recent productivity research studies conducted by the

Recent Productivity Research Studies Conducted by the Construction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Recent Productivity Research Studies Conducted by the Construction Industry Institute (CII) Carlos Caldas (CII/University of Texas at Austin) Agenda 2019 CII Annual Conference Overview Summary of Selected Research Studies Analysis

  1. Recent Productivity Research Studies Conducted by the Construction Industry Institute (CII) Carlos Caldas (CII/University of Texas at Austin)

  2. Agenda • 2019 CII Annual Conference Overview • Summary of Selected Research Studies • Analysis of Productivity Improvement Opportunities • Virtual Reality in Design, Construction, and Maintenance • Other Relevant CII Initiatives

  3. 2019 CII Annual Conference Overview

  4. 2019 CII Annual Conference - Research Presentations • New Practices and Tools for the Development of Flexible Facility • Business Case and Practices for Increased Standardization of Capital Projects • Practices for Anticipating and Responding to Ever-evolving Regulatory Requirements • Life-Cycle Cost Estimation • Analysis of Productivity Improvement Opportunities • Virtual Reality in Design, Construction, and Maintenance

  5. Analysis of Productivity Improvement Opportunities

  6. Delivery & Other Technology Processes Developing Innovation Climates that Foster Transformative Changes in Construction Utilizing Mixed Reality to Redefine Engineering Deliverables to Improve Craft Efficiency Updating and Incentivizing the Use of Automated Work Packaging Use of 3D Printing Beyond Engineering and Design Workforce 2030: Recruiting the Next Generation of Construction Craft Professionals and Beyond Utilization of Sharing Economy Systems to Improve Utilization of Available Craft Workers Innovation Testbeds: Reducing Risk in Expanding the Productivity Frontier Improving Assets' Productivity through Life Cycle Assessment Productivity Beyond Hand Tools: The Use of Exoskeletons and other forms of Body Augmentation to Better Equip the Developing a Productivity Culture through Organizational Design Unlocking the Productivity Paradox through Big Data Collaboration Real Time Data Collection of Construction Crew Activities Improvement Way Construction is Done Redefining the Owner and Contractor Relation to Promote Innovations Fostering Productivity Cultures Leveraging Advancements in Materials Technology to Improve Productivity Streamlining the Project Development Process to Accelerate Delivery Methods Safety One Facility, Multiple Companies: Utilizing Facility Parks to Improve Capital Efficiency Enhancing Productivity Through Effective Safety Management Automated Materials Replenishment for Construction Understanding the Barriers in Racial and Gender Diversity in the U.S. Construction Systems Approach to Improving Capital Efficiency Improving Craft Performance through Competition Workforce and Developing Pathways to Overcome them The Utilization of Artificial Intelligence to Improve Construction Execution Human Advancing Parametric Design through Artificial Intelligence Performance Improving Engineering and Construction Collaboration through Mixed Reality Developing the Next Generation of Frontline Supervisors Improving Productivity through Design: Use of Standardization and Modularization Improving Predictive Analyses to Proactively Improve Productivity Defining Productivity Measures for Construction Redefining how we Train the Next Generation of Construction Craft Workers

  7. Research Framework Delivery & Technology Other Processes Develop Prioritization Roadmap Defines the Metrics for Improvement Workshops Productivity Research Slate Productivity Improvement Define the Productivity Frontier Methods Safety • Ability to improve direct work • Ability to improve unit rates Human • Feasibility to develop Performance • Feasibility to implement Identify New Ideas Brainstorming Workshops

  8. #25 Productivity 3 Cultures #2 Advanced Work #28 Next Gen Packaging 2 Supervisors #13 Info to Field at Productivity (Weighted, Deviation from Mean) #21 Standardization / … #8 Owner-Contractor Right Time, Format Relations #15 Craft Competition #22 Advances in 1 #27 Effective Safety Materials, Equip #3 Artificial Intelligence #4 Parametric Design #7 Body Augmentation #6 Training Craft #26 Definining … #14 … #24 Predictive #1 3D Printing Workers #29 Mixed Reality 0 Analyses #9 Real-Time Data #16 Innovation Collection Climates #5 Recruiting Craft #18 Sharing Economy Workers -1 Systems #23 Project Development #10 … #11 Diversity -2 #17 Innovation #19 Systems Approach Testbeds Cap. Eff. #20 Lifecycle Radius Corresponds to Familiarity -3 of Research Topic Assessment Larger Radius = More Familiar #12 Facility Parks -4 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 6. 7. Feasibility (Weighted, Adjusted for Familiarity, Deviation from Mean) 0

  9. #2 Advanced Work 3 #25 Productivity Packaging Cultures #28 Next Gen Supervisors High Productivity 2 #21 Standardization / … Productivity (Weighted, Deviation from Mean) #13 Info to Field at Impact and Right Time, Format #8 Owner-Contractor #15 Craft Competition High Feasibility Relations #22 Advances in 1 #27 Effective Safety Materials, Equip #3 Artificial Intelligence #4 Parametric Design #7 Body Augmentation #6 Training Craft #26 Definining … #14 Materials … #24 Predictive #1 3D Printing Workers #29 Mixed Reality 0 Analyses #9 Real-Time Data #16 Innovation Collection Climates #5 Recruiting Craft #18 Sharing Economy Workers -1 Systems #23 Project Development #10 … #11 Diversity -2 #17 Innovation #19 Systems Approach Testbeds Cap. Eff. #20 Lifecycle Radius Corresponds to Familiarity -3 Assessment of Research Topic Radius Corresponds to Familiarity Larger Radius = More Familiar of Research Topic #12 Facility Parks Larger Radius = More Familiar -4 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Feasibility (Weighted, Adjusted for Familiarity, Deviation from Mean)

  10. The Top 10 Research Topic Final Score 7.935 Increasing the Use of Advanced Work Packaging Fostering Productivity Cultures 7.387 Developing the Next Generation of Frontline Supervisors 7.387 Improving Craft Productivity by Providing Engineering Data to the Field at the Right Time 7.161 and in the Right Format 6.774 Improving Craft Productivity through Competition Redefining how we Train the Next Generation of Construction Craft Workers 6.677 Advancing Parametric Design through Artificial Intelligence 6.387 6.387 Improving Productivity through Design: Use of Standardization and Modularization 6.226 Redefining the Owner and Contractor Relation to Promote Innovation Leveraging Advancements in Materials and Equipment Technology to Improve Productivity 6.226 DCC-01

  11. Virtual Reality in Design, Construction, and Maintenance

  12. What is the future of VR in our industry? Collaborative Communication / Design & Issue Resolution Modify and Manipulate Model Data in VR Safety Planning & Site Logistics Schedule Optimization & Progress Monitoring

  13. Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) DEFINITION A computer-generated virtual simulation that is experienced through Head Mounted Displays (HMD) and other input/output devices.

  14. Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) KEY FEATURES Block the real world, provides immersive experience in virtual world

  15. Augmented Reality (AR) KEY FEATURE Overlay virtual world on the real world based on software settings, e.g., location information

  16. Mixed Reality (MR) KEY FEATURE Overlay virtual world on the real world based on technology understanding of the real world

  17. Immersive VR Implementation Guide for the Construction Industry

  18. What do I do? IMPLEMENTATION GUIDEBOOK • Planning • Tools Selection • Training • Model Preparation • Opportunities

  19. Implementation Strategy Strategy and Use Cases and Use Cases Hardware and Software Selection Training of Users and Developers 3D Model Preparation for the Immersive VR Environment Integration and Further Developments

  20. Implementation Strategy Hardware and Software and Use Cases Hardware and Software Selection Training of Users and Developers 3D Model Preparation for the Immersive VR Environment Integration and Further Developments

  21. Implementation Strategy Training Programs and Use Cases Hardware and Software Selection Training of Users and Developers 3D Model Preparation for the Immersive VR Environment Integration and Further Developments

  22. Implementation Strategy Model Preparation and Use Cases Hardware and Software Selection Training of Users and Developers 3D Model Preparation for the Immersive VR Environment Integration and Further Developments

  23. Implementation Strategy Future Developments and Use Cases Hardware and Software Selection Training of Users and Developers 3D Model Preparation for the Immersive VR Environment Integration and Future Developments

  24. REAL-WORLD VIRTUAL REALITY USE CASE Fluor Safety Training Program

  25. Fluor VR Safety Training - Fluor Life Critical Campaign Life Critical focus on the operations we execute that have the greatest potential for serious injury or fatality Cranes and rigging Working at height Motorized heavy equipment Trenching and excavations Motor vehicle operation Electrical work Material handling Hazardous energy control / line breaking Life Critical promotes our single most important goal Confined space entry - Protecting the lives of workers 25


  27. Other Relevant CII Initiatives

  28. CII Global Affiliates Program – The Goal (Create a Global Network) CII Members Headquartered in Blue Countries



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