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Welcome! Thanks for joining this online information session to discuss updates to Columbia Region Action Plans. Please mute your audio and turn off webcam. We will get started soon! Please note that this information session is being recorded.

  1. Welcome! Thanks for joining this online information session to discuss updates to Columbia Region Action Plans. Please mute your audio and turn off webcam. We will get started soon! Please note that this information session is being recorded. 1

  2. The technology • Turn off webcam • Can we hear you? • Roundtable introductions • Mute your audio when not talking • Can you see the slides? 3 2

  3. The technology • Asking questions 3 4

  4. Angus Glass Photo: B. Meunier Columbia Region Action Plan Update Online Information Session April 4, 2019 4

  5. Introductions FWCP Columbia Region Manager Crystal Klym FWCP Communications Angus Glass Lynne Betts FWCP Board Members FWCP Team LGL Limited environmental research associates Marc d’Entremont Krysia Tuttle Megan Mathews 5

  6. Today’s Purpose & Outcomes Purpose: Present and discuss draft priority actions Review options and timing for input Outcomes: Increase awareness of draft priority actions Get your initial input on draft priority actions 6

  7. Today’s Agenda 1. Introductions & agenda review 2. FWCP overview & context 3. Action Plan Update introduction 4. Review & discuss draft priority actions 5. Roundtable & wrap-up 6. Adjourn 7

  8. Introduction to FWCP The FWCP is a partnership between BC Hydro, the Province of B.C., Fisheries and Oceans Canada, First Nations and Public Stakeholders, to conserve and enhance fish and wildlife in watersheds impacted by BC Hydro dams. BC Hydro fulfills water licence and voluntary commitments through the FWCP. The FWCP is funded by BC Hydro. 8

  9. FWCP’s Vision & Mission Our Vision Thriving fish and wildlife populations in watersheds that are functioning and sustainable. Our Mission The Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program compensates for fish and wildlife in watersheds impacted by BC Hydro dams . 9

  10. Approach to Fulfilling Mission FWCP’s approach is forward looking: 1. continual adaptation will be required in a dynamic natural environment 2. considers the objectives and priorities of its program partners 3. considers projected local impacts of climate change, cumulative effects on the landscape, and emerging ecological issues 4. protects past conservation efforts and benefits to fish & wildlife 5. contributes to the resilience of our watersheds and ecosystems 5. focused on overall mission to conserve and enhance fish and wildlife in watersheds impacted by BC Hydro dams 10

  11. FWCP’s Strategic Objectives Conservation Maintain or improve the status of species or ecosystems of concern. Maintain or improve the integrity and productivity of ecosystems and habitats. Sustainable Use Maintain or improve opportunities for sustainable use, including harvesting and other uses. Harvesting includes First Nations, recreational, sport and commercial harvests. Other uses may include cultural, medicinal, or non-consumptive uses. Community Engagement Build and maintain relationships with stakeholders and aboriginal communities. This objective stems from BC Hydro’s social responsibility policy and the Province of B.C. shared stewardship objective. 11

  12. FWCP’s Three Regions 12

  13. How we’re structured 13

  14. Columbia Region Board Fish & Wildlife Technical Committees support our Board 14

  15. FWCP’s Columbia Region 15

  16. How we work How we work Vision Mission Strategic Objectives Action Plans Outline Priority Actions Project Delivery Mechanisms Board Directed Projects Long-term Agreements Annual Grants e.g. RFPs and direct and Partnerships 16 award agreements

  17. Priority Actions Priority Actions in Updated Action Plans: 1. Align with FWCP mission, vision and strategic objectives; 2. Are within geographic scope; 3. Align with FWCP investment criteria; and 4. Are eligible for FWCP funding. 17

  18. FWCP’s Project Investment Criteria Insert investment criteria What we fund Don’t fund Insert list of project types 18

  19. Reviewing Draft Priority Actions Please download draft priority actions at: Draft priority actions are organized by ecosystem-based action plan type: 1. Reservoirs & Large Lakes 2. Small Lakes 3. Rivers & Riparian Areas 4. Wetlands & Riparian Areas 5. Upland & Dryland 19

  20. Reviewing Draft Action Tables Please focus on draft priority actions today 20

  21. Your Feedback? Draft Priority Actions Do you have any feedback on or suggestions about the draft priority actions? Draft Species of Interest Do you have any feedback on or suggestions about the draft list of species of interest, or the species categories assigned to each species? Improving our Action Plans Do you have any feedback on or suggestions for improving Columbia Region Action Plans so they can better provide guidance to grant applicants and others interested in actions eligible for FWCP funding? 21

  22. Inputs to Draft Action Tables 1. Strategic project review 2. Literature review 3. Early engagement: • FWCP partners, agencies, technical committees • First Nations • Regional & provincial stakeholders • Columbia Region Board • 33 interviews 22

  23. Considerations: Emerging Issues 1. Climate change (rate of loss/change in ecosystems) 2. Water levels & waterways 3. Cumulative effects 4. Fire suppression and forestry practices 5. Transportation corridors & wildlife movements 6. Invasive species 7. Conservation & protection of habitat / species 8. Land stewardship & private land development 9. Fish and wildlife diseases (e.g. White nose syndrome) 10. Columbia River Treaty 11. Fish passage 12. Salmon restoration 23

  24. Considerations: Ecological Priorities 1. Land securement & habitat protection 2. Climate change 3. Species at risk 4. Invasive species 5. Connectivity 6. Human presence on landscape 7. Water quality / quantity, natural hydrograph 8. Wetland and riparian areas 9. Upland dryland ecosystems 10. Optimizing ecological values of large lake & reservoir ecosystems 24

  25. Proposed Changes 1. FWCP takes a progressive approach that responds to dam impacts and works toward resilient and functioning watersheds 2. FWCP’s approach to conservation considers: • the linkage between dam impacts and climate change impacts • our evolving partnership with First Nations 3. A holistic, ecosystem-based approach 4. More on the ground restoration and land securement actions 5. More monitoring and evaluation actions 6. More species-based actions 25

  26. Proposed Changes 7. Recognize the importance of riparian areas in each draft plan 8. Clarity about our role: • invasive species • manage resources 9. Cross-plan actions (e.g., climate change, cumulative impacts) 10. Species of interest are in ecosystem-based action plans 11. New action plan names 12. Action tables reflect progression from research to action and then monitoring and evaluations 26

  27. Reviewing Draft Action Tables Columbia Region Action Plans Reservoirs and Rivers and Wetland and Upland and Small Lakes Large Lakes Riparian Areas Riparian Areas Dryland 27

  28. Action Plan – Reservoirs & Large Lakes 1. Priority areas : five priority BC Hydro reservoirs (and corresponding tributaries) and other BC Hydro reservoirs and waterbodies > 1000 ha (e.g. Slocan Lake, Pend d’Oreille , Koocanusa Reservoir) 2. Ecosystem actions : effectiveness evaluation of nutrient programs, invasive species, updates within Rainbow Trout (pis. & ins.), Kokanee, Bull Trout and Burbot status indicators 3. Single action for recovery species : White Sturgeon, Mountain Caribou 4. Species Actions : Grizzly Bear, invertebrates 28

  29. Action Plan – Small Lakes 1. Priority areas : waterbodies including lakes and reservoirs < 1000 ha (e.g., Summit Lake, Moyie Lake). 2. Ecosystem actions : developing ecosystem restoration plans, restoration and enhancement of habitat 3. Species actions : fish, waterbirds, Western Toad, Western Painted Turtle, bats, invertebrates 29

  30. Action Plan – Rivers & Riparian Areas 1. Priority areas : 14 priority rivers, removed Flathead River 2. Ecosystem actions : regional river plans, nutrient restoration evaluation, invasive species 3. Single action for recovery species : White Sturgeon 4. Species actions : Burbot, Westslope Cutthroat Trout, waterbirds, invertebrates 30

  31. Action Plan – Wetlands & Riparian Areas 1. Priority areas : Six priority valleys and ‘other’ areas 2. Ecosystem actions : mapping of riparian areas, cottonwood and floodplain habitats, connectivity, habitat restoration and land securement 3. Single action for recovery species: Mountain Caribou, Northern Leopard Frog, Western Screech- owl, Yellow- breasted Chat, Lewis’s Woodpecker 4. Species actions : fish, Grizzly Bear, bats, Western Toad, Western Painted Turtle, Great Blue Heron, invertebrates 31


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