raising family awareness of title i

Raising Family Awareness of Title I Purpose The purpose of this - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Raising Family Awareness of Title I Purpose The purpose of this presentation is to provide and overview of the Every Student Succeeds Act(ESSA) as well as the grant funding received by Title I schools as a result of this legislation (formerly

  1. Raising Family Awareness of Title I

  2. Purpose The purpose of this presentation is to provide and overview of the Every Student Succeeds Act(ESSA) as well as the grant funding received by Title I schools as a result of this legislation (formerly known as No Child Left Behind).

  3. Historical Background • Originally enacted the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 by President Lyndon Johnson in his “War on Poverty”. • Developed to provide equal access to high quality education, high standards, and accountability. • The law provides federal funds to educational entities that improve learning for children identified as “at risk”. • Reauthorized as a new law in 2002 known as the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act.

  4. Historical Background • In 2012 Virginia was one of the states allowed to change how the law is enacted which allowed for more flexibility regarding implementation without compromising accountability. • Reauthorized as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) by President Obama thereby replacing the No Child Left Behind Act in 2015. • The 2017-2018 school year is the first year the law is in full effect.

  5. Department of State and Federal Programs Director of State and Federal Programs April Blunt Administrative Assistant Tamika Freeland School Improvement and Data Coordinator Kalota Stewart-Gurley Youth Development and Family Engagement Supervisor Brandon Jones

  6. What is Title I • Title I is the designated reference for particular funding from ESSA. • It provides money to states and school districts to meet the needs of educationally at-risk students. • Funds from Title I must be used in schools with the highest concentration of students from low-income families (approximately 21 million students in the United States).

  7. Title I Purpose • Ensures that all students have a fair and equal opportunity to obtain a high quality education and achieve proficiency on state standards of quality. • Supplements the school district’s instructional goals by supporting those students most at risk of failing the state’s performance standards. • Supplement not Supplant! Funds are meant to support state/local funds.

  8. Where does the money go? Title I School Funds • Academic interventions • Instruction by properly licensed and endorsed teachers/specialists • Family Engagement team to increase parent and family engagement, a required component of ESSA legislation. • Professional development opportunities

  9. Parents’ Right to Know • As a parent of a student in as school receiving Title I funds, you have the right to know the professional qualifications of the classroom teachers instructing your child. • If you would like to receive any of this information, please contact the Director of Human Resources, either by phone at 804-862- 7054, or in writing at Petersburg Public Schools, Administrative Building, 255 South Boulevard East, Petersburg, VA 23805.

  10. How can you work with us to improve our schools? • PAC/PTA • DPAC • Volunteer • Attend school events in support of your student’s learning • Visit your school’s Parent Resource Center

  11. Active Parental Involvement: School Compact Form - School • Provide a high-quality effective learning environment that is safe and that enables the student to meet the State’s student academic achievement standards • Provide ongoing two-way communication between teachers and parents through parent-teacher-student conferences and frequent reports to parents • Provide reasonable access to staff through an “open door” policy • Provide opportunities for parents to volunteer and participate in their child’s class and observe classroom activities • Provide a mutually respectful relationship between all parties (students, parents, teachers, and volunteers)

  12. Active Parental Involvement: School Compact Form - Parent • Support my child’s learning by ensuring that he/she has proper rest and nutrition and attends school on time and on a regular basis • Support my child’s learning by reading with him/her • Help set a positive tone for learning with my child • Strive to make positive use of my time with my child (“quality” one-on-one time) • Participate in decisions relating to the education of my child through a mutually respectful relationship with school staff • Provide a mutually respectful relationship between all parties (students, parents, teachers, and volunteers) • Provide a time for homework completion (“perfect practice”) • Support my child’s class/school (i.e. helping in class/school, volunteering in my child’s classroom/school, communicating with my child’s teachers, attending school events when possible, etc.) • Participate, to the extent possible, on policy advisory groups, such as the Parent Advisory Council and the District Parent Advisory Council

  13. Active Parental Involvement: School Compact Form - Student • Respect and cooperate with all adults at the school • Come to class on time and prepared to work • Complete all assignments to the best of my ability • Respect the rights of others to learn without disruption • Respect property that does not belong to me • Spend time daily at home on studying and reading • Give my parents, or the adult who is responsible for my welfare, all notices and information received by me from my school

  14. Questions


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