
References Bourdieu, P. (1979). La distinction. Critique sociale du - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Geometry of La Distinction Latest methodological innovations in geometric data analysis on cultural practices Philippe Bonnet (LPNCog, Paris Descartes-CNRS), Frdric Lebaron (CURAPP, U. Picardie J. Verne-CNRS) The 6th CARME conference,

  1. Geometry of La Distinction Latest methodological innovations in geometric data analysis on cultural practices Philippe Bonnet (LPNCog, Paris Descartes-CNRS), Frédéric Lebaron (CURAPP, U. Picardie J. Verne-CNRS)

  2. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 References Bourdieu, P. (1979). La distinction. Critique sociale du jugement. Paris: Minuit. Le Roux, B. & Rouanet, H. (2010). Multiple Correspondence Analysis (QASS Series). Thousand Oaks,CA: Sage. Rouanet, H., Ackermann, W., Le Roux, B. (2000). The geometric analysis of questionnaires: The lesson of Bourdieu’s La Distinction. Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique, 65 , 5-18. 14/02/2011 2

  3. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 PLAN 1. Theoretical stakes 2. The data 3. Construction of the space (MCA) 4. Interpretation of axes 5. Class Specific Analyses Conclusion 14/02/2011 3

  4. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 1. Theoretical stakes  In line with Bourdieu’s perspective in La Distinction , we investigated the relationship between cultural practices, lifestyles and capital distribution inside French society  More specifically, we focused on a particular aspect of Bourdieu’s analysis : the existence of structural homologies between different sub-spaces.  Two examples are developed in La Distinction : the space of dominant classes and the space of middle-classes. 14/02/2011 4

  5. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 Theoretical stakes  to continue the analysis of social space structures as Bourdieu initiated it in the 70’s (Anatomie du goût, 1976) and in the « Distinction » (1979)  not only a methodological refinement  to shed a new light on sociological problems at the core of the « Distinction » model 14/02/2011 5

  6. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 2. The data  INSEE, « Enquête permanente sur les conditions de vie des ménages » (« Permanent survey on households living conditions »)  May 2003 : supplement on cultural and sport participation  Data on 5625 individuals (15 years old and more), and on their households  Objective : a better knowledge of cultural and sport activities through detailed information on households and individuals 14/02/2011 6

  7. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 3. Construction of the space of cultural practices  Questions on :  legitimate practices such as literature, classical music, reading,…  practices caracteristic of a younger lifestyle (types of music, types of radio)  popular practices, mostly related to television and radio  Questions kept revealing preferences, i.e. TV channel mostly watched, type of music mostly listened to, etc. 14/02/2011 7

  8. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 Caveat  But this type of survey, done by INSEE (the french national institute of statistics) is more precise about practices than about preferences or tastes.  And several dimensions which are important when studying lifestyles have been dropped, such as gardening, sport activities, savings, consumption or social capital maintenance… 14/02/2011 8

  9. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 Space variables Space constructed from :  Television : 10 questions  Entertainment : 8 questions  Newspapers : 5 questions  Books : 8 questions  Music / Radio : 2 questions Total : 33 questions and 5497 individuals aged 18 or more. 14/02/2011 9

  10. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 Specific MCA (first variant)  Used here to restrict the analysis to categories of interest  Infrequent and meaningless categories were treated as passive categories Number of questions Q=33 (104 categories) Number of active categories K=90 Number of individuals N=5497 14/02/2011 10

  11. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 Axis 1 Intensity of cultural practices (especially legitimate practices, reading, theater, etc.) cultural capital axis 14/02/2011 11

  12. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 Axis 2 Culture of the youth 14/02/2011 12

  13. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 Axis 3 «hard» (dance, concerts, etc;) versus «soft» (TV news, romance reading, etc.) cultural practices related to age and gender 14/02/2011 13

  14. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 Main dimensions of the constructed space  Axis 1: intensity of cultural practices (especially legitimate practices, reading, theater, etc.). Cultural capital.  Axis 2: culture of the youth.  Axis 3: «hard» (dance, concert, etc.) versus «soft» (TVnews, romance reading, etc.) cultural practices related to age and gender. 14/02/2011 14

  15. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 Cloud of individuals in plane 1-2 14/02/2011 15

  16. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 Cloud of individuals in plane 1-3 14/02/2011 16

  17. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 Level of education as a structuring factor 14/02/2011 17

  18. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 gender Concentration ellipses for gender in the plane 1-3 (individuals) 14/02/2011 18

  19. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 Age as a structuring factor Category mean points of age in the space of individuals 14/02/2011 19

  20. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 age Concentration ellipsis of the young ([18-26[) 14/02/2011 20

  21. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 Class ellipses 14/02/2011 21

  22. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 Pupils/students Concentration ellipsis of pupils/students 14/02/2011 22

  23. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 Upper class Concentration ellipsis of upper class individuals 14/02/2011 23

  24. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 Middle class Concentration ellipsis of middle class individuals 14/02/2011 24

  25. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 Blue collars Concentration ellipsis of blue collars 14/02/2011 25

  26. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 Further research questions  Are there structural homologies between the global space of cultural practices and sub-spaces like the ones defined by the dominant classes, the middle classes, the blue-collar workers, the young, or pupils and students ?  Is the relation between the cultural practices of these specific groups and their distribution of capital similar to the relation observed in the global space ? 14/02/2011 26

  27. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 Motivation for the use of Class-Specific Analysis  The distance between two individuals inside a specific class (e.g. the young) makes sense in the global space, but not in a space restricted to this particular group.  To operationnalize this idea, the CSA consists in searching the principal dimensions of a sub-cloud without «extracting» it from the global space. One can then see the sub-cloud inside the global space but projected onto its own principal dimensions.  Then usual GDA methodology is applied : interpretation of axes, structured data analysis, inference if needed. 14/02/2011 27

  28. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 5. Class-Specific Analyses  the young  working class (blue collars).  upper class  middle class  pupils/students 14/02/2011 28

  29. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 The young (18-26) : specific axis 1 Opposition of more legitimate cultural practices of the young (left side) to categories that characterize a more popular aspect of the youth culture (right). 14/02/2011 29

  30. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 The young (18-26) : specific axis 2 The second specific axis opposes categories relating to music, comic strips and going to concert. These oppositions inside the young’ universe are very specific of this universe. On one side one can find practices strongly associated with teen-age ( comic strips , techno , rap and world music, regularly going to concert) and on the other side slightly different practices, less specific and with less intensity ( international pop music , less comic strips, going to concert less frequently). 14/02/2011 30

  31. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 The young (18-26) : specific axis 3 The third specific axis shows an opposition between categories mostly relating to TV watching. On one hand one can find TV channel M6, musical clips (bottom) and on the other hand TV practices that are weak or absent (top). 14/02/2011 31

  32. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 The young Class as a structuring factor 14/02/2011 32

  33. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 The young Level of education as a structuring factor 14/02/2011 33

  34. The 6th CARME conference, Rennes, France, 8-11 february 2011 The young Gender as a structuring factor 14/02/2011 34


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