RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FARMING AND ECOLOGY Groupmates: cheung ho ming Lo ho mimg Lui lok yi mok hiu yan
HOW FARMING AFFECTS ECOLOGY POSITIVELY Farming needs ploughing of soil , better air aeration , more oxygen , enables aerobic respiration of bacteria or organisms living in soil 。 Organic farming means there is no chemical fertilizerrs , it provides nutrients to soil and therefore worms can be attracted , and more organisms will be attracted by worms.
HOW FARMING AFFECTS ECOLOGY NRGATIVELY The pursuit of yield , monoculture , same niche , lack of specific kind of nutrients , unhealthy crops. Use of chemical control methods , some is toxic to othere species , toxins will be more concentrated along the higher trophic levels. Use of chemical control methods , pest resistent , does more harm than good. Chemical fertilizers , raining , nutrients washed into river , eutrophication
HOW ECOLOGY AFFECTS FARMING POSITIVELY Decomposers decomposes dead body , breaks them down into humus , provides nutrients for growth. Legunme such as peanuts provide nitrate , which is the basics minerals for plants growth. Predator eats pests , increases abundance and yield. Earthworms help the plouging of soil , ....
HOW ECOLOGY AFFECTS FARMING NEGATIVELY Pests eat crops esp monoculture,decrease in productivity. Physical factors : typhoon , drought , flooding , frost...ruins crops.
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