Representing and Querying Linked Geospatial Data Kostis Kyzirakos Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica Database Architectures group Amsterdam Geonovum The Netherlands April 11, 2014
Outline The data model stRDF and the query language stSPARQL The system Strabon Visualizing time-evolving geometries using Sextant Real-Time Fire Monitoring application Conclusions
The data model The data m odel stRDF and the query language stSPARQL The system Strabon stRDF and the Visualizing time- evolving geometries using query language Sextant Real-Time Fire Monitoring stSPARQL application Conclusions
Linked Open Data Cloud
5 RDF: Resource Description Framew ork W 3 C recommendation RDF is a graph data m odel Resources are described in terms of properties and property values using RDF statem ents Statements are represented as triples , consisting of a subject , predicate and object . dbpedia: " 614,543"^^xsd:integer Rotterdam ex:hasPopulation 5
The Data Model stRDF stRDF stands for spatial/ tem poral RDF. It is an extension of the W3C standard RDF for the representation of geospatial data that m ay change over tim e . stRDF extends RDF with: Spatial literals encoded in OGC standards Well-Known Text or GML New datatypes for spatial literals ( strdf:WKT , strdf:GML and strdf:geometry ) Tem poral literals can be either periods or instants New datatype for temporal literals ( strdf:period ) Placed as the fourth component of a triple to denote valid time
RDF: An example 7
stRDF: An example ( 1/ 2) noa:hasI "1"^^xsd:int noa:BurntArea D rdf:type ex:BurntArea1 "23.7636"^^ noa:hasArea xsd:double Spatial Literal (OpenGIS Simple geo:geometry Features) "POLYGON(( 38.16 23.7, 38.18 23.7, ...38.16 23.8, 38.16 3.7)); < />"^^strdf:WKT Spatial Data Type Well-Known Text
9 stRDF: An example dbpedia:City RDF rdf:type ex:Piraeus rdf:type OGC standards ex:hasLocation ex:Haven sRDF ex:PiraeusLoc ex:hasSpatialExtent Spatial Literal (OpenGIS Simple "POLYGON((38.16 23.7, 38.18 23.7, Features) ... 38.16 23.8, 38.16 3.7)); <> "^^strdf:WKT Spatial Data Type Well-Known Text
The stRDF Data Model strdf:geometry rdf:type rdfs:Datatype; rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Literal. strdf:WKT rdf:type rdfs:Datatype; rdfs:subClassOf strdf:geometry. strdf:GML rdf:type rdfs:Datatype; rdfs:subClassOf strdf:geometry.
W KT Class Hierarchy 11
stSPARQL: An example ( 1/ 2) • Find all burned forests within 10kms of a city select ?BA ?BAGEO where { ?R rdf:type noa:Region ; geo:geometry ?RGEO ; noa:hasCorineLandCoverUse ?F . ?F rdfs:subClassOf clc:Forests . ?CITY rdf:type dbpedia:City ; Spatial Functions geo:geometry ?CGEO . (OGC Simple ?BA rdf:type noa:BurntArea ; Feature Access) geo:geometry ?BAGEO . filter( strdf:Intersect(?RGEO,?BAGEO) && strdf:Distance(?BAGEO,?CGEO,uom:km)<10)}
stRDF: An example ( 2/ 2) clc:region1 clc:hasLandCover clc:Forest . clc:region1 clc:hasLandCover clc:Forest "[2006-08- 25T11:00:00+02,2007-08- 25T11:00:00+02)"^^ strdf:period . noa:ba1 rdf:type noa:BurntArea "[2007-08-25T11:00:00+02,2009-08- 25T11:00:00+02)"^^ strdf:period . clc:region1 clc:hasLandCover clc:AgriculturalArea "[2009-08-25T11:00:00+02, " UC ")"^^ strdf:period . 13 1 3
stSPARQL: An example ( 2/ 2) • Find all areas that were forests in 2006 and got burned later within 10kms of a city select ?BA ?BAGEO where { ?R rdf:type noa:Region ; geo:geometry ?RGEO ; noa:hasCorineLandCoverUse ?F ?t1. . ?F rdfs:subClassOf clc:Forests . Spatial ?CITY rdf:type dbpedia:City ; Functions geo:geometry ?CGEO . (OGC Simple Temporal ?BA rdf:type noa:BurntArea ?t2; Feature Access) constant and geo:geometry ?BAGEO . extension function filter( strdf:Intersect(?RGEO,?BAGEO) && strdf:Distance(?BAGEO,?CGEO,uom:km)<10) filter( strdf:during(?t1, “[2006-01-01:00:00:01, 2006-01-01:23:59:59]”^^strdf:period)) && strdf:before(?t1, ?t2) }
stSPARQL: Geospatial SPARQL 1.1 We define a SPARQL extension function for each function defined in the OpenGI S Sim ple Features Access standard Basic functions Get a property of a geometry (e.g., strdf:srid ) Get the desired representation of a geometry (e.g., strdf:AsText ) Test whether a certain condition holds (e.g., strdf:IsEmpty , strdf:IsSimple ) Functions for testing topological spatial relationships ( e.g., strdf:equals , strdf:intersects ) Spatial analysis functions Construct new geometric objects from existing geometric objects (e.g., strdf:buffer , strdf:intersection , strdf:convexHull ) Spatial metric functions (e.g., strdf:distance , strdf:area ) Spatial aggregate functions (e.g., strdf:union , strdf:extent ) We add a set of tem poral functions (superset of Allen’s functions) as SPARQL extension functions
1 6 The OGC Standard GeoSPARQL Core Param eters Topology Vocabulary Geometry Extension Serialization - serialization Extension - version - relation family WKT GML Geometry Topology Relation Fam ily Extension - serialization Simple - version - relation family Features RCC-8 Query Rewrite RDFS Entailment Egenhofer Extension Extension - serialization - serialization - version - version - relation family - relation family
The data model The system stRDF and the query language stSPARQL The system Strabon Strabon Visualizing time- evolving geometries using Sextant Real-Time Fire Monitoring application Conclusions
1 8 Strabon Architecture WKT GML Sesame Time stRDF graphs stSPARQL/ GeoSPARQL queries SPARQL results KML Documents GeoJSON
1 9 Real-w orld W orkload: 500 million triples – cold caches Response time (sec) Response time (sec) number of Nodes in query region number of Nodes in query region Thematic selectivity: 0.1% Thematic selectivity: 100%
2 0 Geographica Synthetic Workload ( Spatial Selections, cold caches) Intersects Intersects Thematic Selectivity: 0.2% Thematic Selectivity: 100%
2 1 Results ( points only) Synthetic Workload ( Spatial Selections, cold caches) Intersects Intersects Thematic Selectivity: 0.1% Thematic Selectivity: 100%
2 2 Geographica Synthetic Workload ( Spatial Joins) Intersects
System Language Index Geometries CRS support Geospatial Function Support Strabon stSPARQL/ R-tree-over- WKT / GML • OGC-SFA Yes • Egenhofer GeoSPARQL* GiST support • RCC-8 Parliament GeoSPARQL* R-Tree WKT / GML •OGC-SFA Yes •Egenhofer support •RCC-8 •OGC-SFA Oracle GeoSPARQL R-Tree, WKT / GML Yes •Egenhofer Quadtree support •RCC-8 Brodt et al. SPARQL R-Tree WKT support No OGC-SFA (RDF-3X) RCC-8 Perry SPARQL-ST R-Tree GeoRSS GML Yes •Buffer AllegroGraph Extended Distribution 2D point •Bounding Box SPARQL sweeping geometries Partial •Distance technique •Point-in-polygon OWLIM Extended Custom 2D point No •Buffer SPARQL geometries •Distance SQL/MM (subset) Virtuoso SPARQL R-Tree 2D point Yes geometries OGC-SFA uSeekM GeoSPARQL R-tree-over WKT support GiST No
The data model Visualizing tim e- stRDF and the query language stSPARQL The system Strabon evolving Visualizing time- evolving geometries using geom etries using Sextant Real-Time Fire Monitoring Sextant application Conclusions
Rapid Mapping application
Evolution of Land Cover
The data model Real-Tim e stRDF and the query language stSPARQL The system Strabon Fire Monitoring Visualizing time- evolving geometries using Sextant Real-Time Fire Monitoring application Conclusions
W ildfire Monitoring and Burnt Area Mapping ( NOA)
High Level Data Modeling Need for representing Standard product m etadata Standard product sem antic annotations Geospatial inform ation Tem poral inform ation Need to link to other data sources GI S data Other information on the W eb
Fire Monitoring Application Improving the fire monitoring service using Semantic Web technologies Representing fire related products using ontologies Enriching products with linked geospatial data Improving accuracy with respect to: Underlying land cover/land use Persistence in time
NOA Ontology
Linked Geospatial Data Datasets that we developed and published as linked data: Corine Land Use / Land Cover Coastline of Greece Greek Administrative Geography Portal: http:/ / w w w Datasets from Linked Open Data Cloud LinkedGeoData GeoNames
Linked Open Data
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