refractive index of extracellular vesicles by

Refractive index of extracellular vesicles by nanoparticle tracking - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Refractive index of extracellular vesicles by nanoparticle tracking analysis Edwin van der Pol 1,2 Frank Coumans 1,2 , Anita Bing 1 , Auguste Sturk 1 , Ton van Leeuwen 2 , Rienk Nieuwland 1 April 30th, 2014 1 Laboratory Experimental Clinical

  1. Refractive index of extracellular vesicles by nanoparticle tracking analysis Edwin van der Pol 1,2 Frank Coumans 1,2 , Anita Böing 1 , Auguste Sturk 1 , Ton van Leeuwen 2 , Rienk Nieuwland 1 April 30th, 2014 1 Laboratory Experimental Clinical Chemistry; 2 Biomedical Engineering and Physics, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 1

  2. Introduction to light scattering light illuminating a vesicle is partly absorbed and partly scattered (deflected) light scattering depends on size and refractive index 2

  3. Introduction to the refractive index M .C. Escher the refractive index  is defined as n c vacuum v / medium affects refraction and reflection 3

  4. Refractive index to relate scatter to diameter 3 flow cytometry is widely used to detect vesicles refractive index provides scatter to diameter relation 4

  5. Refractive index of vesicles is unknown ? refractive index of vesicles is unknown detection range is unknown 5

  6. Determine refractive index to identify vesicles lipoproteins ( n = 1.45 ‐ 1.60) protein aggregates ( n = 1.53 ‐ 1.60) d ≥ 500 nm  n = 1.40* vesicles ( ) d < 500 nm  n = ? * Konokhova et al., J. Biomed. Opt. (2012) 6

  7. Problem hitherto no technique is capable of determining the refractive index of particles being <500 nm heterogeneous in size heterogeneous in refractive index in suspension 7

  8. Goal determine the refractive index of extracellular vesicles <500 nm in suspension 8

  9. Methods – nanoparticle tracking analysis obtain particle diameter d by tracking the Brownian motion of single particles (Stokes ‐ Einstein equation) measure scattering power P derive particle refractive index n(P,d) from Mie theory 9

  10. Methods ‐ setup EMCCD Commercial instrument + Nanosight NS ‐ 500 microscope objective NA = 0.4 particles in solution laser beam power = 45 mW glass wavelength = 405 nm figure adapted from Nanosight Ltd, UK 10

  11. Methods ‐ data acquisition and processing power is corrected for camera shutter time and gain minimum tracklength 30 frames discard scatterers that saturate the camera 11

  12. Methods ‐ samples Polystyrene beads ( n =1.63) Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA Silica beads ( n =1.45) Kisker Biotech, Germany vesicles Human urinary vesicles differential centrifugation protocol from cells 12

  13. Methods ‐ approach calibration measure light scattering of beads describe measurements by Mie theory validation measure light scattering and diameter of beads mixture application determine the refractive index of vesicles 13

  14. Results ‐ scattering power versus diameter of polystyrene beads 14

  15. Results ‐ scattering power versus diameter of polystyrene beads described by Mie theory 15

  16. Results ‐ scattering power versus diameter of polystyrene and silica beads 16

  17. Methods ‐ approach calibration measure light scattering of beads describe measurements by Mie theory validation measure light scattering and diameter of beads mixture application determine the refractive index of vesicles 17

  18. Results ‐ scattering power versus diameter of polystyrene and silica beads 18

  19. Results ‐ scattering power versus diameter of a mixture of polystyrene and silica beads 19

  20. Results ‐ scattering power versus diameter of a mixture of polystyrene and silica beads 20

  21. Results ‐ refractive index and size distribution of a mixture of polystyrene and silica beads 21

  22. Methods ‐ approach calibration measure light scattering of beads describe measurements by Mie theory validation measure light scattering and diameter of beads mixture application determine the refractive index of vesicles 22

  23. Results ‐ scattering power versus diameter of urinary vesicles 23

  24. Results ‐ size and refractive index distribution of urinary vesicles 24

  25. Conclusions nanoparticle tracking analysis can be used to determine the refractive index of single vesicles mean refractive index of urinary vesicles is 1.37 25

  26. Discussion ‐ urinary vesicles contain mainly water n core = 1.34 thickness = 5 nm n membrane = 1.46 * image courtesy of Issman et al., PLoS ONE (2013) 26 * van Manen et al., Biophys. J. (2007)

  27. Acknowledgements Academic Medical Center University of Oxford Laboratory Experimental Clinical Chris Gardiner Chemistry University of Birmingham Biomedical Engineering and Physics Paul Harrison NanoSight Ltd. European Association of National Patrick Hole Andrew Malloy Metrology Institutes (EURAMET) Jonathan Smith The European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP) is jointly funded by the EMRP participating countries within EURAMET and the European Union More on vesicle detection: 27

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