relational semantics ordered algebras and quantifiers for

Relational semantics, ordered algebras, and quantifiers for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Relational semantics, ordered algebras, and quantifiers for deductive systems Tommaso Moraschini joint work with Ramon Jansana Institute of Computer Science of the

  1. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Definition Let L be a labeled ordered language. An L -frame F = � W , J , R , { T f : f ∈ L }� is an L -preframe such that for all connectives f ( x 1 , . . . , x m ; y 1 , . . . , y n ) s.t. β ( f ) = ✸ : w 2 ∈ W m , � j 1 ,� j 2 ∈ J n , and u 1 , u 2 ∈ W such that (a) For every � w 1 , � w 1 , � j 2 � J � w 2 � W � � j 1 and u 1 � W u 2 , w 1 ,� w 2 ,� if � � j 1 , u 1 � ∈ T f , then � � j 2 , u 2 � ∈ T f .

  2. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Definition Let L be a labeled ordered language. An L -frame F = � W , J , R , { T f : f ∈ L }� is an L -preframe such that for all connectives f ( x 1 , . . . , x m ; y 1 , . . . , y n ) s.t. β ( f ) = ✸ : w 2 ∈ W m , � j 1 ,� j 2 ∈ J n , and u 1 , u 2 ∈ W such that (a) For every � w 1 , � w 1 , � j 2 � J � w 2 � W � � j 1 and u 1 � W u 2 , w 1 ,� w 2 ,� if � � j 1 , u 1 � ∈ T f , then � � j 2 , u 2 � ∈ T f . j ) is a closed set of ( · ) ✄✁ for all � w ∈ W m and � w ,� j ∈ J n . (b) T f ( �

  3. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Definition Let L be a labeled ordered language. An L -frame F = � W , J , R , { T f : f ∈ L }� is an L -preframe such that for all connectives f ( x 1 , . . . , x m ; y 1 , . . . , y n ) s.t. β ( f ) = ✸ : w 2 ∈ W m , � j 1 ,� j 2 ∈ J n , and u 1 , u 2 ∈ W such that (a) For every � w 1 , � w 1 , � j 2 � J � w 2 � W � � j 1 and u 1 � W u 2 , w 1 ,� w 2 ,� if � � j 1 , u 1 � ∈ T f , then � � j 2 , u 2 � ∈ T f . j ) is a closed set of ( · ) ✄✁ for all � w ∈ W m and � w ,� j ∈ J n . (b) T f ( � Connectives f such that β ( f ) = ✷ need to satisfy a dual requirement.

  4. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Definition Let L be a labeled ordered language. An L -frame F = � W , J , R , { T f : f ∈ L }� is an L -preframe such that for all connectives f ( x 1 , . . . , x m ; y 1 , . . . , y n ) s.t. β ( f ) = ✸ : w 2 ∈ W m , � j 1 ,� j 2 ∈ J n , and u 1 , u 2 ∈ W such that (a) For every � w 1 , � w 1 , � j 2 � J � w 2 � W � � j 1 and u 1 � W u 2 , w 1 ,� w 2 ,� if � � j 1 , u 1 � ∈ T f , then � � j 2 , u 2 � ∈ T f . j ) is a closed set of ( · ) ✄✁ for all � w ∈ W m and � w ,� j ∈ J n . (b) T f ( � Connectives f such that β ( f ) = ✷ need to satisfy a dual requirement. We refer to W and J as to the sets of worlds and co-worlds of F respectively.

  5. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions ◮ A valuation in a L -frame F is a map v : Var → G ( W , J , R ) .

  6. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions ◮ A valuation in a L -frame F is a map v : Var → G ( W , J , R ) . ◮ We want to define two relations of satisfaction and co-satisfaction of formulas under v , respectively at worlds w ∈ W and co-worlds j ∈ J , in symbols w , v � ϕ and j , v ≻ ϕ.

  7. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions ◮ A valuation in a L -frame F is a map v : Var → G ( W , J , R ) . ◮ We want to define two relations of satisfaction and co-satisfaction of formulas under v , respectively at worlds w ∈ W and co-worlds j ∈ J , in symbols w , v � ϕ and j , v ≻ ϕ. ◮ For every variable x ∈ Var , we set w , v � x ⇐ ⇒ w ∈ v ( x ) ⇒ j ∈ v ( x ) ✄ . j , v ≻ x ⇐

  8. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions ◮ A valuation in a L -frame F is a map v : Var → G ( W , J , R ) . ◮ We want to define two relations of satisfaction and co-satisfaction of formulas under v , respectively at worlds w ∈ W and co-worlds j ∈ J , in symbols w , v � ϕ and j , v ≻ ϕ. ◮ For every variable x ∈ Var , we set w , v � x ⇐ ⇒ w ∈ v ( x ) ⇒ j ∈ v ( x ) ✄ . j , v ≻ x ⇐ ◮ Moreover, for every connective f ( � x ; � y ) s.t. β ( f ) = ✸ we set:

  9. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions ◮ A valuation in a L -frame F is a map v : Var → G ( W , J , R ) . ◮ We want to define two relations of satisfaction and co-satisfaction of formulas under v , respectively at worlds w ∈ W and co-worlds j ∈ J , in symbols w , v � ϕ and j , v ≻ ϕ. ◮ For every variable x ∈ Var , we set w , v � x ⇐ ⇒ w ∈ v ( x ) ⇒ j ∈ v ( x ) ✄ . j , v ≻ x ⇐ ◮ Moreover, for every connective f ( � x ; � y ) s.t. β ( f ) = ✸ we set: u ∈ W m and � ϕ, � i ∈ J n w , v � f ( � ψ ) ⇐ ⇒ w ∈ { r ∈ W : there are � u ,� s.t. � � i , r � ∈ T f and for all k � m , t � n u k , v � ϕ k and i t , v ≻ ψ t } ✄✁ ϕ, � ϕ, � ψ ) } ✄ . j , v ≻ f ( � ψ ) ⇐ ⇒ j ∈ { w ∈ W : w , v � f ( �

  10. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions ◮ A valuation in a L -frame F is a map v : Var → G ( W , J , R ) . ◮ We want to define two relations of satisfaction and co-satisfaction of formulas under v , respectively at worlds w ∈ W and co-worlds j ∈ J , in symbols w , v � ϕ and j , v ≻ ϕ. ◮ For every variable x ∈ Var , we set w , v � x ⇐ ⇒ w ∈ v ( x ) ⇒ j ∈ v ( x ) ✄ . j , v ≻ x ⇐ ◮ Moreover, for every connective f ( � x ; � y ) s.t. β ( f ) = ✸ we set: u ∈ W m and � ϕ, � i ∈ J n w , v � f ( � ψ ) ⇐ ⇒ w ∈ { r ∈ W : there are � u ,� s.t. � � i , r � ∈ T f and for all k � m , t � n u k , v � ϕ k and i t , v ≻ ψ t } ✄✁ ϕ, � ϕ, � ψ ) } ✄ . j , v ≻ f ( � ψ ) ⇐ ⇒ j ∈ { w ∈ W : w , v � f ( � ◮ A dual definition applied to connectives f ( � x ; � y ) s.t. β ( f ) = ✷ .

  11. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Frames F can be transformed into algebras F + as follows:

  12. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Frames F can be transformed into algebras F + as follows: ◮ The universe of F + is G ( W , J , R ) .

  13. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Frames F can be transformed into algebras F + as follows: ◮ The universe of F + is G ( W , J , R ) . ◮ For every connective f ( z 1 , . . . , z n ) and a 1 , . . . , a n ∈ F + , f F + ( a 1 , . . . , a n ) := { w ∈ W : w , v � f ( z 1 , . . . , z n ) } where v is any valuation in F s.t. v ( z i ) = a i .

  14. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Frames F can be transformed into algebras F + as follows: ◮ The universe of F + is G ( W , J , R ) . ◮ For every connective f ( z 1 , . . . , z n ) and a 1 , . . . , a n ∈ F + , f F + ( a 1 , . . . , a n ) := { w ∈ W : w , v � f ( z 1 , . . . , z n ) } where v is any valuation in F s.t. v ( z i ) = a i . Definition Let L be a labeled ordered language.

  15. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Frames F can be transformed into algebras F + as follows: ◮ The universe of F + is G ( W , J , R ) . ◮ For every connective f ( z 1 , . . . , z n ) and a 1 , . . . , a n ∈ F + , f F + ( a 1 , . . . , a n ) := { w ∈ W : w , v � f ( z 1 , . . . , z n ) } where v is any valuation in F s.t. v ( z i ) = a i . Definition Let L be a labeled ordered language. 1. An L -general frame is a pair � F , A � where F is an L -frame and A is the universe of a subalgebra of F + .

  16. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Frames F can be transformed into algebras F + as follows: ◮ The universe of F + is G ( W , J , R ) . ◮ For every connective f ( z 1 , . . . , z n ) and a 1 , . . . , a n ∈ F + , f F + ( a 1 , . . . , a n ) := { w ∈ W : w , v � f ( z 1 , . . . , z n ) } where v is any valuation in F s.t. v ( z i ) = a i . Definition Let L be a labeled ordered language. 1. An L -general frame is a pair � F , A � where F is an L -frame and A is the universe of a subalgebra of F + . 2. The complex algebra of a general frame � F , A � is � F , A � + := � A , ⊆� where A � F + .

  17. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Frames F can be transformed into algebras F + as follows: ◮ The universe of F + is G ( W , J , R ) . ◮ For every connective f ( z 1 , . . . , z n ) and a 1 , . . . , a n ∈ F + , f F + ( a 1 , . . . , a n ) := { w ∈ W : w , v � f ( z 1 , . . . , z n ) } where v is any valuation in F s.t. v ( z i ) = a i . Definition Let L be a labeled ordered language. 1. An L -general frame is a pair � F , A � where F is an L -frame and A is the universe of a subalgebra of F + . 2. The complex algebra of a general frame � F , A � is � F , A � + := � A , ⊆� where A � F + . Remark If � F , A � is an L -general frame, then � F , A � + is an L -algebra.

  18. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Contents 1. What is a frame? (for an arbitrary algebraic language) 2. What does it mean that a logic has a local relational semantics? 3. Why do most logics have a semantics of ordered algebras? 4. Are there logic-based dualities/completions for ordered algebras?

  19. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Let Fr be a class of L -general frames.

  20. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Let Fr be a class of L -general frames. 1. The local consequence relation of Fr is: Γ ⊢ l Fr ϕ ⇐ ⇒ for every valuation v in � F , A � ∈ Fr and w ∈ W if w , v � Γ , then w , v � ϕ.

  21. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Let Fr be a class of L -general frames. 1. The local consequence relation of Fr is: Γ ⊢ l Fr ϕ ⇐ ⇒ for every valuation v in � F , A � ∈ Fr and w ∈ W if w , v � Γ , then w , v � ϕ. 2. The colocal consequence relation of Fr is: Γ ⊢ cl Fr ϕ ⇐ ⇒ for every valuation v in � F , A � ∈ Fr and j ∈ J if j , v ≻ Γ , then j , v ≻ ϕ.

  22. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Let Fr be a class of L -general frames. 1. The local consequence relation of Fr is: Γ ⊢ l Fr ϕ ⇐ ⇒ for every valuation v in � F , A � ∈ Fr and w ∈ W if w , v � Γ , then w , v � ϕ. 2. The colocal consequence relation of Fr is: Γ ⊢ cl Fr ϕ ⇐ ⇒ for every valuation v in � F , A � ∈ Fr and j ∈ J if j , v ≻ Γ , then j , v ≻ ϕ. Definition Let L be a labeled ordered language. A logic ⊢ is a L -local (resp. colocal) consequence if it is the local (resp. colocal) consequence of a class of L -general frames.

  23. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Let Fr be a class of L -general frames. 1. The local consequence relation of Fr is: Γ ⊢ l Fr ϕ ⇐ ⇒ for every valuation v in � F , A � ∈ Fr and w ∈ W if w , v � Γ , then w , v � ϕ. 2. The colocal consequence relation of Fr is: Γ ⊢ cl Fr ϕ ⇐ ⇒ for every valuation v in � F , A � ∈ Fr and j ∈ J if j , v ≻ Γ , then j , v ≻ ϕ. Definition Let L be a labeled ordered language. A logic ⊢ is a L -local (resp. colocal) consequence if it is the local (resp. colocal) consequence of a class of L -general frames. Remark A logic is local consequence iff it is a colocal consequence.

  24. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Definition A logic ⊢ is monotone if there is an ordered language L over L ⊢ s.t. every connective f ( x 1 , . . . , x m ; y 1 , . . . , y n ) is increasing in � x and decreasing in � y on Fm w.r.t. ⊢ ,

  25. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Definition A logic ⊢ is monotone if there is an ordered language L over L ⊢ s.t. every connective f ( x 1 , . . . , x m ; y 1 , . . . , y n ) is increasing in � x and decreasing in � y on Fm w.r.t. ⊢ , i.e. if for every ϕ and ψ such that ϕ ⊢ ψ we have f ( δ 1 , . . . , δ i − 1 , ϕ, δ i + 1 , . . . , δ m ,� ǫ ) ⊢ f ( δ 1 , . . . , δ i − 1 , ψ, δ i + 1 , . . . , δ m ,� ǫ ) f ( � δ, ǫ 1 , . . . , ǫ j − 1 , ψ, ǫ j + 1 , . . . , ǫ n ) ⊢ f ( � δ, ǫ 1 , . . . , ǫ j − 1 , ϕ, ǫ j + 1 , . . . , ǫ n ) for every � δ and � ǫ .

  26. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Definition A logic ⊢ is monotone if there is an ordered language L over L ⊢ s.t. every connective f ( x 1 , . . . , x m ; y 1 , . . . , y n ) is increasing in � x and decreasing in � y on Fm w.r.t. ⊢ , i.e. if for every ϕ and ψ such that ϕ ⊢ ψ we have f ( δ 1 , . . . , δ i − 1 , ϕ, δ i + 1 , . . . , δ m ,� ǫ ) ⊢ f ( δ 1 , . . . , δ i − 1 , ψ, δ i + 1 , . . . , δ m ,� ǫ ) f ( � δ, ǫ 1 , . . . , ǫ j − 1 , ψ, ǫ j + 1 , . . . , ǫ n ) ⊢ f ( � δ, ǫ 1 , . . . , ǫ j − 1 , ϕ, ǫ j + 1 , . . . , ǫ n ) for every � δ and � ǫ . In this case, ⊢ is L -monotone.

  27. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Definition A logic ⊢ is monotone if there is an ordered language L over L ⊢ s.t. every connective f ( x 1 , . . . , x m ; y 1 , . . . , y n ) is increasing in � x and decreasing in � y on Fm w.r.t. ⊢ , i.e. if for every ϕ and ψ such that ϕ ⊢ ψ we have f ( δ 1 , . . . , δ i − 1 , ϕ, δ i + 1 , . . . , δ m ,� ǫ ) ⊢ f ( δ 1 , . . . , δ i − 1 , ψ, δ i + 1 , . . . , δ m ,� ǫ ) f ( � δ, ǫ 1 , . . . , ǫ j − 1 , ψ, ǫ j + 1 , . . . , ǫ n ) ⊢ f ( � δ, ǫ 1 , . . . , ǫ j − 1 , ϕ, ǫ j + 1 , . . . , ǫ n ) for every � δ and � ǫ . In this case, ⊢ is L -monotone. Theorem (Syntactic characterization of local consequences) Let L be an ordered language, and β a labeling map. The following conditions are equivalent:

  28. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Definition A logic ⊢ is monotone if there is an ordered language L over L ⊢ s.t. every connective f ( x 1 , . . . , x m ; y 1 , . . . , y n ) is increasing in � x and decreasing in � y on Fm w.r.t. ⊢ , i.e. if for every ϕ and ψ such that ϕ ⊢ ψ we have f ( δ 1 , . . . , δ i − 1 , ϕ, δ i + 1 , . . . , δ m ,� ǫ ) ⊢ f ( δ 1 , . . . , δ i − 1 , ψ, δ i + 1 , . . . , δ m ,� ǫ ) f ( � δ, ǫ 1 , . . . , ǫ j − 1 , ψ, ǫ j + 1 , . . . , ǫ n ) ⊢ f ( � δ, ǫ 1 , . . . , ǫ j − 1 , ϕ, ǫ j + 1 , . . . , ǫ n ) for every � δ and � ǫ . In this case, ⊢ is L -monotone. Theorem (Syntactic characterization of local consequences) Let L be an ordered language, and β a labeling map. The following conditions are equivalent: 1. ⊢ is an L -monotone logic.

  29. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Definition A logic ⊢ is monotone if there is an ordered language L over L ⊢ s.t. every connective f ( x 1 , . . . , x m ; y 1 , . . . , y n ) is increasing in � x and decreasing in � y on Fm w.r.t. ⊢ , i.e. if for every ϕ and ψ such that ϕ ⊢ ψ we have f ( δ 1 , . . . , δ i − 1 , ϕ, δ i + 1 , . . . , δ m ,� ǫ ) ⊢ f ( δ 1 , . . . , δ i − 1 , ψ, δ i + 1 , . . . , δ m ,� ǫ ) f ( � δ, ǫ 1 , . . . , ǫ j − 1 , ψ, ǫ j + 1 , . . . , ǫ n ) ⊢ f ( � δ, ǫ 1 , . . . , ǫ j − 1 , ϕ, ǫ j + 1 , . . . , ǫ n ) for every � δ and � ǫ . In this case, ⊢ is L -monotone. Theorem (Syntactic characterization of local consequences) Let L be an ordered language, and β a labeling map. The following conditions are equivalent: 1. ⊢ is an L -monotone logic. 2. ⊢ is an L β -local consequence.

  30. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Contents 1. What is a frame? (for an arbitrary algebraic language) 2. What does it mean that a logic has a local relational semantics? 3. Why do most logics have a semantics of ordered algebras? 4. Are there logic-based dualities/completions for ordered algebras?

  31. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Definition Let ⊢ be a logic and L be an ordered language over L ⊢ .

  32. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Definition Let ⊢ be a logic and L be an ordered language over L ⊢ . 1. An L -algebra � A , � � is an L -ordered model of ⊢ if for every a ∈ A the upset ↑ a is a deductive filter of ⊢ .

  33. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Definition Let ⊢ be a logic and L be an ordered language over L ⊢ . 1. An L -algebra � A , � � is an L -ordered model of ⊢ if for every a ∈ A the upset ↑ a is a deductive filter of ⊢ . 2. Accordingly, we set Alg � L ( ⊢ ) := {� A , � � : � A , � � is an L -ordered model of ⊢} .

  34. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Definition Let ⊢ be a logic and L be an ordered language over L ⊢ . 1. An L -algebra � A , � � is an L -ordered model of ⊢ if for every a ∈ A the upset ↑ a is a deductive filter of ⊢ . 2. Accordingly, we set Alg � L ( ⊢ ) := {� A , � � : � A , � � is an L -ordered model of ⊢} . Remark Alg � L ( ⊢ ) is closed under S and P (and P u if ⊢ is finitary).

  35. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Definition Let ⊢ be a logic and L be an ordered language over L ⊢ . 1. An L -algebra � A , � � is an L -ordered model of ⊢ if for every a ∈ A the upset ↑ a is a deductive filter of ⊢ . 2. Accordingly, we set Alg � L ( ⊢ ) := {� A , � � : � A , � � is an L -ordered model of ⊢} . Remark Alg � L ( ⊢ ) is closed under S and P (and P u if ⊢ is finitary). ◮ Non-mathematical thesis: Alg � L ( ⊢ ) should be understood as the class of distinguished ordered models of ⊢ (from the point of view of the ordered language L ).

  36. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Theoretic justification of Alg � L ( ⊢ ) Definition Let ⊢ be a logic and � F , A � be an L -general frame.

  37. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Theoretic justification of Alg � L ( ⊢ ) Definition Let ⊢ be a logic and � F , A � be an L -general frame. 1. � F , A � is a model of ⊢ if its local consequence extends ⊢ .

  38. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Theoretic justification of Alg � L ( ⊢ ) Definition Let ⊢ be a logic and � F , A � be an L -general frame. 1. � F , A � is a model of ⊢ if its local consequence extends ⊢ . 2. � F , A � is a co-model of ⊢ if its co-local consequence extends ⊢ .

  39. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Theoretic justification of Alg � L ( ⊢ ) Definition Let ⊢ be a logic and � F , A � be an L -general frame. 1. � F , A � is a model of ⊢ if its local consequence extends ⊢ . 2. � F , A � is a co-model of ⊢ if its co-local consequence extends ⊢ . Theorem Let ⊢ be a logic, L an ordered lang. over L ⊢ , β a labeling map.

  40. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Theoretic justification of Alg � L ( ⊢ ) Definition Let ⊢ be a logic and � F , A � be an L -general frame. 1. � F , A � is a model of ⊢ if its local consequence extends ⊢ . 2. � F , A � is a co-model of ⊢ if its co-local consequence extends ⊢ . Theorem Let ⊢ be a logic, L an ordered lang. over L ⊢ , β a labeling map. L ( ⊢ ) = {� F , A � + : � F , A � is an L β -general frame Alg � and a model of ⊢} .

  41. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Theoretic justification of Alg � L ( ⊢ ) Definition Let ⊢ be a logic and � F , A � be an L -general frame. 1. � F , A � is a model of ⊢ if its local consequence extends ⊢ . 2. � F , A � is a co-model of ⊢ if its co-local consequence extends ⊢ . Theorem Let ⊢ be a logic, L an ordered lang. over L ⊢ , β a labeling map. L ( ⊢ ) = {� F , A � + : � F , A � is an L β -general frame Alg � and a model of ⊢} . In other words, Alg � L ( ⊢ ) is the class of complex algebras of relational models of ⊢ (from the point of view of L and β ).

  42. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Theoretic justification of Alg � L ( ⊢ ) Definition Let ⊢ be a logic and � F , A � be an L -general frame. 1. � F , A � is a model of ⊢ if its local consequence extends ⊢ . 2. � F , A � is a co-model of ⊢ if its co-local consequence extends ⊢ . Theorem Let ⊢ be a logic, L an ordered lang. over L ⊢ , β a labeling map. L ( ⊢ ) = {� F , A � + : � F , A � is an L β -general frame Alg � and a model of ⊢} . In other words, Alg � L ( ⊢ ) is the class of complex algebras of relational models of ⊢ (from the point of view of L and β ). ◮ Rephrasing: Logics may have a semantics of ordered algebras, because they have a local relational semantics.

  43. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Empiric justification of Alg � L ( ⊢ ) : semilattice-based logics Theorem Let K be a variety with a semilattice reduct s.t. when ordered under the meet-order is a class of L -algebras.

  44. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Empiric justification of Alg � L ( ⊢ ) : semilattice-based logics Theorem Let K be a variety with a semilattice reduct s.t. when ordered under the meet-order is a class of L -algebras. Then Alg � L ( ⊢ � K ) = {� A , � � : A ∈ K and � is the meet-order of A } .

  45. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Empiric justification of Alg � L ( ⊢ ) : semilattice-based logics Theorem Let K be a variety with a semilattice reduct s.t. when ordered under the meet-order is a class of L -algebras. Then Alg � L ( ⊢ � K ) = {� A , � � : A ∈ K and � is the meet-order of A } . Examples:

  46. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Empiric justification of Alg � L ( ⊢ ) : semilattice-based logics Theorem Let K be a variety with a semilattice reduct s.t. when ordered under the meet-order is a class of L -algebras. Then Alg � L ( ⊢ � K ) = {� A , � � : A ∈ K and � is the meet-order of A } . Examples: ◮ Let K be a variety of modal algebras, and ⊢ the local consequence of the normal modal logic associated with K.

  47. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Empiric justification of Alg � L ( ⊢ ) : semilattice-based logics Theorem Let K be a variety with a semilattice reduct s.t. when ordered under the meet-order is a class of L -algebras. Then Alg � L ( ⊢ � K ) = {� A , � � : A ∈ K and � is the meet-order of A } . Examples: ◮ Let K be a variety of modal algebras, and ⊢ the local consequence of the normal modal logic associated with K. Then Alg � L ( ⊢ ) is K with the lattice order (for the natural L ).

  48. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Empiric justification of Alg � L ( ⊢ ) : semilattice-based logics Theorem Let K be a variety with a semilattice reduct s.t. when ordered under the meet-order is a class of L -algebras. Then Alg � L ( ⊢ � K ) = {� A , � � : A ∈ K and � is the meet-order of A } . Examples: ◮ Let K be a variety of modal algebras, and ⊢ the local consequence of the normal modal logic associated with K. Then Alg � L ( ⊢ ) is K with the lattice order (for the natural L ). ◮ Let K be a variety of Heyting algebras, and ⊢ the superintuitionistic logic associated with K.

  49. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Empiric justification of Alg � L ( ⊢ ) : semilattice-based logics Theorem Let K be a variety with a semilattice reduct s.t. when ordered under the meet-order is a class of L -algebras. Then Alg � L ( ⊢ � K ) = {� A , � � : A ∈ K and � is the meet-order of A } . Examples: ◮ Let K be a variety of modal algebras, and ⊢ the local consequence of the normal modal logic associated with K. Then Alg � L ( ⊢ ) is K with the lattice order (for the natural L ). ◮ Let K be a variety of Heyting algebras, and ⊢ the superintuitionistic logic associated with K. Then Alg � L ( ⊢ ) is K with the lattice order (for the natural L ).

  50. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Empiric justification of Alg � L ( ⊢ ) : intensional fragments For the natural ordered languages L :

  51. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Empiric justification of Alg � L ( ⊢ ) : intensional fragments For the natural ordered languages L : ◮ Let IPC → be the �→� -fragment of Intuitionistic Logic.

  52. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Empiric justification of Alg � L ( ⊢ ) : intensional fragments For the natural ordered languages L : ◮ Let IPC → be the �→� -fragment of Intuitionistic Logic. Then Alg � L ( IPC → ) = Hilbert algebras + Hilbert-order .

  53. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Empiric justification of Alg � L ( ⊢ ) : intensional fragments For the natural ordered languages L : ◮ Let IPC → be the �→� -fragment of Intuitionistic Logic. Then Alg � L ( IPC → ) = Hilbert algebras + Hilbert-order . ◮ Let InFL � e be the �· , →� -fragment of the logic preserving degrees of truth of commutative FL-algebras.

  54. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Empiric justification of Alg � L ( ⊢ ) : intensional fragments For the natural ordered languages L : ◮ Let IPC → be the �→� -fragment of Intuitionistic Logic. Then Alg � L ( IPC → ) = Hilbert algebras + Hilbert-order . ◮ Let InFL � e be the �· , →� -fragment of the logic preserving degrees of truth of commutative FL-algebras. Then Alg � L ( InFL � e ) = �· , → , � � -subreducts of commutative FL-algebras .

  55. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Empiric justification of Alg � L ( ⊢ ) : intensional fragments For the natural ordered languages L : ◮ Let IPC → be the �→� -fragment of Intuitionistic Logic. Then Alg � L ( IPC → ) = Hilbert algebras + Hilbert-order . ◮ Let InFL � e be the �· , →� -fragment of the logic preserving degrees of truth of commutative FL-algebras. Then Alg � L ( InFL � e ) = �· , → , � � -subreducts of commutative FL-algebras . ◮ Let InR � be the �· , → , ¬� -fragment of the logic preserving degrees of truth of De Morgan monoids.

  56. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Empiric justification of Alg � L ( ⊢ ) : intensional fragments For the natural ordered languages L : ◮ Let IPC → be the �→� -fragment of Intuitionistic Logic. Then Alg � L ( IPC → ) = Hilbert algebras + Hilbert-order . ◮ Let InFL � e be the �· , →� -fragment of the logic preserving degrees of truth of commutative FL-algebras. Then Alg � L ( InFL � e ) = �· , → , � � -subreducts of commutative FL-algebras . ◮ Let InR � be the �· , → , ¬� -fragment of the logic preserving degrees of truth of De Morgan monoids. Then Alg � L ( InR � ) = �· , → , ¬ , � � -subreducts of De Morgan monoids .

  57. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Contents 1. What is a frame? (for an arbitrary algebraic language) 2. What does it mean that a logic has a local relational semantics? 3. Why do most logics have a semantics of ordered algebras? 4. Are there logic-based dualities/completions for ordered algebras?

  58. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Logics preserving degrees of truth of Lattice Expansions Let K be a variety with a bounded lattice reduct s.t. when ordered under the lattice-order is a class of L -algebras.

  59. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Logics preserving degrees of truth of Lattice Expansions Let K be a variety with a bounded lattice reduct s.t. when ordered under the lattice-order is a class of L -algebras. Then for all � A , � � ∈ Alg � L ( ⊢ � K ) we have:

  60. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Logics preserving degrees of truth of Lattice Expansions Let K be a variety with a bounded lattice reduct s.t. when ordered under the lattice-order is a class of L -algebras. Then for all � A , � � ∈ Alg � L ( ⊢ � K ) we have: 1. A ∈ K and � is the lattice order of A .

  61. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Logics preserving degrees of truth of Lattice Expansions Let K be a variety with a bounded lattice reduct s.t. when ordered under the lattice-order is a class of L -algebras. Then for all � A , � � ∈ Alg � L ( ⊢ � K ) we have: 1. A ∈ K and � is the lattice order of A . 2. Pol L � A , � � = � W , J , R � is s.t. W = lattice filters and J = lattice ideals.

  62. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Logics preserving degrees of truth of Lattice Expansions Let K be a variety with a bounded lattice reduct s.t. when ordered under the lattice-order is a class of L -algebras. Then for all � A , � � ∈ Alg � L ( ⊢ � K ) we have: 1. A ∈ K and � is the lattice order of A . 2. Pol L � A , � � = � W , J , R � is s.t. W = lattice filters and J = lattice ideals. Moreover, ( � A , � � + ) + is the canonical extension of � A , � � .

  63. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Logics preserving degrees of truth of Lattice Expansions Let K be a variety with a bounded lattice reduct s.t. when ordered under the lattice-order is a class of L -algebras. Then for all � A , � � ∈ Alg � L ( ⊢ � K ) we have: 1. A ∈ K and � is the lattice order of A . 2. Pol L � A , � � = � W , J , R � is s.t. W = lattice filters and J = lattice ideals. Moreover, ( � A , � � + ) + is the canonical extension of � A , � � . Implicative fragment of IPC For all � A , � � ∈ Alg � L ( IPC → ) we have:

  64. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Logics preserving degrees of truth of Lattice Expansions Let K be a variety with a bounded lattice reduct s.t. when ordered under the lattice-order is a class of L -algebras. Then for all � A , � � ∈ Alg � L ( ⊢ � K ) we have: 1. A ∈ K and � is the lattice order of A . 2. Pol L � A , � � = � W , J , R � is s.t. W = lattice filters and J = lattice ideals. Moreover, ( � A , � � + ) + is the canonical extension of � A , � � . Implicative fragment of IPC For all � A , � � ∈ Alg � L ( IPC → ) we have: 1. � A , � � is a Hilbert algebra equipped with the Hilbert-order.

  65. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Logics preserving degrees of truth of Lattice Expansions Let K be a variety with a bounded lattice reduct s.t. when ordered under the lattice-order is a class of L -algebras. Then for all � A , � � ∈ Alg � L ( ⊢ � K ) we have: 1. A ∈ K and � is the lattice order of A . 2. Pol L � A , � � = � W , J , R � is s.t. W = lattice filters and J = lattice ideals. Moreover, ( � A , � � + ) + is the canonical extension of � A , � � . Implicative fragment of IPC For all � A , � � ∈ Alg � L ( IPC → ) we have: 1. � A , � � is a Hilbert algebra equipped with the Hilbert-order. 2. Pol L � A , � � = � W , J , R � is s.t. W = implicative filters and J = downsets.

  66. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Logics preserving degrees of truth of Lattice Expansions Let K be a variety with a bounded lattice reduct s.t. when ordered under the lattice-order is a class of L -algebras. Then for all � A , � � ∈ Alg � L ( ⊢ � K ) we have: 1. A ∈ K and � is the lattice order of A . 2. Pol L � A , � � = � W , J , R � is s.t. W = lattice filters and J = lattice ideals. Moreover, ( � A , � � + ) + is the canonical extension of � A , � � . Implicative fragment of IPC For all � A , � � ∈ Alg � L ( IPC → ) we have: 1. � A , � � is a Hilbert algebra equipped with the Hilbert-order. 2. Pol L � A , � � = � W , J , R � is s.t. W = implicative filters and J = downsets. Moreover, ( � A , � � + ) + is intrinsically a Heyting algebra.

  67. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Intensional fragment of FL � e For all � A , � � ∈ Alg � L ( InFL � e ) we have:

  68. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Intensional fragment of FL � e For all � A , � � ∈ Alg � L ( InFL � e ) we have: 1. � A , � � is a �· , → , � � -subreduct of a commutative FL-algebra.

  69. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Intensional fragment of FL � e For all � A , � � ∈ Alg � L ( InFL � e ) we have: 1. � A , � � is a �· , → , � � -subreduct of a commutative FL-algebra. 2. Pol L � A , � � = � W , J , R � is s.t. W = upsets and J = downsets.

  70. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Intensional fragment of FL � e For all � A , � � ∈ Alg � L ( InFL � e ) we have: 1. � A , � � is a �· , → , � � -subreduct of a commutative FL-algebra. 2. Pol L � A , � � = � W , J , R � is s.t. W = upsets and J = downsets. Moreover, ( � A , � � + ) + is intrinsically a commutative FL-algebra.

  71. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Intensional fragment of FL � e For all � A , � � ∈ Alg � L ( InFL � e ) we have: 1. � A , � � is a �· , → , � � -subreduct of a commutative FL-algebra. 2. Pol L � A , � � = � W , J , R � is s.t. W = upsets and J = downsets. Moreover, ( � A , � � + ) + is intrinsically a commutative FL-algebra. Intensional fragment of R � For all � A , � � ∈ Alg � L ( InR � ) we have:

  72. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Intensional fragment of FL � e For all � A , � � ∈ Alg � L ( InFL � e ) we have: 1. � A , � � is a �· , → , � � -subreduct of a commutative FL-algebra. 2. Pol L � A , � � = � W , J , R � is s.t. W = upsets and J = downsets. Moreover, ( � A , � � + ) + is intrinsically a commutative FL-algebra. Intensional fragment of R � For all � A , � � ∈ Alg � L ( InR � ) we have: 1. � A , � � is a �· , → , ¬ , � � -subreduct of a De Morgan monoid.

  73. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Intensional fragment of FL � e For all � A , � � ∈ Alg � L ( InFL � e ) we have: 1. � A , � � is a �· , → , � � -subreduct of a commutative FL-algebra. 2. Pol L � A , � � = � W , J , R � is s.t. W = upsets and J = downsets. Moreover, ( � A , � � + ) + is intrinsically a commutative FL-algebra. Intensional fragment of R � For all � A , � � ∈ Alg � L ( InR � ) we have: 1. � A , � � is a �· , → , ¬ , � � -subreduct of a De Morgan monoid. 2. Pol L � A , � � = � W , J , R � is s.t. W = intensional filters and J = intensional ideals.

  74. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions Intensional fragment of FL � e For all � A , � � ∈ Alg � L ( InFL � e ) we have: 1. � A , � � is a �· , → , � � -subreduct of a commutative FL-algebra. 2. Pol L � A , � � = � W , J , R � is s.t. W = upsets and J = downsets. Moreover, ( � A , � � + ) + is intrinsically a commutative FL-algebra. Intensional fragment of R � For all � A , � � ∈ Alg � L ( InR � ) we have: 1. � A , � � is a �· , → , ¬ , � � -subreduct of a De Morgan monoid. 2. Pol L � A , � � = � W , J , R � is s.t. W = intensional filters and J = intensional ideals. Moreover, ( � A , � � + ) + is intrinsically a De Morgan monoid.

  75. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions A sample of what comes next... ◮ Substructural logics with weakening can be viewed as global consequences in this spirit,

  76. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions A sample of what comes next... ◮ Substructural logics with weakening can be viewed as global consequences in this spirit, e.g. Łukasiewicz is the global version of the logic preserving degrees of truth of MV-algebras.

  77. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions A sample of what comes next... ◮ Substructural logics with weakening can be viewed as global consequences in this spirit, e.g. Łukasiewicz is the global version of the logic preserving degrees of truth of MV-algebras. ◮ One can give a relational semantics for every logic, inspired by the Routley-Meyer semantics for Relevance Logic.

  78. Frames monotone logics ordered algebras logic-based dualities and completions A sample of what comes next... ◮ Substructural logics with weakening can be viewed as global consequences in this spirit, e.g. Łukasiewicz is the global version of the logic preserving degrees of truth of MV-algebras. ◮ One can give a relational semantics for every logic, inspired by the Routley-Meyer semantics for Relevance Logic. ◮ We can delete co-worlds from frames in nice cases, e.g. distributive substructural and modal logics.


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