IV F LUID P RESCRIBING Year 4 Prescribing Tutorial 2019 – 2020 Disclaimer: All cases are fictional for teaching purposes
RESOURCES NHS Lothian Guidelines for basic IV fluid and electrolyte prescription in adults http://intranet.lothian.scot.nhs.uk/Directory/IVFluids/Pages/Intravenous%20Fluids.aspx NHS Lothian Adult Fluid Prescribing Chart https://policyonline.nhslothian.scot/Policies/Documentation/Fluid%20Prescription%20and%20Bala nce%20Chart.pdf Golden rules of prescription writing http://intranet.lothian.scot.nhs.uk/Directory/MedicinesManagement/Documents/Golden%20rules% 20for%20prescribing%20V%203.1.pdf BNF http://www.bnf.org/ Lothian Joint Formulary http://www.ljf.scot.nhs.uk/LothianJointFormularies/Adult/Pages/default.aspx
G OLDEN R ULES OF P RESCRIBING Select correct prescription chart (14 day ± warfarin chart) Write clearly in block CAPITALS using a black ballpoint pen Complete all the required patient details on the front Use generic names for drugs where possible and appropriate Write drug dose clearly; remember only g, mg and ml are acceptable abbreviations Select route of administration
G OLDEN R ULES OF P RESCRIBING Enter correct start date (use original start date when rewriting) Remember the once only section Sign and print your name Enter supplementary charts in use Never alter prescriptions (cancel and rewrite) Discontinue prescriptions correctly
LEARNING OUTCOMES Describe the physiological principles that underpin IV fluid prescribing List the different types of IV fluids Explain indications for IV fluids Describe the assessment of fluid status List the factors to consider when prescribing IV fluids
F LUID C OMPARTMENTS Rule of thirds: Roughly 2/3 rd of body weight is water For a 70kg person, this is approximately 42L Of this, 2/3 rd is intracellular, 1/3 rd extra-cellular
Reference: BMJ 2015; 350 Intravenous fluid therapy in adult inpatients
N ORMAL FLUID REQUIREMENTS Depends on expected losses and gains, but in a fit and healthy fasting patient for instance: Fluid required: 30 ml /kg/day. Usually works out as around 2 – 2.5 litres per day Sodium – approximately 1 mmol/kg/day Potassium – approximately 1 mmol/kg/day
F ACTORS AFFECTING FLUID REQUIREMENTS Bleeding Vomiting Diarrhoea Infection Pyrexia Heart failure Renal failure Chronic liver disease Burns
T HINK D RINK !! Think…can your patient drink? Do they actually NEED fluid therapy? This is the first essential of IV fluid management
A SSESSING FLUID STATUS Airway Breathing: Oxygen saturations Respiratory rate and effort Chest auscultation – any bibasal crepitations
A SSESSING FLUID STATUS Circulation Pulse Blood pressure – any postural drop? Urine output Capillary refill time Mucous membranes Skin turgor Peripheral oedema JVP Thirst
D – Disability GCS Temperature Investigations: Blood results, CXR, urine… Medications: Beta-blockers, diuretics… Think about where fluid is – consider third space losses. Consider any excess fluid losses – vomiting, diarrhoea….
A SSESSING FLUID STATUS ABC approach to determine fluid status Euvolaemia Hypovolaemia Hypervolaemia
Prescribing IV Fluids
W HICH FLUID , IF ANY , IS REQUIRED ? 1. What is their fluid status? 2. What are you trying to achieve? - Resuscitation - Replacement - Maintenance 3. Which IV fluids required? 4. Recent biochemistry, do they need K+ supplementation?
F LUID TYPES Crystalloid Sodium Chloride 0.18%/glucose 4% Sodium Chloride 0.9% (‘Normal’ Saline) Glucose 5% Plasmalyte 148 Colloid Human Albumin Solution Gelofusine Blood Products RCC, FFP, Platelets
Reference: BMJ 2015; 350 Intravenous fluid therapy in adult inpatients
SODIUM CHLORIDE 0.18% & GLUCOSE 4% Standard maintenance fluid More physiological than alternating 0.9% saline & glucose 5% Contains 30 mmol of sodium in 1000 ml Maximum rate of 100 ml/hr Caution in hyponatraemia (Na <132 mmol/L)
GLUCOSE 5% Crystalloid fluid Will stay in the intravascular space for a very short period of time compared to other crystalloids of higher osmolarity; metabolised quickly to water Only 1/9 th of volume will remain intravascularly Not useful for resuscitation Good for maintenance fluid therapy
PLASMALYTE 148 Balanced crystalloid Designed to resemble plasma - contains 140 mmol/L of sodium, 5 mmol/L of potassium, 1.5 mmol/L of magnesium Isotonic with plasma remains in the extracellular fluid proportional distribution between the plasma and interstital fluid First line resuscitation fluid
SODIUM CHLORIDE 0.9% ( Normal Saline) Crystalloid Contains 154 mmol/L of sodium Will stay in the intravascular space for a reasonable period of time due to a higher osmolarity than other crystalloids, but will eventually distribute between all the fluid compartments. Can therefore be used for both maintenance fluid therapy and some forms of resuscitation.
HUMAN ALBUMIN SOLUTION Colloid Good at expanding intravascular space Mainly used with senior advice in replacing ascitic fluid lost in liver disease Comes in 500ml 5% or 100ml 20% Needs to be given in less than 3 hours.
RED CELL CONCENTRATE Blood product Best fluid to give in major haemorrhage Expands intravascular volume, but also replaces lost red bloods cell – this is important for oxygenation Blood transfusion protocols ensure that the right product is given to the right patient, at the right time
Reference: BMJ 2015; 350 Intravenous fluid therapy in adult inpatients
C ASE DISCUSSION 1 You are an FY1 in General Surgery You are clerking a 25 year old male who has presented with presumed appendicitis No significant past medical history No known drug adverse drug reactions Observations: T 38.5, HR 130, BP 88/54, RR 24, SpO2 97% on air Weight 68 kg What would you do?
C ASE DISCUSSION 1 ABC approach and assess fluid status Observations suggest he is hypovolaemic – secondary to sepsis What fluids would you prescribe for him? Prescribe these now
C ASE DISCUSSION 1 Keep accurate fluid balance Review fluid status after fluids given Likely to require further fluids after bolus Consider requirement for a urinary catheter
C ASE DISCUSSION 2 You are an FY2 in Medicine of the Elderly Nursing staff ask you to prescribe more fluids for a 78 year old lady who was admitted with community acquired pneumonia – on IV Clarithromycin and Amoxicillin She is eating and drinking Past medical history: MI – 2011 Multiple medications, including furosemide
C ASE DISCUSSION 2 Observation chart: T 37.2 HR 94 BP 154/88 SpO2 88% on 2 L/min O2 RR 26 She has been given Glucose 5% at 125ml/hour since admission 24 hours ago What should you do?
C ASE DISCUSSION 2 Review the patient: A – Maintaining own B – Increased respiratory effort, bibasal creps (R>L) C – HS I+II+ESM, peripherally warm, moist mucous membranes, CRT <2s, JVP raised 4cm, peripheral oedema to knees, urine output 40ml/hr. D – GCS 15 What fluid would you like to prescribe?
C ASE DISCUSSION 3 You are an FY2 in Orthopaedics You are asked to see a 45 year old man who has been admitted with a distal radius fracture He is fasting pre-operatively Weight is 83 kg He has no past medical history of note and does not normally take any medications. What would you like to do?
C ASE DISCUSSION 3 ABC approach to assess fluid status His observations are: T 36.5, HR 76, BP 128/64, SpO2 98% air, RR 16 K 4.2mmol/l, Na 140 mmol/l Systemic examination is unremarkable What fluids would you like to prescribe?
C ASE DISCUSSION 4 You are an FY1 in Gastroenterology You are called to see a 37 year old lady who has been admitted with decompensated alcoholic liver disease The nursing staff have just witnessed a small haematemesis of around 100mls of fresh red blood As you walk in to see the patient, she suddenly vomits another 1000mls of fresh blood. She looks pale and clammy What would you do?
C ASE DISCUSSION 4 ABC approach Get help Observations: T 37.6, HR 130, BP 80/58, SpO2 95% air, RR 28 On examination: A – Maintaining own, not compromised B – Increased respiratory effort, chest clear C – Cool peripherally, CRT ~ 4s. HS I+II+0, JVP not visible. Mild peripheral oedema. D – GCS15, but very anxious
C ASE DISCUSSION 4 What do you need to do? Oxygen Wide bore IV access x 2 Bloods including G+S Fluids… Prescribe the fluid you would like to give in this clinical situation.
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