regional impacts of airbnb

Regional Impacts of Airbnb L A U R A H O D G S O N P H D S C H O - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Regional Impacts of Airbnb L A U R A H O D G S O N P H D S C H O L A R A R C L I N K A G E P R O J E C T: L P 1 5 0 1 0 0 1 6 0 Airbnb a household name Short Term Rental Accommodation (STRA) Disintermediation Disruptor

  1. Regional Impacts of Airbnb L A U R A H O D G S O N P H D S C H O L A R A R C L I N K A G E P R O J E C T: L P 1 5 0 1 0 0 1 6 0

  2. Airbnb a household name… • Short Term Rental Accommodation (STRA) • Disintermediation • Disruptor • Share Economy or collaborative Economy • Part of the Gig Economy

  3. Funders and Founders

  4. Airbnb Regionally – Pros • Development of micro-enterprise. • Additional accommodation during peak periods or to support larger events. • Tourist $ spent in local communities that may not normally receive it. • Allows housing to be affordable for those host who can use Airbnb. • Trust, community, use of underutilised resources. • Lift the profile of regional areas by placing it on a global platform. • Alternative to a large hotel chain – competition. • May create Additional platform for small independent bed and breakfasts to advertise on. Inside Airbnb accessed 25 June 2017

  5. Airbnb Regionally – Cons • Neighbourhood disturbances from ‘party houses’. • Waste management. • Security concerns. • Increased wear and tear with traffic – strata & apartment complexes. • Increased burdened on community & public facilities – parks, hospitals, public transport. • Gentrification & displacement. • Rental availability & affordable housing availability. • Stunt the growth or development of the traditional accommodation industry.

  6. Who? • Airbnb • Local Government • State Government • Federal Government • Home Owners utilising Airbnb • Community • Strata Complexes & Apartment Building Owners • Tourism Industry The Conversation accessed 27 June 2017 NPR accessed 27 June 2017

  7. Sydney Data: 04 April 2017 Listings: 24,083 Red = entire homes 60.8% Green = private rooms 37.8% Blue = shared rooms 1.5% Inside Airbnb accessed 25 June 2017

  8. What could regional governance of Airbnb look like? ~ MLG • Federal Government • Tax • Consumer Laws • Competition Law • Australian Building Code • Disability Discrimination Act • State Government • Defining STRA as fitting for Airbnb in development/planning legislation • Understanding of impact across cities & regions • Local Government • Response to neighbourhood complaints – waste, noise, use of property • Rating implications

  9. 30.1% of Sydney’s hosts have multiple listings • Airbnb reports to be removing hosts with multiple listings as a response to regulations, such as in New York City. • Agents Managing Listings • Compliance with regulations. • Existence of agencies prior to Airbnb – might be more likely to be compliant with legislation • Not necessarily serviced apartments. • Some use a business name, others a personal name. • New Co-hosts – listing may not be under the owners name but someone in the area assisting. • Traditional Bed & Breakfast using Airbnb as an additional platform to advertise. • Servicing breakfast therefore required to comply with additional regulations. • Defined as development in most cases? • Where as STRA is generally not appropriately categorised to fit current Airbnb Uses • Investment property owners • Holiday home listings Inside Airbnb accessed 25 June 2017

  10. Laura Hodgson Email: Mobile: 0412 932 483 Twitter: @lcthodgson & @localgovhousing Website:


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