13. Ç ok teşekkür ederim Merci de votre attention Thanks for your attention 13


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