repast strengthening european integration through the

RePAST: Strengthening European integration through the analysis of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

RePAST: Strengthening European integration through the analysis of conflict discourses: revisiting the past, anticipating the future. Applying a mixed-method approach in a multidisciplinary study. Prof. Kenneth Andresen University of Agder

  1. RePAST: Strengthening European integration through the analysis of conflict discourses: revisiting the past, anticipating the future. Applying a mixed-method approach in a multidisciplinary study. Prof. Kenneth Andresen University of Agder The Norwegian Media Research Conference 2018, Bodø, Norway October 17-18, 2018

  2. Sak på UiAs hjemmeside Denne teksten redigeres i 'Topptekst og Bunntekst' 2

  3. Denne teksten redigeres i 'Topptekst og Bunntekst' 3

  4. Partnerne: Participant No Organization name Country Type Abbr. 1 (Coordinator) Cyprus University of Technology Cyprus Academic CUT 2 Dublin City University Ireland Academic DCU 3 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Spain Academic UAM 4 Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich Germany Academic LMU 5 University of Ljubljana Slovenia Academic UL 6 University of Agder Norway Academic UiA 7 Clio Muse applications and developments Greece SME Clio-Muse for culture 8 Serious Games Interactive APS Denmark SME SGI 9 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece Academic AUTh 10 Vesalius College Brussels Academic Vesalius 11 Lancaster University UK Academic ULANC 12 Widok. Fundacja Kultury Wizualnej Poland Non-profit Widok Denne teksten redigeres i 'Topptekst og Bunntekst' 4

  5. Denne teksten redigeres i 'Topptekst og Bunntekst' 5

  6. Horizon2020-prosjektet RePAST RePAST har som mål å undersøke hvordan europeiske samfunn håndterer sin vanskelige fortid i dag. Dette skal gjøres gjennom analyser av konflikt-diskurser som har sine røtter i den vanskelige historien med et blikk på hvordan disse diskursene påvirker europeisk integrasjon. Prosjektet skal implementere virkemidler og foreslå strategier , både for beslutningstakere og for det sivile samfunn, slik at disse kan reflektere over disse diskursene med hensikt å styrke europeisk integrasjon Denne teksten redigeres i 'Topptekst og Bunntekst' 6

  7. Hvor studiet vil bli gjennomført: Denne teksten redigeres i 'Topptekst og Bunntekst' 7

  8. Nøkkelbegreper: Flerdisiplin, flernasjonale komparative analyser og innovasjon The project addresses directly the specific challenge and scope of the topic CULT-COOP-02-2017, focusing on civil society, informal education and political discourses. The methodological approach of RePAST is based on (i) multidisciplinarity, (ii) cross-country comparative analysis and (iii) innovative actions for citizens’ engagement with troubled pasts. Denne teksten redigeres i 'Topptekst og Bunntekst' 8

  9. Teoretisk utgangspunkt: Collective memory and troubled pasts • Contested or ‘troubled’ pasts are a common scholarly topic among humanists, social and political scientists. A key concept in the study of the past is collective memory. • According to Halbwachs (1992), memory is clearly situated not in the subjective minds of individuals but in social arrangements : “[I]t is in society that people normally acquire their memories. It is also in society that they recall, recognize and localize their memories ” (Halbwachs, 1992:38). Denne teksten redigeres i 'Topptekst og Bunntekst' 9

  10. • Our main analytical concept is conflict discourses rooted in troubled pasts , and their articulation in four key fields of civil society that act as powerful sources of identity formation for people of Europe (Figure 1). • An understanding of how the past structures present conflict-laden identities is key to anticipate the future and address the need to increase mutual understanding amongst Europeans Denne teksten redigeres i 'Topptekst og Bunntekst' 10

  11. Denne teksten redigeres i 'Topptekst og Bunntekst' 11

  12. Formål, del 1: Specific objectives: 1) To develop a conceptual and methodological framework for the multidisciplinary and cross- country comparative research of how collective memory of troubled pasts informs current conflicts, in relation to European integration and the many faces of the crisis (economic crisis, refugee crisis, political crisis) (WP2-WP5); 2) To produce a typology of conflict discourses in four discursive fields of paramount importance for collective memory and identity formation (oral and official history, mainstream and digital/social media, art and culture, and formal and informal politics) in eight countries , in a cross-country comparative fashion, taking into account how the current crisis in its multiple forms mediates these narratives (WP2-WP5); 3) To explore the reception of troubled-past conflicts by members of the public and key civil society actors (e.g. citizens’ associations, NGOs, activists, artists, political actors) and explore the ways in which they reproduce, negotiate, (re)appropriate or subvert these discourses that appear in established media, through artistic representations and in political discourses (WP3, WP4, WP5); Denne teksten redigeres i 'Topptekst og Bunntekst' 12

  13. Formål, del 2: • 4) To understand the impact of conflict discourses on political actors’ and citizens’ attitudes toward European integration through eight national surveys and comparative public opinion analyses of past surveys before and after EU accession (WP5); • 5) To equip policy makers in eight countries (eight studies) and at the EU level (one study) with policy recommendations for facilitating processes of cultural dialogue and mutual understanding of the past (WP6); • 6) To furnish civil society actors (e.g. educators, artists, researchers, journalists, individual citizens, cultural institutions) and the cultural tourism industry in eight countries with four concrete tools and mechanisms for acting upon troubled pasts: a multimodular online platform for deconstructing conflict narratives, a series of digital mini-games for renegotiating troubled pasts, a treasure-hunt game to discover troubled pasts, and workshops for 400 cultural tourism professionals on how to deal with troubled pasts (WP6); • 7) To disseminate the produced scientific knowledge, tools and strategies to stakeholders (in close cooperation with them) and society at large at national, EU and international levels (WP6). Denne teksten redigeres i 'Topptekst og Bunntekst' 13

  14. Metode: arbeidspakker Denne teksten redigeres i 'Topptekst og Bunntekst' 14

  15. Metode: Arbeidspakker - struktur Denne teksten redigeres i 'Topptekst og Bunntekst' 15

  16. Mixed-method design “To study troubled pasts that live on today, an innovative mixed-method design will be adopted, integrating quantitative and qualitative methods and drawing on concepts and techniques from sociology, history, communication/media studies, cultural studies, political science, and law . The various research methods, data sources and techniques employed are presented in Table 3.” Denne teksten redigeres i 'Topptekst og Bunntekst' 16

  17. WP Method Data source Techniques 2.1 In-depth autobiographic interviews, Face-to-face interviews Thematic & Discourse analysis focus groups, experts’ interviews 2.2 Expert surveys, document analysis Historical documents; surveys Theoretical analysis *Data triangulation • Newsroom observation • Ethnographic observations • Thematic analysis • Face-to-face interviews • Interviews of journalists, editors • Content & Discourse analysis • Selection of news texts and media managers • Thematic & Discourse analysis • 6-10 audience members per focus group 3 • News text analysis • Statistical analysis • Constructed database of online data • Focus groups with audience • Software-assisted discourse (websites, blogs, Facebook pages and members public groups, YouTube channels and analysis • Data mining and computational Twitter accounts) analysis • Europeana collections *Data triangulation • Artistic text analysis • Constructed database of artistic and • Social semiotics cultural data • Thematic analysis of articles and • Face-to-face interviews • Visual analysis 4 reviews • Interviews with artists • Selection of articles and reviews on • Thematic analysis artistic content • Focus groups with audience • 6-10 audience members per focus group members • Text analysis • Party manifestos, media texts • Interviews • Interviews with political actors • Content analysis 5 • Focus groups • 6-10 citizens per focus group • Statistical analysis • Public opinion analysis • New survey, past surveys Denne teksten redigeres i 'Topptekst og Bunntekst' 17

  18. Komparativt studium i 8 land RePAST will study comparatively eight cases of countries whose troubled pasts sit squarely on legacies that still endanger European integration today: Cyprus, Germany, Poland, Greece, Bosnia, Kosovo, Ireland, and Spain. Denne teksten redigeres i 'Topptekst og Bunntekst' 18

  19. Hvor studiet vil bli gjennomført: Denne teksten redigeres i 'Topptekst og Bunntekst' 19

  20. Hva RePAST skal levere RePAST emphasizes the active engagement of memory agents through a series of innovative actions for creating participatory experiences, i.e. interactive storytelling, research tool for analysis on memory and conflict, workshops for cultural tourism professionals, a treasure hunt game to discover troubled pasts, and digital games for renegotiating troubled pasts. Denne teksten redigeres i 'Topptekst og Bunntekst' 20

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