report of keith mitchell director of education purpose of

Report of Keith Mitchell, Director of Education Purpose of the - PDF document

Cabinet 23 March 2006 Industrial Learning Centre Vocational Learning Trust (VOLT) Presentation to Cabinet Report of Keith Mitchell, Director of Education Purpose of the Report 1. This report and attachment seek to summarise where we are on

  1. Cabinet 23 March 2006 Industrial Learning Centre – Vocational Learning Trust (VOLT) Presentation to Cabinet Report of Keith Mitchell, Director of Education Purpose of the Report 1. This report and attachment seek to summarise where we are on the wish to establish this centre. Jane Ritchie will make a presentation as the lead partner and sponsor. 2. The need now is for clear support and active commitment from the County Council, through Cabinet, so that further and faster progress can be made. The aim is to begin building the Centre early next calendar year for opening, at the latest, in September 2008 when the new vocational qualifications come on stream. Tel: 3319 Contact: Keith Mitchell

  2. Appendix 1: Implications Finance Short-term loans to enable work to be commenced (£30K or thereabouts) pending the establishment of the benefactor’s Trust Staffing None Equality and Diversity None Accommodation New Centre Crime and Disorder None Sustainability The ILC will be an exemplar of sustainability Human Rights None Localities and Rurality None Young People Huge Opportunity Consultation None Health There is a close correlation between educational standards and life expectancy.

  3. Industrial Learning Centre/Vocational Learning Trust (VOLT) There has been a long history – from at least the early 90s – of seeking to secure a facility of this kind. The present bid was the result of a Minister visiting when Black & Decker folded asking “where are Durham’s big ideas?” The LSC asked Jane Ritchie to write another bid. Bob Ward chaired a working party to make it happen. Consultants were employed to explore the concept. Post-Tomlinson, WRL and the new Applied GCSEs merited a re-look at the purpose of the ILC. Objectives were broadened to include all Applied GCSEs, functional literacy and numeracy as well as simulated Work Experience. Given Peter Cradock’s description as ‘a hub for work related learning’, it made sense to house the EBP and the SCITT in the ILC. Current vision A state of the art building in which, and through which, student learning can be enriched, initially focusing on 14-19 applied subjects, and preparation for the new Diplomas. The aim is to help young people see the relevance of what they learn in school and to contribute something practical to the RES ambition to tackle north east culture and give young people a greater confidence in themselves and 21 st century employability skills.. Site - critical mass in Newton Aycliffe (SWDT, MMP, Digital Factory, SCITT and a lot of supportive employers) and good transport links to rest of the region and North Yorkshire. Current situation Elm House Trust → VOLT → wholly owned subsidiary for VAT purposes Positive response from • Schools in County Durham & Darlington inc Special Schools • Easington Youth Forum • Several colleges of FE • A number of key employers • 14-19 LEA/LSC Team Redesigned building within budget – environmental issues being assessed Application to the Single Programme and Sedgefield Borough’s SRB SWDT’s 14-16 dedicated space for Engineering 2 mini buses in budget Support from County Council to continue the work Great Crested Newts….. Support needed from: • Employers e.g. Hydro, SMC, MMP, SW Durham Training • Education part of the Children’s Service e.g. 14-19 Team, BET Team

  4. • Championing by DCC (help with pay roll? Other services? Officer membership of Subsidiary Company) The Business Need What is the Trust’s business strategy – its high level aims and objectives ? The Vocational Learning Trust’s aim is to build a learning centre on the Heart of the Park adjacent to South West Durham Training Ltd on the Aycliffe Industrial Estate that will enrich Work Related Learning and support UK competitiveness by fostering good education business links and promoting employability skills, attitudes and aptitudes. Initially the objective will be to enrich the 14-19 vocational curriculum, particularly in skill shortage areas, functional numeracy & maths, the sciences, and functional literacy. Provision of simulated work experience will be needed to support the development of the new Diplomas. In due course the objectives will develop to encompass Key Stage 3, Key Stages 1 & 2, work with parents, Easter Revision classes and Summer Schools. The eventual aim is to be a global centre of Work Related Learning excellence and for the centre to include a residential facility. What are the key business drivers for the Centre? • The 14-19 White Paper and the national Skills agenda. • Prof Adrian Smith’s report on the state of UK maths. • ONE’s commitment to science. • The County Durham Schools Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) centre. • The STAR process. • The County Durham Student Entitlement • The need to have an outward visible sign of the considerable, but low key, work related learning activity that is currently taking place. • Developments in China and the need to promote the Knowledge-based Economy What is the business need? How will it contribute to the Trust’s aims and objectives ? There is not enough funding in the system for all schools to have state of the art facilities in all vocational areas. The Building Schools for the Future programme will take at least 10-20 years to reach all schools, and something needs to be developed as soon as possible for the current generation of young people reaching 14. The pattern of industry and the predominance of SMEs (90% of them employing less than 10 people) means that an imaginative solution has to be found if young people are to be given real curriculum choice which includes a vocational option. The sole purpose of the Trust is to build the ILC (whatever it will eventually be called), and to ensure that it develops into a hub for quality WRL and that it continually updates itself to maintain its cutting edge, state of the art focus on

  5. vocational learning within a context of local and regional employment opportunities. Is it needed now ? Yes. The SCITT has started and the 14-19 White Paper needs to be prepared for. Who are the Stakeholders? Do they support the proposal? Stakeholders are young people, their teachers & parents and their potential future employers; the LEA, the LLSC, the EBLO Consortium, Connexions, Aim Higher, the SCITT; schools, colleges and work based learning providers; local universities and those involved in economic regeneration. There are people who do not like taking risks, but no one has thought this is a bad idea, and most people who are aware of the vision are very enthusiastic. Schools do not know their budgets in advance and so can not make commitments at this stage. Once there is a set of outline architect’s drawings, SWDT Ltd will host a marketing/publicity event to get educationalists & employers talking, thinking and contributing ideas. A series of think tanks / planning groups are planned to draw up learning plans for the initial topics to be tackled and to contribute to the detailed planning of the building. Consultation with a large number of key people has already taken place. Strategic Brief The paper written by Peter Cradock, Director 14-19 LEA/LSC sets out the essential educational and curricular case. Timescale The target date for completion of the building was December 2006, but the delay in appointing the architect and the business consultants means that Easter 2007 may be more realistic. The learning materials need initially to reflect the subjects to be supported by the SCITT, functional numeracy, regional skill shortage sectors, Young Apprenticeships and the first Diplomas (as yet to be agreed). A critical path analysis is currently being drawn up. What financial and other resources are available ? • £3.5 M from the Elm House Trust • £1M from County Durham’s Single Pot Capital Fund • £108K from Sedgefield Borough’s SRB Partnership • SWDT Ltd will work in partnership to provide an engineering learning space • Thorn Lighting had offered to donate the lighting • Hydro Polymers had offered to donate the flooring • 2 of the 3 landowners may be prepare to donate the proceeds of the land sale


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