A New Resource: Recycled Water Jason M Hatch Washington Water Trust Center for Environmental Law and Policy Seattle, WA December 5, 2019 Photo: Bothell-Kenmore Reporter
Overview Washington Water Trust Water Supply in Washington State Recycled Water Reclaimed Water Law Sammamish Recycled Water Project
Washington Water Trust Nonprofit Organization Improve and protect stream flows throughout Washington. Develop water mitigation programs Voluntary, cooperative, market based strategies
Water-Flow and Fish 16 Fish Critical Basins in WA Chinook Chum Coho Sockeye Steelhead Bull Trout
Flow Restoration Strategies Traditional Strategies New Strategies ✓ New Crop Rotations ✓ Source substitution ✓ New Supply ✓ Changing point of diversion Rainwater • Off Channel Storage • ✓ Water conservation (efficiencies) Stormwater • ✓ Water banking Public Water • ✓ Water Lease/Purchase Recycled Water • Natural System Storage •
Water Supply-Needs
Water Use-Washington State Freshwater Withdrawals Washington Irrigation Western WA: 127 mgd. GW: 66%/SW: 34% Eastern WA: 3,020 mgd. GW:24%/SW: 76% Estimated Freshwater Withdrawals in Washington, 2010 (USGS) Water Use in Washington, 2015 (USGS)
Water Supply Water Rights Available? Over- appropriation Out of stream and instream needs Climate change Limiting our water source options
Water Supply-Dry Year 2015: 24 B ASINS 2016: D ROUGHT 2019: 27 B ASINS
Recycled Water-Established Use Singapore ✓ Since 1965, has used recycled water for industrial purposes. 2003, recycled water for drinking supply (40% of current supply). http://www.globalwaterforum.org/2018/01/15/newater-in-singapore/ California ✓ Pure Water San Diego-by 2035, supply 1/3 of Drinking Water (currently 85% imported water) Reclaimed or recycled https://www.sandiego.gov/public-utilities/sustainability/pure-water-sd water is wastewater that is highly treated and ✓ Monterey One- serves recycled water to more than 90% tested to a standard for of Salinas Valley irrigation. A new facility Pure Water Monterey will treat wastewater, stormwater, and food specific uses. processing water, for irrigation and drinking water. https://purewatermonterey.org/about-us/
Recycled Water-Washington State WASHINGTON Groundwater Recharge : LOTT (Lacey, Olympia, Tumwater, Thurston County) recycled water treatment facilities. Irrigation: King County Recycled Water- 60 Acres Park, Willows Run Golf Course Flow Restoration: Squaxin Island Tribe Project-Goldsborough Creek. Redirect discharge to Oakland Bay, groundwater recharge.
Water-Reclaimed Water Rule EPA Guidelines-State Rules RECLAIMED WATER WAC 173-219-390 Specific use-based requirements. Beneficial Use Reclaimed Water Class Requirements Land Application or Irrigation 1 (5) Landscape irrigation with direct or Class A indirect public access. (7) Irrigation of food crops (unless otherwise Class A specified). (13) Irrigation of trees, fodder, fiber, or seed Class A crops in pastures accessed by milking animals.
Water-Recycled Water Barriers and Potential Barriers Location of Recycled Water Facilities Distribution Network Perception of Plenty Public Perception of Recycled Water Potential Existing Widespread Use Globally Perception of Plenty is a seasonal illusion Public Perception of Recycled Water can change
Source: King County Recycled Water Brightwater Treatment Plant 12 mgd of Class A recycled water
Project: Irrigation Alternative = Flow Restoration Water Quality: Treated water, delivered to irrigators, not Puget Sound Water Quantity: Low Flow in Sammamish River drops to 30-40 cfs Fish: Chinook, Sockeye, Steelhead, Coho, Kokanoee, Cutthroat, Bull Trout Opportunity: 5-8 cfs of conversion to recycled water Photo: experienceredmond.com
Project: Sammamish Recycled Water Project “A select blue ribbon panel of Project (2019-2021) scientists in California conducted ✓ Develop pilot site to grow food crops using recycled water in an extensive risk-based assessment of the state’s Sammamish Valley regulations for irrigation of food ✓ Engage the food supply chain-producers, consumers, crops (Cooper et al., 2012). This restauranteurs, grocers review concluded that the ✓ Identify and address concerns current regulations were adequately protective of public ✓ Test water, soil and produce quality-share results health…” ✓ Identify potential demand and viability of RW as irrigation Agricultural Use of Recycled Water source Impediments and Incentives, WATER RESEARCH FOUNDATION 2019. Partners Washington Water Trust, Washington State University, King County Recycled Water Potential Approximate 750 acres (450 Landscape, 300 Food) in Sammamish Valley
Recycled Water “There is nothing new about reusing water. The Earth is a closed water system: We can’t make water; nor can we destroy it. We’re drinking the same water the dinosaurs did. Cities and farmers across the West are now discovering that what they previously considered wastewater has incredible value.” - Robert Glennon is a professor at the University of Arizona College of Law and author of “Unquenchable: America’s Water Crisis and What to Do About It.” Source: https://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-glennon-water-sewage-recycling- los-angeles-20190305-story.html
Thank You Jason M Hatch Senior Project Manager jason@washingtonwatertrust.org 1500 Westlake Ave N Suite 202 Seattle, WA 98109 206.675.1585 www.washingtonwatertrust.org
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