Encouraging entrepreneurship in EU regions and cities – the role of the European Committee of the Regions Startup Europe Regions Network – Moving Forward Brussels, 14 June 2017 Bert Kuby Head of Unit – ECON Commission European Committee of the Regions
Five CoR priorities for 2015-2020 Helping businesses: Economic recovery: Giving EU legislation simpler EU taking a bottom-up a territorial dimension legislation & less red approach tape Stability to our borders: increased Bringing the EU cooperation with closer to citizens neighbouring countries
CoR consultative work CoR opinion on Smart Regulation for SMEs (rapporteur: Christian Buchmann, adoption in Plenary on 12/13 July 2017) CoR opinion on the Start-up and Scale-up Initiative (rapporteur: Tadeusz Truskolaksi, adoption in Plenary on 12/13 July 2017)
Study on governance of entrepreneurship policy Which governance mechanisms help regions and cities build strong entrepreneurial ecosystems? Case studies of 13 EER regions and 4 non-EER regions: Helsinki, Lower Austria, Western Greece, Lyon, Tel Aviv …
The European Entrepreneurial Region initiative “The EER Award is oriented toward the future: It identifies and rewards regions with outstanding forward-looking entrepreneurial visions.” Luc Van den Brande, CoR Vice- President and initiator of the EER, September 2013
Main objective of the EER award Encouraging EU regions and cities to encourage entrepreneurship and implement SME-, start-up- and scale-up-friendly policies .
The EER award in an inter-institutional setting
29 June 2017: EER annual meeting – Future of COSME Which are the main challenges, bottlenecks and needs encountered at regional or local level that should be taken into account COSME is renewed?
12 July 2017: EER 2018 award ceremony
Thank you very much for your attention! European Committee of the Regions Unit C2 – Commission for Economic Policy, Europe 2020 Monitoring Platform, EER Bert Kuby Head of Unit Website: www.cor.europa.eu/eer E-mail: eer-cdr@cor.europa.eu Twitter: @EER_Award
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