FORMAT OF THIS EVENING • Goin ing g to Uni Univer ersit ity y – is is it it worth th it it? • App ppren entices iceshi hips ps • UCAS App pplic icati tion on Proce ocess ss • Res esea earch ch Tip ips • Supp pport t at Farrin ingt gtons • Stude dent t Fi Finance • How pa paren ents can hel elp
WHY GO TO UNIVERSITY? 87.5% % of work rking ng aged gradua uates es emp mployed d in Jan-Ma Mar r comp mpare red d with th 69.3% % of non- gradua uates es (BBC News 9/6/15) • Employability – Competitive job market Employers look for good qualifications + work experience/voluntary work/internships • Skills – Develop transferrable skills e.g. analytical, presentation & critical thinking skills • Personal development – Develop confidence, gain independence & social skills • Love of the subject - Study something you love, 60% graduate jobs do not specify a degree subject
• Get et paid • No debts ts • Learn on the job from profess essiona onals • Gain qua qualif ifica icatio tions ns – degree ee equiv quivalen ent t • Head start t in your chosen sen area • Leads to a permane nent nt job
FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITIES FOR HIGHER APPRENTICESHIPS • Ac Accounti nting ng • Public c Relati tions ns • Busine siness ss • Media • Engine gineering ering • Health th Care • IT IT • Commerci cial Airl rline ne pilo lot • Diamo mond nd Set etter • Chocolatier atier
FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITIES FOR HIGHER APPRENTICESHIPS • Rolls-Royce • IBM • Virgin Media • BBC • BT • John Lewis • Boots • Barclays • Nestlé
UNIVERSITY DESTINATIONS 2014 Oxford Greenwich wich Univer ersity sity of the Arts, s, London UCL Manche hest ster r Met et Ravensbo sbourne urne Exet eter Bright hton Loughbor oroug ough Gloucest estershire hire Roya yal Hollowa way Portsmo smouth uth Southa thampt pton on DeMontf tfort Coventr ntry Not otti tingha ngham m Trent nt Chest ster er Portsmo smouth uth Northa hampt pton Chichest hester
THE STARTING POINT • 50,000+ courses (Degree, Foundation Degree, HND & Diploma. Entry requirements A*AA – 80 UCAS points) • 900 Subjects (Architecture – Zoology) • Over 500 institutions (Universities, FE/HE colleges, educational institutions
THE REALITY • 1 UCAS application • 5 choices • 1 personal statement – 47 lines • 2 acceptances (firm and insurance) One Destination! Thorough research is vital
DO YOUR RESEARCH! Which course? Check websites & prospectuses ◦ Check entry requirements – Do predicted grades match? ◦ Methods of teaching & assessment ◦ Taster days/summer schools ◦ Other opportunities -Study abroad, work placement Which university? League tables ◦ Geographic location – Stay home/move away? ◦ Campus v. multi site ◦ City v. rural ◦ Accommodation & facilities Consult a map!
UCAS TARIFF A point score system which gives numerical values to qualifications A Level Points ts BTEC EC Points ts Diploma oma A* 140 D*D* 280 A 120 D*D 260 B 100 DD 240 C 80 DM 200 D 60 MM 160 E 40 MP 120 PP 80
OPEN DAYS • Book early • • UCAS applicant days / Uni Taster Days • Go in the holidays • Permitted to go on two during term time
WHAT ADMISSIONS TUTORS LOOK FOR… • Predicted Grades based on AS results1:1 discussions with subject staff. See our website for more information. No January resits! • AS/BTEC & GCSE achieved results • Selection Tests: LNAT, UKCAT, BMAT etc • School Reference • Personal Statement ◦ evidence of commitment and motivation ◦ intellectual curiosity ◦ character & personal attributes ◦ beware plagiarism checks!
MAKING REALISTIC CHOICES Subject University Entry Competition requirements Psychology Bath A*AA (1 AL in 10:1 natural or social science, GCSE Maths A) Psychology Durham AAA (GCSE Maths 20:1 C) Psychology Sussex AAB (GCSE 5:1 Maths Psychology Southampton AAB (GCSE 10:1 Maths C) Psychology Bournemouth 280 – 320 4:1 (GCSE Maths C) Student with predicted grades of AAB
THE APPLICATION PROCESS • Students complete a UCAS form in early Autumn 2015 • Tutors attach reference & we send to UCAS • Universities consider the application • Students end up with a selection of offers • Between February and May students decide on their firm and insurance choice • UCAS Extra (Feb 2016) add extra choices if no offers
THE PROCESS OF CONFIRMATION • A Level/BTEC results in August If students have achieved the firm offer, that place is confirmed • • If not, but the student meets their insurance choice, that place will be confirmed • If both reject, student enters Clearing
INTERNAL DEADLINES Oxbridge, idge, Medics, dics, Vet ets & Denti tists sts Main UCAS AS Intern ernal al Deadl dlin ine 18 September 6 November
WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? • Tutorials focus on researching post 18+ options. • UCAS Days – to register with UCAS and start personal statement 22/24 June • Thursday 25 June – UCAS Convention End of summer term students should have… ◦ Registered for UCAS APPLY. ◦ Researched Course/University choices ◦ Attended some Open Days ◦ Started to prepare personal statement
Identifying the myths – What t is • it that t people e are actua ually y concerned cerned about ut? s – Is it • Underst Un stand anding ng the issue ues right t that t people e are as concerned cerned as they are abou out t student dent finan ance ce? • Infor ormi ming ng under erst stand anding ng – Ident ntifying ifying more sensib sible e ways s to consi sider der studen ent t finan ance ce
WHAT ARE THE MYTHS? • Students have to pay fees / you have to have money to be able to go in the first place • Your children / partners / siblings / pets would inherit the debt if you die • If you can’t afford to repay your student loan a loan shark will come to your house and remove your kneecaps / soul / television • If I don’t borrow as much I’ll have more money when I graduate •
RECENT HEADLINES & ARTICLES Middle class priced out of university by soaring tuition fees Now the Fib Dems have brought in excessive tuition fees, Uni is for rich people only.
MYTH THS CAN ONLY BE ‘BUSTED’ WITH FACTS Loan repayments are ‘income - contingent’ commence once graduate is earning £21kpa (before tax) Loans are repaid at a rate of 9% of - earnings over the this ‘threshold’ Grants are not repaid (according to - HEAcademy some students don’t / can’t differentiate between loans and grants) Loans have a fixed 30 year life-span
- There is no demonstrable correlation between the fees charged for a course and the quality of the course (ie more expensive does not guarantee better) - Taking a course with a lower fee does not affect the repayment rate, so although the graduate may pay back less overall they will see the same amount coming out of their pay packet as someone who did a more expensive course - According to Martin Lewis (of Money Saving Expert) the average graduate will be around £470 per year better off than students in the old finance system, due to the increased ‘threshold’ for repayment
WHAT STUDENT FINANCE IS AVAILABLE? • Tuition Fee Loan • Maintenance Grant or Special Support Grant • Maintenance Loan • Extra support if you have special circumstances Children / adult dependants, disability, mental health condition, learning difficulty • Part-time • Other Support Bursaries & Scholarships
WHAT IS A TUITION FEE LOAN? • No upfront fees • Helps with cost of tuition fees (max. £9,000) • Does not depend on your household income • Students need to check how much university or college will charge • Repayments will be the same if you go somewhere charging £6,500 or £9,000 • Fees are repaid after the student leaves university and only once they are earning over £21,000
WHAT IS A MAINTENANCE LOAN? • Helps with living costs • Repayable • Paid in three instalments • Amount you get depends on household income where you live when you are studying year of course
HOW MUCH MAINTENANCE LOAN CAN YOU GET? Household income Maintenance Grant Maintenance Loan Total £25,000 and under £3,387 £3,862 £7,24 249 £30,000 £2,441 £4,335 £6,77 776 £35,000 £1,494 £4,808 £6,30 302 £40,000 £547 £5,282 £5,82 829 £42,620 £50 £5,530 £5,58 580 £42,875 £0 £5,555 £5,55 555 £50,000 £0 £4,836 £4,83 836 £62,132 and over £0 £3,610 £3,61 610
LOAN REPAYMENT EXAMPLES Repayments are affordable and will be deducted automatically from your pay packet through the tax system Calculate your likely repayments at yourfut uture. ure.go uk/cal /calcul culate
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