Recent advances in gasification for waste-to-fuel applications Dr. Massimiliano Materazzi (PhD, CEng, MIChemE, FHEA) Department of Chemical Engineering, University College London, WC1E 7JE, London, UK Today’s Waste – Tomorrow’s Resource Tuesday 03 December 2019, IMechE HQ, Westminster, London, UK
The UK Fuel Networks role in a 2050 whole energy system We need low carbon, secure and affordable solutions Affordability for heat and transport (HGV, Aviation, Shipping) In its recent report, the CCC acknowledged that the UK has made good progress decarbonising the power sector, but ‘ almost no progress in the rest of the economy’ Security Sustainable drop-in fuels provide the lowest cost pathways to decarbonised heat and transport using existing infrastructure Sustainability ‘2050 Energy Scenarios The UK Gas Networks role in a 2050 whole energy system’ KPMG (2016) Feedstock should be cheap, abundant and not ‘Future of Gas’ National Grid (2016) compete with land for food production
Renewable Gas – Practical Decarbonisation World Class Low Cost Non-disruptive Low Carbon HGV Pathway to Gas Grid Low Carbon Heat Transport deeper savings 5 th C. budget requires 5 th C. budget High quality CO 2 17.5MtCO 2e savings by requires 10MtCO 2e captured in ≈80TWh of fossil gas savings from HGV process replacement by 2030 sector Low cost capture Heat pumps are expensive HGVs Emit over Delivering heat now of biogenic CO 2 and disruptive for 20% of transport and transport fuel for delivers negative consumers & require emissions with very the future emissions. Route substantial electricity limited other low to hydrogen. network reinforcement carbon solutions
Renewable Gas – Practical Decarbonisation Anaerobic Digestion: important 35 Domestic AD Biomethane 30 role, but limited by feedstock type Gas 25 Demand & availability Projects 20 15 BioSNG offers the potential to 10 exploit a much wider range of Domestic Gas 5 feedstocks Demand 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 The BioSNG process Syngas Production Feedstock Methanation Refining & Conditioning
The evolution towards BioSNG Edmonton GobiGas Dakota The largest SNG facility in the world, with 3GWth input capacity (producing ~200,000 Fuel: MSW. Steam-Oxy gasifier. Scale: Nm3/hr CH4), fuelled by lignite. Gasifiers: 100k tonns/year input, Technology: Lurgi Dry Ash with Rectisol gas cleaning. Has Enerkem Carbon capture fitted. Fuel: Wood pellets. Indirect gasifier. Waste-to-Alcohols Phase 1: 32MWth input, Technology: Repotec Biomass-to-Gas Power to Gas Coke oven gas (CO 2 meth.) Coal-to-Gas Methanation for gas cleaning (Ammonia synthesis, Hydrogen production, PEM fuel cells, etc.) 1902 1910 1925 2018 1950 1973 2000 2014 Sabatier Fischer- Oil crises patent Haber-Bosch Waste pilot Tropsche
The evolution towards BioSNG FEEDSTOCK The UK’s dominant biomass resource is waste derived. - - Globally no BioSNG projects using waste feedstock TECHNICAL CHALLENGES – Heterogeneous feedstock (size and composition) – Sensitivity to ash content (quantity and composition) – Tar yield – Provision of clean, high quality synthesis gas – Gas cleaning and Catalytic transformation at moderate scale , implicit in renewable resources DEVELOPMENT PATHWAY – The technical approach needs piloting and sustained operation – R&D efforts on new technologies
The gasification step Pyrolysis --------------- Gasification ---------------- Combustion Tars Liquid hydrocarbons Light gases Biomass RDF Steam Oxygen
The gasification step • Gasification by oxygen and steam • Suited to non-homogeneous feedstocks • Readily scalable • No need for fuel pellettization/torrefaction • Typically operate at 700-850ºC Ravenna (Italy) 200t/day Biomass RDF Fluidised Bed Plant RDF Challenges with operation on waste • Agglomeration risk (defluidization) > 100-10,000 mg/Nm 3 tar content • Bed clinker > 5-10 g/m 3 VOC, C <6 H x • • > 5-10 ppmv organic sulphur Tar condensates • Increase rates of ash deposition in the ducts Corrosive deposits on HTX and on heat transfer surfaces Steam Oxygen
X-Ray analysis of FBG at UCL Endogenous Waste bubble particle RDF particle devolatilization Materazzi, M. (2016). Conversion of biomass and waste fuels in fluidised bed reactors
Enhanced segregation from RDF… RDF Char-coal Materazzi, M. (2016). Conversion of biomass and waste fuels in fluidised bed reactors
… and solid drops
Plasma assisted gasification: a multi-disciplinary and multiphysics problem • Formed by DC or AC electric arcs, radio-frequency or microwave electromagnetic fields • Highly ionised (typically 100%, at least 5%) • Strong radiative emission • Local T gas = 2,000-20,000K (close to equilibrium) Highly electron density (~10 23 m -3 ) • • Very widely used in manufacturing and other industries (ash smelting, metal recovery, etc.) • Quick start-up, possibility to couple with renewable electricity
Thermal plasma reforming in DT furnaces Raw Syngas + DC Electricity Ash Graphite ~700 ⁰ C Electrode Refined Syngas Secondary steam/O 2 ~1200 ⁰ C Ash additives Slag ~1500 ⁰ C
The plasma-assisted gasification process • Tars are converted overwhelmingly to CO and H 2 • Organic-S is less than 500 ppbv, i.e. ~ 93% less than that of a conventional FBG gasifier • Ash is collected mostly as inert material • Carbon to carbon conversion efficiency >96%
The Pilot Plant
BioSNG PILOT PLANT (50 kWth) Project Three year programme to establish technical, environmental and commercial viability of BioSNG production from waste and residues. Successfully completed March 2017. Overall cost £5m (£4m EU and UK grants).
Pilot plant configuration Gasification plant ~100 kg/h RDF (GCV:22.1 MJ/kg) T: 830 ⁰ C (1S) – 1150 ⁰ C (2S) ER: 0.33-0.38 S/O: 2.5-3 mol Energy conversion eff.: 73-76% H 2 /CO = 1.0-1.2 Tar reforming efficiency: +99% Ash in slag product: 56-63% wt. BioSNG Syngas in: 10-20 kg/h BioSNG plant Syngas to BioSNG efficiency: 70-75% CO 2 removal efficiency: +99% CO2
Feedstock RDF (as received) Description: Proximate analysis, % (w/w) Fixed carbon 6.4 Volatile matter 59.6 Ash 19.1 Moisture 14.9 Ultimate analysis, % (w/w) C 41.0 H 5.7 O 17.5 N 1.2 S 0.2 Cl 0.4 GCV, MJ/kg (dry basis) 22.1 ROC: > 60% wt. biomass content in the feedstock RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel)
Category Design Point Lower limit Upper limit Paper (wt%) 30.36 19.47 64.00 Plastic Film (wt%) 5.72 3.55 17.80 Dense Plastics (wt%) 8.38 5.50 16.20 Textiles (wt%) 3.64 0.20 8.17 Disposable Nappies (wt%) 4.91 0.00 8.00 Misc Combustible (wt%) 6.40 2.29 10.92 Misc Non-Combustible (wt%) 6.08 0.00 8.93 Glass (wt%) 7.01 0.60 11.00 Putrescible (wt%) 16.82 3.00 27.00 Ferrous (wt%) 6.61 1.10 11.69 Non-ferrous (wt%) 1.96 0.60 2.90 Fines (wt%) 2.13 1.00 5.50 Total 100.00 CV (MJ/kg) 10.05 9.08 13.62 RDF biomass content (wt%) 67.7 49.1 80.1 RDF biomass content (energy%) 64.1 39.9 79.8
Syngas quality Methanation trials Stored 35 Quality Parameter: Concentration (vol.%) syngas 30 Composition: CO 2 H 2 vol.% 35.77 25 CO vol.% 33.20 20 CO 2 vol.% 23.54 15 CO vol.% 1.67 CH 4 vol.% 0.89 H 2 O 10 Other vol.% 4.90 CH 4 5 Energy Analysis 0 NCV MJ/kg 8.75 0.00 50.00 100.00 Time on stream (mm:ss)
4-day methanation with waste- derived syngas …
Spent catalysts analysis Temperature Programmed Oxidation (TPO) analysis of the catalyst samples from the first methanation reactor clearly showed that during trials almost no polymeric carbon was formed nor detectable sulphur was deposited. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showing Ni particles (black) and surface carbon SEM image (X470) with Back-scattered electrons (BSE)
Final BioSNG product GS(M)R Pilot CH4 100% Outlet Composition (Vol.%) 90% CO < 50 mg/m 3 Sulphur None 80% H2 0.1 – 1.5% 70% H 2 < 0.1 % (molar) CO2 60% < 0.2 % (molar) None O 2 H2O 50% 40% N2 > 47,2 MJ/m 3 35.0-41.6 Wobbe 30% < 51,4 MJ/m 3 MJ/m 3 20% (pre-enrichment) 10% 0% Other No liquid below None HT Shift MTH-1 MTH-2 MTH-3 PSA (BioSNG) impurities HC dewpoint
Pathways to deeper decarbonization
Pilot plant configuration Gasification plant BioSNG plant
Pilot plant configuration Gasification plant BioH2 BioH2 plant CO + H 2 O <-> H 2 + CO 2 CO2
A Pathway to deep carbon savings 300 KGCO2EQ/MWH 243 200 220.58 100 121 46 0 Natural gas H2 Electrolysis SMR+CCS BioH2 BioH2+CCS -100 -200 -322 -300 -400
A Pathway to deep carbon savings - 100 - 200 - 300
Summary GASIFICATION WILL ENABLE THE CONVERSION OF THE UK’S LARGEST SOURCE OF RENEWABLE CARBON TO ALTERNATIVE FUELS TO MEET HEAT & TRANSPORT DEMAND. Challenges: • The technical approach needs piloting and sustained operation on real waste • R&D efforts for new technologies to increase availability
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