regional school district no 6

Regional School District No. 6 Recommended Budget 2019-2020 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Regional School District No. 6 Recommended Budget 2019-2020 Updates - April 8, 2019 Focused on Every Detail Photo by Jonathan Robert Open Door Fridays - Every Week Town Tour November 2018 Public Questions / Suggestions -

  1. Regional School District No. 6 Recommended Budget 2019-2020 Updates - April 8, 2019

  2. Focused on Every Detail Photo by Jonathan Robert

  3.  Open Door Fridays - Every Week  Town Tour – November 2018  Public Questions / Suggestions - December 2018  BOE Budget Workshops #1 – January 11, 2019  Staff Meetings - January 2019  Public Responses - February 2019  BOE Budget Workshops #2 - February 11, 2019  Town Tour #2 – Week of February 25 th  Superintendents Budget – March 11, 2019  Staff Budget Presentations – Week of March 11 th  BOE Meeting – April 8, 2019 • Budget Hearing – April 22, 2019 • Budget Meeting – May 6, 2019 2019-2020 Budget Calendar

  4. 2019-2020 Revenue

  5. Revenue Projected Revenue Budgeted Revenue Proposed Budget Difference (Projected v. Category (2018-2019) (2018 - 2019) Revenue (2019-2020) Proposed Budget) (as of 2.1.2019) Tuition ASTE Tuition (Regular Ed) $ 1,254,584.00 $ 1,234,963.00 $ 1,296,370.00 $ 61,407.00 ASTE Tuition (Spec Ed) $ 200,000.00 $ 175,000.00 $ 200,000.00 $ 25,000.00 Pre School Tuition $ 44,250.00 $ 48,000.00 $ 48,000.00 $ - State Revenue ASTE Grant $ 600,000.00 $ 793,000.00 $ 920,620.00 $ 127,620.00 Medicaid $ 21,628.00 $ 36,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ - 11,000.00 Excess Costs (Special Education) $ 50,955.00 $ 50,955.00 $ 50,955.00 $ - Other (Local) Misc $ 5,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ - 5,000.00 Interest $ 2,500.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 45,000.00 $ 25,000.00 Rental Fees $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500.00 $ - Adjustments (State Revisions Grants, $ 356,769.00 $ - $ -356 ,7 69 .00 Medicaid, Carry-Over) Total Revenue $ 2,186,417.00 $ 2,732,187.00 $ 2,598,445.00 $ - 133,742.00 2019-2020 Proposed Revenue (State and Local)

  6. Revenue Projected Revenue Budgeted Revenue Proposed Budget Revenue Difference (Projected v. Category (2018-2019) (2018 - 2019) (2019-2020) Proposed Budget) (as of 2.1.2019) Warren $3,178,913.51 $3,178,913.51 $3,296,651.05 $117,737.54 Morris $6,130,761.77 $6,130,761.77 $5,975,180.02 ($155,581.75) Goshen $7,997,742.72 $7,997,742.72 $8,035,586.93 $37,844.21 Total Town $17,307,418.00 $17,307,418.00 $17,307,418.00 $- Assessments Total Revenue $19,493,835.00 $20,039,605.00 $19,905,863.00 ($133,742.00) Local Assessment 2019-2020 Town Assessment (Based on October 1, 2018) Town Students % Assessment Annual Net Change Warren 128 19.05% $3,296,651.05 $117,737.54 Morris 232 34.52% $5,975,180.02 -$155,581.75 Goshen 312 46.43% $8,035,586.93 $37,844.21 Total 672 $17,307,418.00 $0.00 2019-2020 Town Assessments

  7. 2019-2020 Proposed Expenses

  8. Proposed Expenses Revised Expense Budgeted Expense Proposed Expense (2019- Difference Category (of 2.1.2019) (2018- (2018-2019) 2020) (Projected v. Revised) 2019) 1) Certified Salaries $8,290,738.00 $8,260,738.00 $8,703,787.00 $443,049.00 2) Classified Salaries $2,341,576.00 $2,526,197.00 $2,779,987.00 $253,790.00 3) Employee Benefits $3,771,808.00 $3,857,820.00 $3,996,597.00 $138,777.00 4) Learning Programs $1,559,597.00 $1,487,276.00 $1,054,788.00 -$432,488.00 5) Tuition $354,000.00 $354,000.00 $304,000.00 -$50,000.00 6) Transportation $971,980.00 $996,279.00 $996,279.00 $0.00 7) Heath Services $11,835.00 $14,835.00 $15,385.00 $550.00 8) Administration $375,750.00 $375,750.00 $370,855.00 -$4,895.00 9) Operations / Maintenance $693,967.00 $703,967.00 $624,226.00 -$79,741.00 0) Capital and Debt $1,022,000.00 $1,164,700.00 $934,390.00 -$230,310.00 TRB Contingency $0.00 $0.00 25,569.00 $25,569.00 FY20 Contingency $100,000.00 $298,034.00 100,000.00 -$198,034.00 Total Expenses $19,493,251.00 $20,039,596.00 $19,905,863.00 -$133,733.00 2019-2020 Proposed Expenses

  9. Projected Enrollment (4.2019)

  10. School K Gr. 1 Gr. 2 Gr. 3 Gr. 4 Gr. 5 Gr. 6 Total by School Warren 11 11 9 9 10 8 14 72 Morris 13 15 13 14 18 19 11 103 Goshen 25 27 27 19 20 28 20 166 Proj. Total 49 53 49 42 48 55 45 341 2018-2019 49 48 38 49 55 44 57 340 Net Difference 0 5 11 - 7 - 7 11 - 12 1 AGRI-SCI Comprehensive Middle School High School Grades 7-12 Program Program 2019-2020 (Projected) 97 423 520 261 162 2018-2019 102 405 507 Net Difference - 5 18 13 2019-2020 (Projected) Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 AgriSci 60 79 70 52 Comprehensive 30 41 33 58 Projected Enrollment (2019-2020) (REVISED 4.2019)

  11. Changes Since March

  12. Changes of Note: • Resignation / Retirement (-1.0 FTE at WAMOGO) (-$85K) • GCS K Enrollment (+1.0 FTE at GCS) ($50K) • +$35K Balance • PK Enrollment (No Anticipated FTE Change) Programs at Warren (AM), JMS (AM), and GCS (AM/PM) Photo by Jack Good • Photo by Jack Good Potential Revenue Changes: Legislation (TBD) Solar Land Lease Option ($5K) ISO New England ($7k) Faculty Tuition (TBD) Since March 2019

  13. Capital Needs and Debt (January 2019)

  14. RSD6 Capital Projects (2019-2020) (as of April 2019) Item Estimated Actual Difference Comments $ - Key System (District) $61,743.00 $61,743.00 FINAL $ - Vestibules $130,000.00 $130,000.00 FINAL $ - Auditorium $375,000.00 $375,000.00 PENDING WAMOGO Rd Paving (3 of 4) MOVE TO SUMMER 2020 Phones - WAMOGO Summer 2019 Phones - Goshen Spring 2019 $ - Warren Kitchen $15,000.00 $15,000.00 Estimated $ - Warren Floors $16,000.00 $16,000.00 FINAL $ - $ - $ - Abatement (Warren) Out to Quote $ - SMART Boards(Goshen) $40,000.00 $40,000.00 FINAL $ - Chromebook Replacements $12,500.00 $12,500.00 FINAL $ - Staff Computer Replacements $15,000.00 $15,000.00 FINAL $ - Desktop Computer Replacements $20,000.00 $20,000.00 FINAL $ - WAMOGO Floors (1 of 3) $70,000.00 $70,000.00 Quoted $ - WAMOGO AgSci Floors (1 of 2) $40,000.00 $40,000.00 Quoted $ - Abatement (WAMOGO) $62,000.00 $62,000.00 FINAL JMS Roof Spring 2019 JMS Entry(Bluestone and Drain) W/ Vestibules $ - JMS Paving(Circle) $15,000.00 $15,000.00 Estimated $ - $ - $ - JMS Sidewalks DELAYED TO 2020 $ - Goshen Paving (Circle) $15,000.00 $15,000.00 Estimated $ - $ - Goshen Nurses Bathroom DELAYED TO 2020 $ - SUMMARY $887,243.00 $887,243.00 Capital Needs Priority List (as of 4.2019)


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