Resource-Bounded Computation Previously: can something be done? Now: how efficiently can it be done? Goal: conserve computational resources: Time, space, other resources? Def: L is decidable within time O(t(n)) if some TM M that decides L always halts on all w * within O(t(|w|)) steps / time. Def: L is decidable within space O(s(n)) if some TM M that decides L always halts on all w * while never using more than O(s(|w|)) space / tape cells.
Complexity Classes Def: DTIME(t(n))={L | L is decidable within time O(t(n)) by some deterministic TM} Def: NTIME(t(n))={L | L is decidable within time O(t(n)) by some non-deterministic TM} Def: DSPACE(s(n))={L | L decidable within space O(s(n)) by some deterministic TM} Def: NSPACE(s(n))={L | L decidable within space O(s(n)) by some non-deterministic TM}
Time is Tape Dependent Theorem: The time depends on the # of TM tapes. Idea: more tapes can enable higher efficiency. Ex: {0 n 1 n | n>0} is in DTIME(n 2 ) for 1-tape TM’s, and is in DTIME(n) for 2- tape TM’s. Note: For multi- tape TM’s, input tape space does not “count” in the total space s(n). This enables analyzing sub-linear space complexities.
Space is Tape Independent Theorem: The space does not depend on the # tapes. Proof: 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Idea : Tapes can be “interlaced” space -efficiently: Note: This does not asymptotically increase the overall space (but can increase the total time). Theorem: A 1-tape TM can simulate a t(n)-time- bounded k-tape TM in time O(k t 2 (n)).
Space-Time Relations Theorem : If t(n) < t’(n) " n>1 then: DTIME(t(n)) DTIME(t’(n )) NTIME(t(n)) NTIME(t’(n)) Theorem : If s(n) < s’(n) " n>1 then: DSPACE(s(n)) DSPACE(s’(n )) NSPACE(s(n)) NSPACE(s’(n)) Example: NTIME(n) NTIME(n 2 ) Example : DSPACE(log n) DSPACE(n)
Examples of Space & Time Usage Let L 1 ={0 n 1 n | n>0}: For 1- tape TM’s: L 1 DTIME(n 2 ) L 1 DSPACE(n) L 1 DTIME(n log n) For 2- tape TM’s: L 1 DTIME(n) L 1 DSPACE(log n)
Examples of Space & Time Usage Let L 2 = S * L 2 DTIME(n) Theorem: every regular language is in DTIME(n) L 2 DSPACE(1) Theorem: every regular language is in DSPACE(1) L 2 DTIME(1) Let L 3 ={w$w | w in S *} L 3 DTIME(n 2 ) L 3 DSPACE(n) L 3 DSPACE(log n)
Special Time Classes Def: P = DTIME(n k ) " k>1 P deterministic polynomial time Note: P is robust / model-independent Def: NP = NTIME(n k ) " k>1 NP non-deterministic polynomial time Theorem: P NP Conjecture: P = NP ? Million $ question!
Other Special Space Classes Def: PSPACE = DSPACE(n k ) " k>1 PSPACE deterministic polynomial space Def: NPSPACE = NSPACE(n k ) " k>1 NPSPACE non-deterministic polynomial space Theorem: PSPACE NPSPACE (obvious) Theorem: PSPACE = NPSPACE (not obvious)
Other Special Space Classes Def: EXPTIME = DTIME(2 n k ) " k>1 EXPTIME exponential time Def: EXPSPACE = DSPACE(2 n k ) " k>1 EXPSPACE exponential space Def: L = LOGSPACE = DSPACE(log n) Def: NL = NLOGSPACE = NSPACE(log n)
Space/Time Relationships Theorem: DTIME(f(n)) DSPACE(f(n)) Theorem: DTIME(f(n)) DSPACE(f(n) / log(f(n))) Theorem: NTIME(f(n)) DTIME(c f(n) ) for some c depending on the language. Theorem: DSPACE(f(n)) DTIME(c f(n) ) for some c, depending on the language. Theorem [Savitch]: NSPACE(f(n)) DSPACE(f 2 (n)) Corollary: PSPACE = NPSPACE Theorem: NSPACE(n r ) DSPACE(n r+ e ) " r>0, e >0
The Extended Chomsky Hierarchy 2 S * Decidable Presburger arithmetic EXPSPACE ? H H EXPTIME Not finitely describable Turing PSPACE EXPSPACE-complete =RE degrees Context sensitive LBA PSPACE-complete QBF EXPTIME-complete Go Not Recognizable NP NP-complete SAT P a n b n c n Recognizable Context-free ww R Det. CF a n b n Regular a* Finite {a,b}
Time Complexity Hierarchy Theorem: for any t(n)>0 there exists a decidable language L DTIME(t(n)). Juris Hartmanis Richard Stearns No time complexity class contains all the decidable languages, and the time hierarchy is ! There are decidable languages that take arbitrarily long times to decide! Note: t(n) must be computable & everywhere defined Proof: (by diagonalization) Fix lexicographic orders for TM’s: M 1 , M 2 , M 3 , . . . Interpret TM inputs i Σ * as encodings of integers: a=1, b=2, aa=3, ab=4, ba=5, bb=6, aaa =7, …
Time Complexity Hierarchy (proof) Define L={i | M i does not accept i within t(i) time} Note: L is decidable (by simulation) Q: is L DTIME(t(n)) ? Assume (towards contradiction) L DTIME(t(n)) i.e., $ a fixed K N such that Turing machine M K decides L within time bound t(n) i If M i accepts i within t(i) time then Reject else Accept M K decides / accepts L
Time Complexity Hierarchy (proof) K If M K accepts K within t(K) time then Reject else Accept M K decides / accepts L Consider whether K L: K L M K must accept K within t(K) time M K must reject K K L K L M K must reject K within t(K) time M K must accept K K L So (K L) (K L), a contradiction! Assumption is false L DTIME(t(n))
Time Hierarchy (another proof) Consider all t(n)-time- bounded TM’s on all inputs: … i = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 w i Σ * = a aa ab ba bb aaa aab aba abb baa bab bbabbbaaaa … b M 1 (i) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ … M 2 (i) √ √ √ √ √ … M 3 (i) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ … M 4 (i) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ … M 5 (i) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ … . . . M’( i) √ √ √ . . . is t(n) time-bounded. But M’ computes a different function than any M j Contradiction!
“Lexicographic order.”
Space Complexity Hierarchy Theorem: for any s(n)>0 there exists a decidable language L DSPACE(s(n)). Juris Hartmanis Richard Stearns No space complexity class contains all the decidable languages, and the space hierarchy is ! There are decidable languages that take arbitrarily much space to decide! Note: s(n) must be computable & everywhere defined Proof: (by diagonalization) Fix lexicographic orders for TM’s: M 1 , M 2 , M 3 , . . . Interpret TM inputs i Σ * as encodings of integers: a=1, b=2, aa=3, ab=4, ba=5, bb=6, aaa =7, …
Space Complexity Hierarchy (proof) Define L={i | M i does not accept i within t(i) space} Note: L is decidable (by simulation; -loops?) Q: is L DSPACE(s(n)) ? Assume (towards contradiction) L DSPACE(s(n)) i.e., $ a fixed K N such that Turing machine M K decides L within space bound s(n) i If M i accepts i within t(i) space then Reject else Accept M K decides / accepts L
Space Complexity Hierarchy (proof) K If M K accepts K within s(K) space then Reject else Accept M K decides / accepts L Consider whether K L: K L M K must accept K within s(K) space M K must reject K K L K L M K must reject K within s(K) space M K must accept K K L So (K L) (K L), a contradiction! Assumption is false L DSPACE(s(n))
Space Hierarchy (another proof) Consider all s(n)-space- bounded TM’s on all inputs: … i = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 w i Σ * = a aa ab ba bb aaa aab aba abb baa bab bbabbbaaaa … b M 1 (i) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ … M 2 (i) √ √ √ √ √ … M 3 (i) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ … M 4 (i) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ … M 5 (i) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ … . . . M’( i) √ √ √ . . . is s(n) space-bounded. But M’ computes a different function than any M j Contradiction!
Savitch’s Theorem Theorem: NSPACE(f(n)) DSPACE (f 2 (n)) Walter Savitch Proof: Simulation: idea is to aggressively conserve and reuse space while sacrificing (lots of) time. Consider a sequence of TM states in one branch of an NSPACE(f(n))-bounded computation: Computation time / length is bounded by c f(n) (why?) We need to simulate this branch and all others too! Q: How can we space-efficiently simulate these? A: Use divide-and-conquer with heavy space-reuse!
Savitch’s Theorem Pick a midpoint state along target path: Walter Savitch Verify it is a valid intermediate state by recursively solving both subproblems. Iterate for all possible midpoint states! The recursion stack depth is at most log(c f(n) )=O(f(n)) Each recursion stack frame size is O(f(n)). total space needed is O(f(n) * f(n))=O(f 2 (n)) Note : total time is exponential (but that’s OK). non-determinism can be eliminated by squaring the space: NSPACE(f(n)) DSPACE (f 2 (n))
Savitch’s Theorem Corollary: NPSPACE = PSPACE NPSPACE = NSPACE(n k ) Walter Savitch Proof: DSPACE(n 2k ) k>1 = DSPACE(n k ) k>1 k>1 = PSPACE i.e., polynomial space is invariant with respect to non-determinism! Q: What about polynomial time? A: Still open! (P=NP)
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