renaissance college in a nutshell

Renaissance College In A Nutshell Who are we and where are we - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Renaissance College In A Nutshell Who are we and where are we going? Jamie Schmitz - Head of Primary Blog: Twitter: #rchkpyp Our Positive Core Renaissance College Mission Statement RCHK strives to build a

  1. Renaissance College In A Nutshell Who are we and where are we going? Jamie Schmitz - Head of Primary Blog: Twitter: #rchkpyp

  2. Our Positive Core

  3. Renaissance College Mission Statement RCHK strives to build a culture that promotes peace and democracy, values diversity and works towards a sustainable future for all.

  4. Identity

  5. Best Practice - Guided Inquiry

  6. Goal Orientation If learners are to take more responsibility for their own learning, then they need to know what they are going to learn, how they will recognise when they have succeeded, and why they should learn it in the first place.

  7. Supporting Students in Managing Cognitive Load By...

  8. Modelling Learning - Deliberately Paced and Chunked

  9. Knowledge and Skills Acquisition - C.R.I.M.E ● Chunking ● Rehearsal ● Imagery ● Mnemonics ● Elaboration

  10. Learner Empowerment - Visible Thinking

  11. What is a Thinking Routine? - Short, engaging patterns of behaviour - Designed to be easy to use and easy to remember and easy to transfer to a wide variety of topics ( research based ) Image Source

  12. What does this mean? - Slowing down - Making thinking visible - Creating habits of mind (frequently engaging in a behaviour until it becomes routine)

  13. Why is this important? Ability People often do not activate dispositional Sensitivity Inclination behavior because (notice when it’s (motivation) they simply do not time to make a notice opportunities thoughtful decision) to do so. Student agency/empowerment is a dispositional outcome. PZ’s research finds that developing habits of mind are comprised of three elements— ability, inclination, and sensitivity.

  14. Maker Education

  15. Maker Education

  16. Maker Education


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