reflectance imaging at superficial depths in strongly

Reflectance imaging at superficial depths in strongly scattering - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Reflectance imaging at superficial depths in strongly scattering media Arnold D. Kim UC Merced Applied Math Collaborators: Pedro Gonzlez-Rodrguez, Boaz Ilan, Miguel Moscoso, and Chrysoula Tsogka This work is supported by AFOSR

  1. Reflectance imaging at superficial depths in strongly scattering media Arnold D. Kim UC Merced Applied Math Collaborators: Pedro González-Rodríguez, Boaz Ilan, Miguel Moscoso, and Chrysoula Tsogka This work is supported by AFOSR (FA9550-17-1-0238) and NSF (DMS-1331109)

  2. Motivation � Imaging in multiple scattering media is important for several different applications, e.g. biomedical optics, geophysical remote sensing through clouds, fog, rain, the ocean, etc. � Strong multiple scattering causes image blurring and makes the inverse problem severely ill-posed. � There are important problems involving reflectance imaging and spectroscopy at superficial depths, e.g. site-specific screening of pre-cancer in epithelial tissues. � Another way to think of this problem is near-field imaging in strongly scattering media .

  3. Imaging problem

  4. Imaging problem

  5. Imaging problem

  6. Modeling roadmap

  7. Radiative transfer theory � Developed in the early 20th century to describe light scattering by planetary atmospheres. � It takes into account scattering and absorption by inhomogeneities. � This theory assumes no phase coherence in its description of power transport (addition of power). � The specific intensity I ( Ω , r , t ) quantifies the power flowing in direction Ω , at position r , and at time t .

  8. The radiative transfer equation (RTE) � � � c − 1 ∂ t I + Ω ·∇ I + µ a I + µ s S 2 f ( Ω · Ω ′ ) I ( Ω ′ , r )d Ω ′ I − = 0. � �� � LI � c is the speed of light in the background � µ a is the absorption coefficient � µ s is the scattering coefficient � f is the scattering phase function

  9. Scattering phase function The scattering phase function f gives the fraction of light scattered in direction Ω due to light incident in direction Ω ′ . The scattering phase function is normalized according to � S 2 f ( Ω · Ω ′ )d Ω ′ = 1. We introduce the anisotropy factor, g , defined as � S 2 f ( Ω · Ω ′ ) Ω · Ω ′ d Ω ′ = g .

  10. Boundary conditions To solve c − 1 ∂ t I + Ω ·∇ I + µ a I + µ s LI = 0 in a domain D with boundary ∂ D , we prescribe boundary conditions of the form on Γ in = {( Ω , r , t ) ∈ S 2 × ∂ D × (0, T ], Ω · ν < 0}. I = I b In other words, we must prescribe the light “going into” the medium from the boundary.

  11. Initial-boundary value problem for the RTE Let D = { z > 0} with ∂ D = { z = 0} . Our model for the imaging problem is in S 2 × D × (0, T ], c − 1 ∂ t I + Ω ·∇ I + µ a I + µ s LI = 0 on Γ in = { S 2 × ∂ D × (0, T ], Ω · ˆ I | z = 0 = δ ( Ω − ˆ z ) b ( x , y ) p ( t ) z > 0} on S 2 × D I | t = 0 = 0 as z → ∞ . I → 0 � The boundary condition prescribes a pulsed beam incident normally on the boundary plane, z = 0 . � There is no other source of light in the problem. � Backscattered light corresponds to I | z = 0 for directions satisfying Ω · ˆ z < 0 .

  12. Measurements Measurements of backscattered light take the form: � R ( x , y , t ) = − I ( Ω , x , y ,0, t ) Ω · ˆ z d Ω , NA with NA ⊂ { Ω · ˆ z < 0} denoting the numerical aperture of the detector. Suppose we measure two or more NAs so that we can recover � 1 I − 0 = � I ( Ω , x , y ,0, t )d Ω 2 π Ω · ˆ z < 0 and � � 3 I − I ( Ω , x , y ,0, t ) Ω · ˆ z d Ω . 1 = − 2 π Ω · ˆ z < 0 We take I − 0 and I − 1 as our measurements.

  13. RTE with angularly averaged measurements � The angularly averaged measurements remove useful direction information from backscattered light, e.g. direction dependence of the source. � Solving the full RTE is unnecessarily complicated for this problem if we only measure I − 0 and I − 1 . � Using only these measurements makes the inverse problem for the RTE underdetermined. � The key is to develop the simplest model for measurements that accurately captures the key features of angularly averaged measurements of backscattered light.

  14. Diffusion approximation of the RTE The diffusion approximation assumes that scattering is so strong that I ( Ω , r , t ) ∼ U ( r , t ) + Ω · [ κ ∇ U ( r , t )], where U satisfies c − 1 U t + µ a U −∇· ( κ ∇ U ) = 0. Because U + Ω · ( κ ∇ U ) is unable to satisfy boundary condition, I | z = 0 = δ ( Ω − ˆ z ) p ( t ) on Γ in , we must introduce an approximate boundary condition. This approximate boundary condition causes errors that make the diffusion approximation unsuitable near sources and boundaries * . * Rohde and Kim (2012)

  15. Making the diffusion approximation work S.-H. Tseng and A. J. Durkin † developed a method to circumvent the problem with using the diffusion approximation. This innovation was used for a fiber-based probe for diffuse optical spectroscopy in epithelial tissues. † S.-H. Tseng et al (2005) [with permission]

  16. Correcting the diffusion approximation � The diffusion approximation is a significant simplification over the RTE. � It is not wrong for this problem. Light that penetrates deep into the strongly scattering medium is diffusive. � It is just not sophisticated enough. � We could consider the inverse problem for the RTE, but that will require more work than is worthwhile. � How can we construct a better model?

  17. Double-spherical harmonics method Since � Boundary condition prescribes light on { Ω · ˆ z > 0} , � Measurements are integrals over { Ω · ˆ z < 0} , we write I ± ( Ω , r , t ) = I ( ± Ω , r , t ), Ω ∈ S 2 + = { Ω · ˆ z > 0}, and seek both I ± as expansions in spherical harmonics, { ˜ Y nm } , mapped to the hemisphere, S 2 + : n ∞ I ± = � � Ω ∈ S 2 ˜ Y nm ( Ω ) I nm ( r , t ), + . m =− n n = 0 By truncating these expansions at n = N , we obtain the double-spherical harmonics approximation of order N ( DP N ).

  18. The DP 1 approximation The simplest approximation is DP 1 : 3 � I ± = Φ n ( µ , ϕ ) I ± n ( r , t ), n = 0 � � Φ 0 = 1/ 2 π , Φ 1 = 3/2 π (2 µ − 1), � � � � 1 − µ 2 cos ϕ , 1 − µ 2 sin ϕ . 3/2 π 3/2 π Φ 2 = Φ 3 = Here, µ = cos θ denote the cosine of the polar angle, and ϕ denote the azimuthal angle. Note that I − 0 | z = 0 and I − 1 | z = 0 are the measurements. Φ 2,3 used here are a slight modification to those typically used in the DP 1 approximation.

  19. The DP 1 system 3 � Substituting I ± = Φ n ( µ , ϕ ) I ± n ( r , t ), into the RTE and projecting n = 0 onto the finite dimensional subspace, we obtain ‡ � I + � � A �� I + � � B �� I + � � C �� I + � 0 0 0 + + + I − I − I − I − 0 − A 0 B 0 C t z x y � I + � �� I + � � S 1 �� I + �� S 2 + µ a + µ s − = 0, I − I − I − S 2 S 1 where I ± = ( I ± 0 , I ± 1 , I ± 2 , I ± 3 ) . The entries of A , B , and C are known explicitly. S 1 and S 2 are projections of the scattering phase function onto the finite dimensional subspace. Those are computed numerically. ‡ Sandoval and Kim (2015)

  20. Solving the DP 1 system � The DP 1 system is a highly structured, finite dimensional system of forward-backward advection equations. � It is much simpler problem to solve than the RTE. � It directly models the measurements. � Provided it is accurate, its use for imaging problems is novel and interesting. � Even if it is not accurate, it provides the structure of how information is contained in measurements.

  21. Validating the DP 1 approximation Numerical results for µ s = 100 , µ a = 0.01 , and g = 0.8 . 10 0 10 0 RTE RTE DP 1 DP 1 10 -10 10 -10 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 The RTE uses a δ ( Ω − ˆ z ) source, and the DP 1 approximation uses the projection of this source onto the finite dimensional basis. DP 1 has errors at short times (not shown here), but it still accurately captures the qualitative behavior of backscattered light.

  22. Strong scattering limit We introduce 0 < ǫ ≪ 1 and write µ a = ǫα and µ s = ǫ − 1 σ . We also introduce the slow time τ = ǫ t so that the DP 1 system is � I + � � A �� I + � � B �� I + � � C �� I + � 0 0 0 ǫ + + + I − I − I − I − 0 − A 0 B 0 C τ z x y � I + � �� I + � � S 1 �� I + �� S 2 + ǫ − 1 σ + ǫα − = 0, I − I − I − S 2 S 1 The solution is given as the sum § � I + � � I + � � I + � int bl , = + I − I − I − int bl with I ± int denoting the interior solution and I ± bl denoting the boundary layer solution. § Larsen and Keller (1973)

  23. Interior solution We find that � I + � � ˆ � e 1 int ( ρ 0 + ǫρ 1 ) = I − e 1 ˆ int �� a 1 � � b 1 � � c 1 � � ǫ + O ( ǫ 2 ), ∂ z ρ 0 + ∂ x ρ 0 + ∂ y ρ 0 − − a 1 b 1 c 1 σ (1 − g ) with ˆ e 1 = (1,0,0,0) , a 1 = A ˆ e 1 , b 1 = B ˆ e 1 , and c 1 = C ˆ e 1 . The scalar functions, ρ 1,2 , satisfy � � 1 ∂ τ ρ i + αρ i −∇· 3 σ (1 − g ) ∇ ρ i = 0, i = 1,2. We determine that ρ 0 | τ = 0 = ρ 1 | τ = 0 = 0 , but we cannot determine boundary conditions at z = 0 .

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